Pauletta's log
#paulettaac×555, #higherfurther…×79, #paulettaclaw×70, #allthisforaba…×58, #legsmiserables×58, #oneracemore×58, #awesomewow×52, #2460run×50, #francefrancer…×50, #onewingtorule×49, #allthisforalo…×47, #runrunrunasfa…×44, #mythsnmiles×42, #noisycrickets×40, #runanotherday×39, #rungame×36, #riseup×34, #joggingforjar…×32, #knowourworth×32, #iknowwhatwere…×29, #friendswaffle…×28, #scaringiscari…×27, #murderymiles×26, #poweredbydip×26, #excelsior×23, #onyourleft×20, #therunwhereit…×15, #gettheracewon×12, #hordeofthewin…×10, #thatsacap×5, #paulettacaryl×2 … >>

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