If your company wants to host a virtual fitness challenge that’s inclusive, we’re ready to help!
While many fitness challenges focus only on runners or walkers, Racery recognizes all types of activities. The more people you can involve in your company’s challenge, the more motivation and chatter you’ll generate.

A participant just specifies an activity — from running to bowling to wheelchairing to dancing — and logs much time was spent. Racery automatically converts her/his exercise into miles on one of our many virtual race routes. We’ve got routes in locations ranging from Paris to the Yukon to the Moon.
You can test Racery’s core motivational features for free with a 7-day virtual race through the French Alps.
Since many people don’t necessarily run or walk for exercise, this flexibility is particularly important for company fitness challenges that need to be inclusive, reaching beyond the 5% of staff who are already recognized athletes.
Here’s an example: To complete a 26.2 virtual marathon around London the participants in your Racery challenge can use 3.4 hours of rock climbing. Or 5.25 hours of hand cycling. Or 4.6 hours of tennis. Ambitious staff can complete the loop as many times as they want in the month.
Racery can power whatever kind of achievements — growth, streaks, longest distance, total miles? — your company wants to encourage.
What are you waiting for? It takes just a couple of minutes to start a free test of Racery’s core motivational features in a test virtual race!
Or if you’ve already participated in one of our virtual races, pick from our assortment of virtual races and challenges. Or you can build your own customized route using locations/landmarks that will engage your colleagues. Or, if you’ve got time and especially big ambitions, talk with Racery’s team about customizing a virtual race that perfectly fits your company’s message and geography!