Sara Santana
F | 30-39 | Pomona, CA (United States)Groups: #2021phrcravenclaw, #2021phrc, #2021frc, #austentatious, #defyinggravity, #rowenaseagles2020
Bio: I am 35 years old, Mexican-Irish, short, liberal, tattooed, loud, proudly bisexual, and a total cat lady. I love reading, writing, eating cupcakes, watching baseball, listening to music, binging all the good TV stuff and running. I live in Southern California physically but my mind is always in a fictional place. I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in May of 2018 and it set me along a brand new path of getting healthy and being active.
Sara's log
#flyfirstclass×26, #runlikemrcoll…×23, #defyinggravity×18, #hustlethatbus…×18, #imthisyearspi…×18, #wevegotanawfu…×18, #dancingthroug…×17, #defyingracery×17, #forgood×17, #summoningmiles×17, #dancingthroug…×16, #teamelphie×16, #wickedwalkers×16, #runnersincomi…×15, #shadowandbone×15, #runsummoners×14, #shouldvebroug…×14, #thelittlecamp…×14, #crossingthefo…×11, #doitfordarcy×11, #herebedragons×11, #milesforlunam…×11, #milesincoming×11, #somethingcrazy×11, #uselessreptile×11, #werevikings×11, #buggingout×10, #foramy×10, #occupationalh…×10, #painloveit×10, #seriousburns×10, #toughlikedrag…×10, #toughlikeviki…×10, #wehavedragons×10, #mashitout×9, #swampjuice×9, #nightcrew×8, #ravenmash×8, #strideandprej…×7, #austentatious…×6, #bonnetbrigade×6, #fondofwalking×6, #forgloryandbo…×5, #hustleyourbus…×5, #theonlywayout…×5, #battlepettico…×4, #crazycatmomwa…×4, #sotired×4, #theultimategi…×4, #battlebonnets×3, #flockaflockaf…×3, #janeausten×3, #lastday×3, #rowenaseagles×3, #soartosore×3, #soretosoar×3, #youmatter×3, #yourenotalone×3, #flockingaweso…×2, #iliketowalk×2, #janeite×2, #kittywalks×2, #shouldhavebro…×2, #takeaturnabou…×2, #ultimateginger×2 … >>

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