.5 am .5 lunch walk. Impossible to enjoy a poopy walk with this heat and the burning sun. My pooch dont like it. Exceot if there are squirrels around, but there a not, they are also hiding at lunch time
Such a hot day. We did not walk much, but he was out with me at the beer garden most of the day, until the band at the Blob Fest started playing. It was a very horrible situation for pooch. We left after 5 min, trying to wait for the people from the theather do the run out like the movie.
#164 fundraiser.
#13 team fundraisers.
Passed 1 athlete.
#164 fundraiser.
#13 team fundraisers.
9th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.
Longest personal streak grows to 13 days at 9.24 miles/day.
Passed 2 athletes.