After I checked in at my gate had some time to get a quick walk in around the terminal. No escalators or moving sidewalks involved. Farewell USA. Great job team!
Longest personal streak grows to 11 days.
Passed 1 runner.
I feel like we have started moving faster across Texas than driving...because when you run at 200 slythersneks per hour... Glad I was able to finish in time to help push through Houston traffic. Good job #dangernoodles!
Longest personal streak grows to 10 days.
Passed 9 runners.
Parked on the opposite side of the store I needed to go to at the outlet mall. *paused as soon as I got to the store. Alas, the store did not have the running shoes I needed.
This race is making me hungry. One of my friends surprised me by dropping coffee off with me at the five mile mark for a caffeine boost. Find my friends has some great uses. :)
Longest personal streak grows to 4 days.
Passed 36 runners.
Was planning to do the full 8, but a friend showed up with a cup of ice water and I took her up on a ride home. Will finish the rest when it cools off.