Michelle Cramer
F | 30-39 | Murphy, TX (United States)Groups: #wrc, #frc, #phrc, #facesofboe, #tothepain, #runmagicrun, #viperactive, #teamshiny, #outforawalk, #supergreen, #sgrun
Bio: I love you all
Michelle's log
#fandimonium×80, #cominginhot×19, #teamwiththepo…×16, #slayallday×9, #fandimodium×8, #andimdead×6, #doitforhiddles×6, #jackbauer×6, #multipass×6, #meatpopsicle×5, #4jonathan×2, #frythefriars×2, #mamamiles×2, #supergreen×2 … >>

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