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Jennie's log

#backlog×599, #stumblinaway×80, #procrastiracer×77, #facaf×70, #inamileortwoo…×62, #wellbecominfo…×62, #rumblebacklog×56, #nokidhungry×48, #willrunforfoo…×48, #forallyson×47, #bootytrap×46, #forwilly×46, #thisisourtime×46, #slickshoes×45, #yousmelllikep…×45, #aaaaahhhhhaaa…×43, #mightycatmiles×43, #cottonheadedr…×42, #swirlytwirlym…×42, #andtheniwalke…×41, #bigdamnheroes×41, #milesaremyfav…×41, #omgahashtag×41, #shiny×41, #yessircapntig…×41, #lunchbreaklaps×39, #allelfedup×34, #bunchofblunde…×33, #cauldrunrunrun×33, #munchingsandc…×33, #takemeontothe…×33, #beyourownhero×29, #dancingthroug…×29, #defygravity×29, #throughaccept…×29, #midnightmiles×28, #wevegotanawfu…×28, #forgood×27, #playingcatchup×27, #unlimited×27, #whatstarsdobe…×27, #clashingsands…×26, #fightingsands…×26, #gashingsandba…×26, #gurgisgroupies×26, #runamok×26, #seekingsandpe…×26, #skyponyexpress×26, #stillshiningb…×26, #teamsquishies×26, #walkingsandst…×26, #wingingit×26, #strideoftheva…×25, #sochupalicious×24, #teampegacycle×24, #walkthisway×24, #apocolypsemil…×23, #frankenllama×23, #icouldhavepra…×23, #ithinkwewillr…×23, #wecantallcome…×23, #grootitonout×21, #botfbabblingc…×20, #scaringiscari…×20, #shelikessequi…×20, #iworkharddelo…×19, #sansculottes×19, #canttakethesk…×18, #chickenponies×18, #upsettscreek×18, #covidmiles×17, #iheardarumor×17, #nevereverever…×17, #bigdirtybadger×16, #disgruntledll…×16, #hellogoodbye×16, #hereforkennys…×16, #turnthecastle…×16, #adiposse×15, #badgerup×15, #francefrancer…×15, #pegaposse×15, #anditgoeslike…×14, #holdmybroom×14, #lovingsandsho…×14, #witchplease×14, #dancingthroug…×13, #easeondownthe…×13, #foodfight×13, #legsmiserables×13, #omgagain×13, #forcowsette×12, #vacationwalks×12, #wreckitrex×12, #broccoli×11, #chaoscookiess…×11, #howboutthemap…×11, #itschupalicio…×11, #scarygoodente…×11, #chaoscookiesi…×10, #eatmyozdust×10, #herewegoagain×10, #whathumpbump×10, #zanytothemax×10, #procrastiraci…×9, #ratpack×9, #stealashoutout×9, #teamwiththepo…×9, #theworldendsi…×9, #wellcmonfeet×9, #bringonthemon…×8, #chasingdonuts×8, #igotacaptoday×8, #milesforchris…×8, #norestonaquest×8, #runningonnect…×8, #totallyinsaney×8, #walkscript×8, #whatstarsdo×8, #cameinlikeatw…×7, #cappingsandna…×7, #dontyoueversl…×7, #forhiddles×7, #powerpacing×7, #unprecetedent…×7, #variantsevery…×7, #barricade×6, #latenightrave…×6, #restday×6, #thatsacap×6, #blazingatrail×5, #capfive×5, #capfour×5, #capone×5, #chaoscookies×5, #elfitup×5, #jackobauer×5, #ncnp×5, #streakdaytwen…×5, #streakdaytwen…×5, #theworldendsi…×5, #thirdornothing×5, #ahhhhhaaaaaaa…×4, #breaktimetour×4, #cappinginthed…×4, #didntwedothis…×4, #evenaftergett…×4, #homestretch×4, #ineffablerace…×4, #jbchallenge×4, #lunchlaps×4, #mcbadassonthe…×4, #milesforbrady×4, #milesforchris×4, #milesforg×4, #nomorecovid×4, #northcascades…×4, #poweroutagepa…×4, #smackingsandw…×4, #streakday5×4, #streakdaytwen…×4, #thanksforthef…×4, #thanksnox×4, #theworldendsi…×4, #airportpacing×3, #borkedknee×3, #breakfastbrea…×3, #breaktimelaps×3, #breaktimemiles×3, #capnine×3, #cappitycap×3, #chaoscookiesg…×3, #chaoscookiesi…×3, #comimginlikea…×3, #cominginlikea…×3, #dayoff×3, #felixfelicis×3, #flyingtothefi…×3, #forgottologse…×3, #fornora×3, #gasparillaadv…×3, #humpbumpsacri…×3, #injurymiles×3, #itsabeautiful…×3, #itsareallynic…×3, #itstooearlyfo…×3, #legsmiserable×3, #livefrombattl…×3, #mcbadasscooki…×3, #midnightmile×3, #mightyandbitey×3, #milesforbever…×3, #milesforpenny×3, #milesforritch…×3, #milesforval×3, #mileswithgram…×3, #notabacklog×3, #omgbrianiknow…×3, #onelastcap×3, #procrastipaci…×3, #procrastirapt…×3, #runscript×3, #runscriptrun×3, #sanculottes×3, #saunteringvag…×3, #shouldhavebee…×3, #sprinttothefi…×3, #startingstrong×3, #streakday11×3, #streakday13×3, #streakday15×3, #streakday16×3, #streakday6×3, #streakday7×3, #strongandloop…×3, #takingoverbat…×3, #thatsafrenchc…×3, #theworldendsa…×3, #theworldendsi…×3, #theworldendst…×3, #tipsymiles×3, #toomanymanual…×3, #werunasone×3, #whoami×3, #100milebadgeo…×2, #airportmiles×2, #barricaders4l…×2, #breaktimehosp…×2, #capthree×2, #carbohydrated…×2, #chaoscookiesi…×2, #cooldown×2, #correctionpost×2, #deadgarmin×2, #disgruntledba…×2, #dropitlikeits…×2, #effgarmin×2, #extendedcut×2, #finishingstro…×2, #finishstrong×2, #garmindidit×2, #gasparillaerr…×2, #gasparillahalf×2, #gasparillatra…×2, #gonnacaptoday×2, #happybirthday…×2, #happynewyear×2, #heyyouguys×2, #howdoyouliket…×2, #isawacattoday×2, #itbegins×2, #jbflunkie×2, #legendary×2, #legendaryrelay×2, #lostmymojo×2, #lunchtimelaps×2, #milesfordakota×2, #newstreakday2×2, #notprocrastir…×2, #ohwhatacelebr…×2, #onaquesttofin…×2, #onedonut×2, #pajamalaps×2, #peopledodging×2, #poweredbybread×2, #powerhournumb…×2, #raceryisstill…×2, #ragemiles×2, #sickracerybra…×2, #smutmiles×2, #stayawaydemen…×2, #stealingashou…×2, #stillshingbri…×2, #streakday10×2, #streakday12×2, #streakday3×2, #streakday4×2, #streakday8×2, #streakday9×2, #streakdaytwen…×2, #teheetvoordez…×2, #thatsajenniec…×2, #thefinishline…×2, #theworldendsi…×2, #vivelefrance×2, #westcoastbest…×2, #whatstatsdobe…×2, #woof×2, #youhavenopowe…×2 … >>

  • StarryEyedLlama Feb 24
    15.0 miles
     2nd Longest personal streak grows to 141 days at 5.42 miles/day.  🔥 Extends streak to 141 days.  Passed 1 athlete.
  • StarryEyedLlama Feb 23
    14.0 miles
     4th Longest personal exercise of this race.  4th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  2nd Longest personal streak grows to 140 days at 5.34 miles/day.  🔥 Extends streak to 140 days.  Passed 2 athletes.
  • StarryEyedLlama Feb 23
    1.0 miles
     2nd Longest personal streak grows to 140 days at 5.25 miles/day.  🔥 Extends streak to 140 days.  Passed 2 athletes.
  • StarryEyedLlama Feb 22
    14.1 miles
     3rd Longest personal exercise of this race.  3rd Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  2nd Longest personal streak grows to 139 days at 5.27 miles/day.  🔥 Extends streak to 139 days.  10th Longest personal exercise.  Passed 4 athletes.
  • StarryEyedLlama Feb 22
    0.9 miles
     2nd Longest personal streak grows to 139 days at 5.18 miles/day.  🔥 Extends streak to 139 days.
  • StarryEyedLlama Feb 21
    8.2 miles
     7th Longest personal exercise of this race.  6th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  2nd Longest personal streak grows to 138 days at 5.16 miles/day.  🔥 Extends streak to 138 days.  Passed 3 athletes.
  • StarryEyedLlama Feb 21
     2nd Longest personal streak grows to 138 days at 5.10 miles/day.  🔥 Extends streak to 138 days.
  • StarryEyedLlama Feb 21
     2nd Longest personal streak grows to 138 days at 5.11 miles/day.  🔥 Extends streak to 138 days.
  • StarryEyedLlama Feb 21
     8th Longest personal exercise of this race.  7th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  2nd Longest personal streak grows to 138 days at 5.13 miles/day.  🔥 Extends streak to 138 days.  Passed 2 athletes.
  • StarryEyedLlama Feb 20
    13.5 miles
     3rd Longest personal exercise of this race.  3rd Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  2nd Longest personal streak grows to 137 days at 5.13 miles/day.  🔥 Extends streak to 137 days.  Passed 1 athlete.
  • StarryEyedLlama Feb 20
    0.5 miles
     2nd Longest personal streak grows to 137 days at 5.03 miles/day.  🔥 Extends streak to 137 days.
  • StarryEyedLlama Feb 20
    1.0 miles
     2nd Longest personal streak grows to 137 days at 5.03 miles/day.  🔥 Extends streak to 137 days.
  • StarryEyedLlama Feb 19
    11.0 miles
     2nd Longest personal streak grows to 136 days at 5.04 miles/day.  🔥 Extends streak to 136 days.  Passed 1 athlete.
  • StarryEyedLlama Feb 19
    3.0 miles
     10th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  2nd Longest personal streak grows to 136 days at 4.98 miles/day.  🔥 Extends streak to 136 days.
  • StarryEyedLlama Feb 19
    1.0 miles
     2nd Longest personal streak grows to 136 days at 4.96 miles/day.  🔥 Extends streak to 136 days.
  • StarryEyedLlama Feb 18
    4.4 miles
     6th Longest personal exercise of this race.  5th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  2nd Longest personal streak grows to 135 days at 4.91 miles/day.  🔥 Extends streak to 135 days.  Passed 3 athletes.
  • StarryEyedLlama Feb 18
    1.0 miles
     2nd Longest personal streak grows to 135 days at 4.89 miles/day.  🔥 Extends streak to 135 days.  Passed 1 athlete.
  • StarryEyedLlama Feb 18
    5.0 miles
     6th Longest personal exercise of this race.  5th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  2nd Longest personal streak grows to 135 days at 4.92 miles/day.  🔥 Extends streak to 135 days.  Passed 3 athletes.
  • StarryEyedLlama Feb 18
    0.5 miles
     2nd Longest personal streak grows to 135 days at 4.88 miles/day.  🔥 Extends streak to 135 days.
  • StarryEyedLlama Feb 18
    4.0 miles
     6th Longest personal exercise of this race.  5th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  2nd Longest personal streak grows to 135 days at 4.91 miles/day.  🔥 Extends streak to 135 days.  Passed 3 athletes.
  • see more...

Active races

Start: 1/1/25 | End: 12/31/25
Exercise 365 miles in 365 days!

Jennie's personal tracking

8507.9 mi since 04/09/18

Awards and current bibs