Faith Londo
F | 40-49 | Titusville, FL (United States)Groups: #frc, #fanthropy, #hellhounds
Faith's log
#weirdnotstupid×137, #runliketiamat…×89, #humblefam×84, #boositup×63, #slytherwin×24, #hiddlesvarian…×18, #releasethehid…×18, #hogwartsrunni…×17, #onelasttime×17, #glitterbomb×11, #marthadeserve…×11, #onetwoniffler…×11, #runsandships×11, #slytheratipar…×11, #slytherrun×11, #hyperactivevi…×10, #vipernoodle×10, #therunwhereit…×9, #tobtrta×9, #riseup×8, #cardino×6, #chaotictoddle…×6, #fryupfriars×6, #hamilrun×6, #pitchslap×6, #runforgreg×6, #runfromgreg×6, #sontarrun×6, #bardicinspira…×5, #cap×5, #forthemuppets×5, #frythefriars×5, #ganggreengang×5, #nursenoodle×5, #runningtothec…×5, #stinglikeajac…×5, #alwayswatching×4, #inducedhalluc…×4, #milesforanu×4, #alwayswalken×3, #donutsfornorm×3, #milesforwilf×3, #nokissykissy×3, #runforinitiat…×3, #runningoutoft…×3, #vacationmiles×3, #walkingforwilf×3, #justkeepslyth…×2, #runforinspira…×2, #whnhft×2 … >>

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