How Racery’s inclusive conversions of 80+ activities maximize employee participation

In today’s diverse and global workplace, inclusivity in wellness initiatives is not just nice-to-have—it’s a must. Because employees have different fitness levels, backgrounds, and preferences, corporate wellness programs must cater to and celebrate a spectrum of abilities.  While other virtual race platforms focus exclusively on runners and walkers, Racery’s inclusive …

What’s the best exercise equipment for 2024? Your brain.

Americans spent $6.1 billion on home fitness equipment in 2022. More than 50 million of us — one in five adults — have fitness club memberships. Garmin, which makes trackers and GPS devices, spent nearly $168 million on advertising in 2022. Google “best fitness equipment,” and you’ll see a slew …

Motivate virtual racers with beautiful personalized digital bling

Racery’s virtual races motivate racers with lots of types of digital bling. Some racers print their personalized bibs or awards to display on an office wall or refrigerator, others share their digital versions on social media. The bling examples below show what every racer gets in standard Racery events. The …

Two-month virtual group run around New York State brings extra motivation and smack-talk to running club members

Members of The Most Informal Running Club Ever (TMIRCE) in New York City, have been training together since 2012. Four times a week, 20 to 70 of  the group’s 400-odd runners get together to run, with each session having a specific focus: speed training, endurance building, beginner’s run and a social run. …