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4.9 miles
8.0 miles
16.5 miles

Group Log

  • spoorti AWS DEP IN2 Mar 10
    0.9 miles
    1.5 kilometers of walking = 0.9 miles
     Longest personal run/walk of this race.  Longest personal run/walk of this race this month.  Back after 358 days.  2nd Longest personal run/walk.  Passed 8 participants moving AWS DEPIN2 into #120.
  • spoorti AWS DEP IN2 Mar 10
    0.5 miles
    0.8 kilometers of running = 0.5 miles
     Longest personal run/walk of this race.  Longest personal run/walk of this race this month.  Back after 358 days.  2nd Longest personal run/walk.  Passed 2 participants moving AWS DEPIN2 into #122.
  • sushmaa AWS DEP IN2 Mar 9
    1.9 miles
    3.0 kilometers of running = 1.9 miles
     Longest personal run/walk.  Passed 50 participants moving AWS DEPIN2 into #97.
  • sushmaa AWS DEP IN2 Mar 8
    3.0 miles
    3.0 miles of running = 3.0 miles
     Longest personal run/walk.  Passed 153 participants moving AWS DEPIN2 into #82.
  • akshat AWS DEP IN2 Mar 7
    3.0 miles
    4.8 kilometers of walking = 3.0 miles
     Back after 350 days.  2nd Longest personal run/walk.  Passed 37 participants moving AWS DEPIN2 into #27.
  • akshat AWS-Support Mar 22, 2024
    13.5 miles
    03/22/2024 2.2 kilometers of running = 1.4 miles
    03/21/2024 2.2 miles of running = 2.2 miles
    03/19/2024 2.23 miles of running = 2.23 miles
    03/20/2024 2.15 miles of running = 2.15 miles
    03/12/2024 2.1 miles of running = 2.1 miles
    03/09/2024 2.1 miles of running = 2.1 miles
    03/08/2024 2.14 kilometers of running = 1.33 miles
     Longest personal run/walk.  Passed 511 participants moving AWS-Support into #41.
  • spoorti SE Racers Mar 17, 2024
    6.6 miles
    03/17/2024 30.0 Minutes of reading = 1.5 miles
    03/17/2024 530.0 meters of walking = 0.3 miles
    03/17/2024 30.0 minutes of moderate activity (yoga, weights, etc.) = 1.5 miles
    03/09/2024 60.0 Minutes of reading = 3.0 miles
    03/09/2024 450.0 meters of walking = 0.3 miles
     Back after 8 days.  Longest personal run/walk.  Passed 348 participants.