Group Log
crimsonrambler June 26, 2016
crimsonrambler June 25, 20163.7 milesThe first mile is a lie. In the first mile I was convinced that was the last mile this morning. But I kept on and after that I felt okay. Upping my mileage by so much has been painful, and I can't wait for a rest day when DA is over, but I'm finding I like getting out there this much. Crazy!
crimsonrambler June 24, 2016
crimsonrambler June 23, 2016
crimsonrambler June 22, 2016
crimsonrambler June 21, 2016
crimsonrambler June 20, 2016
crimsonrambler June 19, 2016
crimsonrambler June 18, 2016
crimsonrambler June 18, 2016
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