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Georgia's log

  • RunDropRun JLL Kilo Mar 30, 2021
    4.8 miles
    4.8 miles of running/Walking = 4.8 miles
     #141 fundraiser.  #59 team fundraisers.  Passed 379 athletes.
  • RunDropRun JLL Kilo Mar 29, 2021
    4.8 miles
    4.8 miles of running/Walking = 4.8 miles
    run/ walk with dog Zuri-
     #135 fundraiser.  #56 team fundraisers.  Longest personal exercise.  Passed 358 athletes.
  • RunDropRun JLL Kilo Mar 27, 2021
    4.5 miles
    4.5 miles of running/Walking = 4.5 miles
     #134 fundraiser.  #55 team fundraisers.  Longest personal exercise.  Passed 397 athletes moving JLLKilo into #198.
  • RunDropRun JLL Kilo Mar 25, 2021
    2.0 miles
    2.0 miles of running/Walking = 2.0 miles
     #132 fundraiser.  #52 team fundraisers.  Passed 362 athletes moving JLLKilo into #209.
    Did not run on the road today but I completed 2 miles walking at a client site; in the rain; working on a sink hole in the parking lot. Secure the area/ get contractors to the site etc. Thinking of skills the military forces provides for these situations. I am counting my 2 miles today even though I did not have on my running shoes.
  • RunDropRun JLL Kilo Mar 24, 2021
    2.0 miles
    2.0 miles of running/Walking = 2.0 miles
    Run/ walk 2 miles tonight and 50 minutes of Pilates.
     #132 fundraiser.  #51 team fundraisers.  2nd Longest personal exercise.  Passed 393 athletes moving JLLKilo into #287.
  • RunDropRun JLL Kilo Mar 24, 2021
    3.2 miles
    3.2 miles of running/Walking = 3.2 miles
    First day mileage from last night. ;-) Thinking of the commitment of Women in the forces.
     #127 fundraiser.  #79 team fundraisers.  Longest personal exercise.  Passed 605 athletes moving JLLKilo into #294.
  • RunDropRun JLL Kilo Mar 22, 2021
    $100 from Georgia Droppelman
     #118 fundraiser.
    @RunDropRun Thank you for your generous donation.

Awards and current bibs