Chanel Privett
F | 30-39 | Charleston, SC (United States)Groups: #chiltonrunningclub, #fandomrunningclub, #potterheadrunningclub, #whovianrunningclub
Bio: Pufftastic, Chiltonian, Whovian
Chanel's log
#bestwisheswar…×12, #foldinthemiles×12, #followusontwe…×12, #lovethatjourn…×12, #schitthead×12, #wellschitt×12, #emilysdarmy×11, #fortherevolut…×11, #greeneggsandr…×11, #seussontheloo…×11, #hellraisins×10, #dastardlydash…×7, #milestomurgat…×7, #mutteringmiles×7, #notmycookieyo…×6, #hellraisinsra…×5, #hellraisinsra…×5, #amileisamilen…×4, #hoopyfroods×3, #dontpanic×2, #eepopporkrunr…×2, #notagain×2 … >>

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