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Vincent's log

  • VinnyMase JLL Foxtrot Mar 30, 2021
    3.4 miles
    3.4 miles of running/Walking = 3.4 miles
    Walk to Home Depot on Nostrand - Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn, NY, USA
     #2257 fundraiser.  #219 team fundraisers.  3rd Longest personal exercise.  Passed 278 athletes.
  • VinnyMase JLL Foxtrot Mar 29, 2021
    1.8 miles
    1.8 miles of running/Walking = 1.8 miles
    Walk down Eastern Parkway - Brooklyn, NY, USA
     #2236 fundraiser.  #216 team fundraisers.  6th Longest personal exercise.  Passed 167 athletes moving JLLFoxtrot into #273.
  • VinnyMase JLL Foxtrot Mar 27, 2021
    2.4 miles
    2.4 miles of running/Walking = 2.4 miles
    Walk to and from Brower Park - Brower Park, Prospect Place, Brooklyn, NY, USA
     #2236 fundraiser.  #216 team fundraisers.  4th Longest personal exercise.  Passed 148 athletes moving JLLFoxtrot into #155.
  • VinnyMase JLL Foxtrot Mar 25, 2021
    2.2 miles
    2.2 miles of running/Walking = 2.2 miles
    walk to Mr. Kiwi and back
     #2198 fundraiser.  #211 team fundraisers.  3rd Longest personal exercise.  Passed 84 athletes moving JLLFoxtrot into #207.
    Looks like you found a way to hit your mileage LOL!
    We started running and walking everywhere. Thank you so much for setting this up. It has gotten me back active again!!! @DSHo
  • VinnyMase JLL Foxtrot Mar 25, 2021
    2.8 miles
    2.8 miles of running/Walking = 2.8 miles
    - Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn, NY, USA
     #2213 fundraiser.  #214 team fundraisers.  3rd Longest personal exercise.  Passed 66 athletes moving JLLFoxtrot into #99.
  • VinnyMase JLL Foxtrot Mar 24, 2021
    7.0 miles
    7.0 miles of running/Walking = 7.0 miles
    Run/walk to Prospect park - ran transverse trail. Run/walk back home to bedstuy
     #2198 fundraiser.  #211 team fundraisers.  2nd Longest personal exercise.  Passed 123 athletes moving JLLFoxtrot into #46.
  • VinnyMase JLL Foxtrot Mar 23, 2021
    9.0 miles
    9.0 miles of running/Walking = 9.0 miles
    Run Walk from home to prospect park - Prospect Park, Brooklyn, NY, USA
     #2198 fundraiser.  #211 team fundraisers.  Longest personal exercise.

Awards and current bibs