Mike Kelley lives in Chapel Hill and is a Professor of Medicine at Duke University. In midlife, he decided to concentrate on his lifetime interest in running with a goal of breaking 20 minutes in the 5k. With that and many other goals accomplished, he now runs for fun, health, and socialization. In his spare time, Mike rows with Carolina Masters and serves on the Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Board.
Q. How far do you run in week?
As far as I can. I am averaging about 50 a week so far in 2015.
Q. What’s your longest run?
Q. Do you have any dream races or dream runs you aim to complete someday?
Not really. Lots of runs I would like to do, but I did Boston last year and that was the one on my bucket list.
Q. Do you run often with other people or alone?
Often with other people. It definitely makes the miles more enjoyable and I have been lucky to meet so many friends from running.
Q. What or who inspires you to run…even on the hard days?
Q. Do you remember the first moment you felt “like a runner?”
High school cross-country. Nothing like being faster than the competition to make you feel like a runner.
Q. How do you measure success as a runner?
In competitive racing, I used age graded ratings, but now success is being able to put in the miles while staying healthy.
Q. What role does running play in your life?
Maintains physical and mental health, and it’s a big part of my social life.
Q. What role does RunWithMe play?
It’s another way to socialize running, which helps motivate.