Q. What’s your longest run?
31 miles
Q. Do you have any dream races or dream runs you aim to complete someday?
NYC Marathon
Q. Do you run often with other people or alone?
More times with others, it’s what makes running great
Q. What or who inspires you to run.. even on the hard days?
I put a hard goal in front of me, scary enough that skipping a workout is not an option
Q. Do you remember the first moment you felt “like a runner”?
Once a season, I feel it while I’m running – the change from being in training to feeling like a strong athlete. It takes several months to get to this point!
Q. How do you measure success as a runner?
When running 6 miles is no big deal, also when I PR a time or distance goal.
Q. What’s the coolest connection you’ve made because of running?
Handfuls of friends in Boca Raton
Q. What role does RunWithMe play?
RunWithMe has taken me to another level.
Q. How does running fit into your schedule?
Dark and early in the morning, or just around daybreak!
Q. What’s your favorite thing to think about or talk about while running?
Dreams and goals
Q. What’s one word that best describes what/how running makes you feel?