Rachel Barsness
F | 40-49 | Seattle, WA (United States)Groups: #ravenclaw, #rowenassoaringeagles, #teamsalty, #teamtorchwood, #fleshman_flyers
Bio: Graphic designer by trade; runner, reader, Disney fanatic, and AC islander by hobby. Running everyday so I remember to leave the house while working from home. 😆
Rachel's log
#totesmcgoats×24, #buttheads×22, #goatsforglory×15, #wegoatthis×11, #ccfp×6, #goatlife×3, #hereigoatagain×3, #rollinonout×3, #stillherestil…×3, #beastmode×2, #getalltheguins×2, #huffletuff×2, #onehrc×2, #stillrollin×2 … >>

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