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Rajeev's log

  • RajeevKumar EMEA-GFS-PS Mar 19, 2024
    101.1 miles
    03/19/2024 3.0 miles of walking = 3.0 miles
    03/18/2024 90.0 minutes of badminton, competitive = 8.7 miles
    03/17/2024 90.0 minutes of badminton, competitive = 8.7 miles
    03/17/2024 120.0 minutes of yard Work - push mowing lawn, raking leaves, etc. = 7.0 miles
    03/15/2024 90.0 minutes of badminton, competitive = 8.7 miles
    03/14/2024 60.0 minutes of badminton, competitive = 5.8 miles
    03/13/2024 90.0 minutes of badminton, competitive = 8.7 miles
    03/12/2024 5.0 miles of walking = 5.0 miles
    03/11/2024 90.0 minutes of badminton, competitive = 8.7 miles
    03/10/2024 4.0 hours of yard Work - push mowing lawn, raking leaves, etc. = 14.0 miles
    03/10/2024 120.0 minutes of badminton, competitive = 11.5 miles
    03/08/2024 60.0 minutes of badminton, competitive = 5.8 miles
    03/08/2024 60.0 minutes of badminton, competitive = 5.8 miles
    - Epsom, UK
     Longest personal run/walk.  Passed 1542 participants moving EMEA-GFS-PS into #24.

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