Carrboro Coffee Roasters located in Chapel Hill, Durham and Carrboro NC, wanted create a custom Racery route that coincided with owner, Scott Conary’s, visit to Honduras and their coffee farm in Finca San Jose. Using Twitter, Facebook and email to invite customers to participate, Carrboro Coffee Roasters succeeded in reaching over 30 signups.
Over the course of the race Carrboro Coffee Roasters wanted to share with runners, beautiful images and information about the route. Below are a few of the images and dialogue shared with the racers!

“When you get to Finca San Jose, Arnold’s father is there to greet you with a shirt and a name you might recognize!”

“Your Hosts are equally at home speaking French and Spanish (Arnold’s father studied medicine in France,) and Arnold’s English is great. They will be happy to take you on a tour that shows you every aspect of coffee cultivation & processing. So feel at home; take a rest and enjoy some freshly grown, roasted and brewed coffee!”