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    This race ended 12/31/20 - check out the final activity below.

    OR start a new challenge here!

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    • RoughNess Dec 31, 2020
      3.8 miles
      3.8 miles of running/Walking = 3.8 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 140 days at 5.16 miles/day.
    • Doodle Dec 31, 2020
      4.4 miles
      4.43 miles of running/Walking = 4.43 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 145 days at 3.32 miles/day.
    • Grin Dec 31, 2020
      2.4 miles
      2.4 miles of running/Walking = 2.4 miles
      Found this on my walk today along the shore looking across the bay to MDI and Acadia. Many thanks to @AOMM And @4000footer for dragging us all along on this virtual run/walk through 2020. May 2021 be crystal clear in its HOPE for us all! Peace
       Longest personal streak grows to 105 days at 2.18 miles/day.
      That's a nice find, Grin! Happy new year!
    • OGKatie Dec 31, 2020
      2.4 miles
      30.0 minutes of bicycling, moderate pace = 2.4 miles
      One last bike ride to end 2020.... - Fairbanks, AK, USA
    • MissB Dec 31, 2020
      11.2 miles
      11.2 miles of running/Walking = 11.2 miles
       Longest personal run of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 204 days at 7.35 miles/day.
    • dabetts Dec 31, 2020
      5.4 miles
      57.0 minutes of bicycling, vigorous pace = 5.4 miles
       8th Longest personal run of this race this month.  3rd Longest personal streak grows to 6 days at 4.36 miles/day.
    • Bettymh Dec 31, 2020
      1.0 miles
      1.0 mile of running/Walking = 1.0 mile
    • Bettymh Dec 31, 2020
      0.5 miles
      0.5 miles of running/Walking = 0.5 miles
    • Xanthippe Dec 31, 2020
      3.0 miles
      3.0 miles of running/Walking = 3.0 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 1597 days at 5.26 miles/day.
    • BryanD Dec 31, 2020
      0.1 miles
      0.1 miles of running/Walking = 0.1 miles
      Just wanted to add a Katahdin picture
      @BryanD Perfect!!
      Awesome @BryanD Always happy to see a photo of the Greatest Mountain.
    • sueluv Dec 31, 2020
      1.0 miles
      1.0 mile of running/Walking = 1.0 mile
      lunchtime walk
       Longest personal streak grows to 155 days at 5.10 miles/day.
    • NancyinNC Dec 31, 2020
      3.7 miles
      3.7 miles of running/Walking = 3.7 miles
      Happy new year, one and all!
       8th Longest personal run of this race this month.  2nd Longest personal streak grows to 27 days at 3.02 miles/day.
    • CaptDave Dec 31, 2020
      1.1 miles
      1.1 miles of running/Walking = 1.1 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 812 days at 4.15 miles/day.
    • GburgStina Dec 31, 2020
      3.7 miles
      3.75 miles of running/Walking = 3.75 miles
      Closing out the year, and the race, on a rainy day in Gettysburg. I was thrilled to receive my medals in the mail today! I’ve loved being a part of this race and I’m so excited for all of you to come on down here to Gettysburg in the next one!! Let’s go! 🏃‍♀️ - Gettysburg, PA, USA
       Longest personal streak grows to 116 days at 5.87 miles/day.
      Thanks @AOMM and @4000footer - loved getting my medals today! This has been a total blast! See you (virtually) in Gettysburg soon! 😀
    • AOMM Dec 31, 2020
      3.7 miles
      3.67 miles of running/Walking = 3.67 miles
      This should put me over the finish atop Katahdin - thanks everyone for being so dedicated and inspiring! And tomorrow, time to "see" the sunrise at 7:08 am, atop Cadillac.
       4th Longest personal run of this race this month.  Finished in 81st place.
      Good work on getting over Katahdin! That big piece of rock has been absolutely stunning the past few days.
      thanks for all your hard work to make this so fun
      @AOMM wootwoot!!🎉
      going happy into the new year!
      Congrats! @AOMM
    • BryanD Dec 31, 2020
      1.7 miles
      1.7 miles of running/Walking = 1.7 miles
      Nice frenchie walk tonight. I don't have a total of the walking miles, but Strava says 1267 miles of running since February. I guess that's good for my first year of this addiction 🤣. Time for a few Bissells now...happy new year folks
       3rd Longest personal streak grows to 23 days at 4.64 miles/day.
      Happy New Year to you and Frenchie @BryanD - great going on the mileage!
      Thank you so much! I'm almost ready to start running with the frenchie. This little dog is one of a kind and is up for anything I want to do. @AOMM
    • Meep Dec 31, 2020
      3.5 miles
      3.5 miles of running/Walking = 3.5 miles
       3rd Longest personal run of this race this month.  Back after 13 days.
    • QueenMarsha Dec 31, 2020
      1.0 miles
      1.0 mile of running/Walking = 1.0 mile
      Dog walk
    • 4000footer Dec 31, 2020
      3.2 miles
      3.2 miles of running/Walking = 3.2 miles
      That's a wrap. Happy New Year everyone!
       4th Longest personal run of this race this month.
    • jerrmich Dec 31, 2020
      2.5 miles
      2.5 miles of running/Walking = 2.5 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 76 days at 2.17 miles/day.
    • MHB Dec 31, 2020
      1.7 miles
      1.7 miles of running/Walking = 1.7 miles
       8th Longest personal run of this race.
    • Kit415 Dec 31, 2020
      2.5 miles
      2.5 miles of running/Walking = 2.5 miles
      Last walk of 2020. Thank you making this Virtual race. It has been fun and has motivated me. Here’s to hoping 2021 brings us some better times.
      Thanks for the good word @Kit415
    • DSea Dec 31, 2020
      4.1 miles
      4.1 miles of running/Walking = 4.1 miles
      Happy New Year! Wishing you all a healthy and happy 2021! 😀 Afternoon walk - likely the last of 2020 - unless a New Year’s Eve walk occurs!
    • BlueberryRocker Dec 31, 2020
      4.4 miles
      4.42 miles of running/Walking = 4.42 miles
      Happy New Year's Eve from the easternmost town in the continental USA! - Lubec, ME, USA
    • ZombieChop Dec 31, 2020
      1.2 miles
      1.2 miles of running/Walking = 1.2 miles
    • KDW Dec 31, 2020
      1.0 miles
      1.0 mile of running/Walking = 1.0 mile
       5th Longest personal streak grows to 15 days at 0.63 miles/day.
    • MojoChris Dec 31, 2020
      2.0 miles
      2.0 miles of running/Walking = 2.0 miles
      Last hike of this race! Hatchet Mt. with a short meditation on top. See ya at the Acadia to summit via Gettysburg 2021!
      Hatchet Mountain in real life, and Bernard Mountain in Acadia virtually here - maybe "see" you in Gettysburg @MojoChris in 2021!
    • Shellperry Dec 31, 2020
      1.2 miles
      1.2 miles of running/Walking = 1.2 miles
    • MojoChris Dec 31, 2020
      1.5 miles
      1.5 miles of running/Walking = 1.5 miles
      morning walk in Appleton
       Longest personal streak grows to 248 days at 3.79 miles/day.
    • Livylou Dec 31, 2020
      2.2 miles
      2.2 miles of running/Walking = 2.2 miles
      Ended the year with a walk in Acadia with @muddz 🙂
       Longest personal streak grows to 144 days at 2.33 miles/day.
      Perfect to end with real-life Acadia miles @Livylou and @muddy!
      Oops! @muddz!
    • BarHarborBirdie Dec 31, 2020
      6.3 miles
      6.3 miles of running/Walking = 6.3 miles
       4th Longest personal run of this race this month.  6th Longest personal streak grows to 6 days at 3.22 miles/day.
    • jackrabbit67 Dec 31, 2020
      3.2 miles
      3.2 miles of running/Walking = 3.2 miles
      What a motivating and positive experience this has been during a time with so many struggles. Wishing everyone a safe, healthy, and happy New Year.
       2nd Longest personal streak grows to 38 days at 3.79 miles/day.
      Thank you for joining this virtual journey @jackrabbit67!
    • muddz Dec 31, 2020
      2.2 miles
      2.2 miles of running/Walking = 2.2 miles
      @Livylou and I went to Acadia today and walked from Sand Beach to Thunder Hole and back stopping along the way to explore different spots. It was a beautiful way to end this race.
       Longest personal streak grows to 143 days at 2.46 miles/day.
      That is an ideal ending @muddz
      And perfect for the two of you to end it together @muddz and @Livylou !
    • ZombieChop Dec 31, 2020
      1.5 miles
      1.51 miles of running/Walking = 1.51 miles
    • Czaplickian Dec 31, 2020
      3.4 miles
      3.45 miles of running/Walking = 3.45 miles
      Last day 5k hike through Chincoteague! Thanks for the great race everybody!!! Happy New Year!!!
      Chincoteague is some place I definitely want to visit. It is relatively close but without a car out of reach right now.
      A family that hikes together has fun together- Happy New Year @Czaplickian !
    • DSea Dec 31, 2020
      4.3 miles
      4.3 miles of running/Walking = 4.3 miles
      Morning walk - Terwilliger Parkway
       5th Longest personal run of this race this month.
    • bbarr Dec 31, 2020
      4.0 miles
      4.0 miles of running/Walking = 4.0 miles
       5th Longest personal streak grows to 23 days at 4.35 miles/day.
    • MHB Dec 31, 2020
      3.0 miles
      3.0 miles of running/Walking = 3.0 miles
    • MA.ME.MD.Walker Dec 31, 2020
      1.4 miles
      1.4 miles of running/Walking = 1.4 miles
      Last entry for the year. Happy New Year's Eve to all🎉✳️🎇🎆. I completed 1920 miles (since March) in 2020. Not bad considering prior to this if I was walking 5 miles a week I thought I was doing good.
      congratulations. Yup what an experience. Happy NY
      Wonderful story @MA.ME.MD.Walker
      Imagine what you can do in 2021 by starting in January @MA.ME.MD.Walker !
    • Tode Dec 31, 2020
      5.6 miles
      103.0 minutes of skiing, cross-country = 5.6 miles
       5th Longest personal run of this race this month.
      Nice to get some cross-country skiing in @Tode - not enough snow around where we are, sadly
    • Bettymh Dec 31, 2020
      4.0 miles
      4.0 miles of running/Walking = 4.0 miles
       Longest personal run of this race this month.
    • earthmuffin Dec 31, 2020
      1.3 miles
      1.25 miles of running/Walking = 1.25 miles
      Happy New Years Eve Everyone! Signed up for Next Years Race and of course had to pick the Lobstah Ribbon and the Moose/Lobstah Medal : ). Almost packed up to start a 12 day pet sit job. Havent been back to this house since last January!! Looking forward to hanging with the pups.
       Longest personal streak grows to 75 days at 2.93 miles/day.
      Happy New Year to you! @earthmuffin
      You're strong as a crusher claw @earthmuffin !
    • TomZot Dec 31, 2020
      7.5 miles
      73.0 Minutes of trail Running = 7.5 miles
      Caverly Mtn. - Caverly Mountain, New Durham, NH, USA
    • QueenMarsha Dec 31, 2020
      3.1 miles
      3.1 miles of running/Walking = 3.1 miles
      Day 365!!! Yessah
       5th Longest personal run of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 366 days at 5.09 miles/day.
      Congrats on the streak @QueenMarsha
      And you're on the way up Katahdin a third time - congratulations on the year-long streak @QueenMarsha !
    • CobraJet Dec 31, 2020
      4.1 miles
      4.1 miles of running/Walking = 4.1 miles
      No more running in 2020
       Longest personal streak grows to 12 days at 4.27 miles/day.
      And if you run first day of 2021, you'll have a 13-day streak to start @Cobrajet@
      Oops @Cobrajet
    • Shellperry Dec 31, 2020
      2.6 miles
      30.0 minutes of swimming, freestyle = 2.6 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 1207 days at 3.55 miles/day.
      What an amazing streak @Shellperry!
      @AOMM thank you! I will be signing up for the next race tomorrow morning to keep it going!
    • ZombieChop Dec 31, 2020
      3.0 miles
      3.05 miles of running/Walking = 3.05 miles
       2nd Longest personal run of this race this month.
    • CountyRunner Dec 31, 2020
      8.4 miles
      8.4 miles of running/Walking = 8.4 miles
      Wishing you all a Happy New Year!!!🎉🎊🥳
       7th Longest personal run of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 54 days at 6.43 miles/day.
      Happy New Year @CountyRunner - you'll be starting 2021 with a 54-day streak under your belt!
    • MA.ME.MD.Walker Dec 31, 2020
      3.1 miles
      3.1 miles of running/Walking = 3.1 miles
      Going to try and get one more in before the day is out.
       Longest personal streak grows to 260 days at 6.53 miles/day.
      Giant poinsettias @MA.ME.MD.Walker
      @AOMM They were like small trees. This was taken outside the local greenhouse and florist.
    • JohnT Dec 31, 2020
      8.3 miles
      8.29 miles of running/Walking = 8.29 miles
      Last run of the year put me over 3,700 miles and 370,000 feet of elevation gain. Happy New Year everyone
       Longest personal streak grows to 502 days at 9.58 miles/day.
      What as accomplishment @JohnT - along with the 502-day streak!
      Thanks for organizing these virtual races
    • Bruczilla Dec 31, 2020
      5.8 miles
      5.83 miles of running/Walking = 5.83 miles
      Last one! On to the next race in two days. - Eagle Lake, Bar Harbor, ME, USA
    • MHB Dec 31, 2020
      2.0 miles
      2.0 miles of running/Walking = 2.0 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 130 days at 3.51 miles/day.
    • SongfromSilence Dec 31, 2020
      1.5 miles
      1.5 miles of running/Walking = 1.5 miles
      Played the Rocky Theme Song and my husband put my winning medal on!
       8th Longest personal streak grows to 6 days at 1.68 miles/day.  Finished in 80th place.
      I played that song when I finish in the previous race.
      Congratulations on the finish @SongfromSilence and on the medal! Any dogs barking during the medal ceremony?
      Perfect day for a finish @SongfromSilence and a medal ceremony.
    • DrI Dec 31, 2020
      2.0 miles
      2.0 miles of running/Walking = 2.0 miles
      Quick intervals before heading out to work..have a great day!
    • ZombieChop Dec 31, 2020
      3.2 miles
      3.21 miles of running/Walking = 3.21 miles
       Longest personal run of this race this month.  Extends streak to 8 days.
    • Kit415 Dec 31, 2020
      3.0 miles
      1.0 hour of calisthenics = 3.0 mile
      Orangetheory last class of 2020. Hoping to get a walk in later. Happy New Year and stay safe everyone.🍾
       Extends streak to 4 days.
    • JalaSue Dec 31, 2020
      3.0 miles
      3.0 miles of running/Walking = 3.0 miles
      It has been so nice to meet you all! Hope to see you in 2021 too! Goodbye 2020!
       Longest personal streak grows to 238 days at 3.97 miles/day.
      And hope to "see" you in 2021 too @JalaSue
    • Coastwalker Dec 31, 2020
      5.5 miles
      5.5 miles of running/Walking = 5.5 miles
      Predawn RW workout in wind-driven drizzle that evolved to a steady light rain. I finished the year with 2,006 walking miles - a PB by over 250 miles. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
       Longest personal streak grows to 241 days at 7.04 miles/day.
      And next year you'll complete 2,021 miles, @Coastwalker for another PB!
      Congrats on the strong beat for a PB @Coastwalker
    • AOMM Dec 31, 2020
      0.0 miles
      0.01 miles of running/Walking = 0.01 miles
      As this virtual race ends, another begins Jan. 1, registration open now: Be sure to log your miles in this race before 11:59 PM today, Dec. 31, or you won't be able to add them later. And any streak you have going now automatically carries over to the next race. Who among us can do a 100-day streak in 2021 and earn a special team patch, whether lobster, moose, felt bat or Crow "tattoo"? And for customized ribbon options, you can show your true Maine STRONG colors - camo or lumberjack? Or are you strong as a crusher claw, or strong as a bull moose? Are you a fan of Friends of Acadia or Millinocket Memorial Library? See medal options here:
      Got your card in the mail today.
      Treat yourself to something nice @bbarr !
    • mak321 Dec 30, 2020
      2.5 miles
      2.5 miles of running/Walking = 2.5 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 517 days at 2.43 miles/day.
    • OGKatie Dec 30, 2020
      3.0 miles
      2.96 miles of running/Walking = 2.96 miles
      Another smoker..... I’m toast! Warm-up-.21 Workout- 1.65 Accessory-1.1 Maths- 2.96 - CrossFit Fairbanks, Old Richardson Highway, Fairbanks, AK, USA
    • MissB Dec 30, 2020
      5.8 miles
      5.8 miles of running/Walking = 5.8 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 203 days at 7.34 miles/day.
    • CobraJet Dec 30, 2020
      2.7 miles
      2.65 miles of running/Walking = 2.65 miles
      Nothing special here, just a short jog around the neighborhood
       Longest personal streak grows to 11 days at 4.29 miles/day.
    • jerrmich Dec 30, 2020
      2.5 miles
      2.5 miles of running/Walking = 2.5 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 75 days at 2.16 miles/day.
    • JalaSue Dec 30, 2020
      0.7 miles
      0.7 miles of running/Walking = 0.7 miles
      Slacking the last two days, but had to get something in to keep my streak up!
       Longest personal streak grows to 237 days at 3.98 miles/day.
    • CaptDave Dec 30, 2020
      5.2 miles
      5.2 miles of running/Walking = 5.2 miles
       8th Longest personal run of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 811 days at 4.15 miles/day.
    • 4000footer Dec 30, 2020
      2.1 miles
      2.1 miles of running/Walking = 2.1 miles
      Pleasant night for a hike, 15 degrees warmer than Tuesday, including short stretch on snow-covered road where we only needed Topo trail running sneakers for good traction. - New Hampshire, USA
       Extends streak to 13 days.
    • KDW Dec 30, 2020
      1.0 miles
      1.0 mile of running/Walking = 1.0 mile
       5th Longest personal streak grows to 14 days at 0.60 miles/day.
    • NancyinNC Dec 30, 2020
      4.1 miles
      4.1 miles of running/Walking = 4.1 miles
       2nd Longest personal streak grows to 26 days at 2.99 miles/day.
    • jackrabbit67 Dec 30, 2020
      5.3 miles
      5.3 miles of running/Walking = 5.3 miles
      another day at Bangor Forest. This time my niece put me through my paces!
       9th Longest personal run of this race.  2nd Longest personal streak grows to 37 days at 3.81 miles/day.
      Great to hear! @jackrabbit67
    • dabetts Dec 30, 2020
      4.9 miles
      52.0 minutes of bicycling, vigorous pace = 4.9 miles
       5th Longest personal streak grows to 5 days at 4.16 miles/day.
    • ZombieChop Dec 30, 2020
      1.0 miles
      1.02 miles of running/Walking = 1.02 miles
       Extends streak to 7 days.
    • TeresaM Dec 30, 2020
      4.0 miles
      4.0 miles of running/Walking = 4.0 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 4 days at 3.13 miles/day.  Passed 1 runner.
    • Kit415 Dec 30, 2020
      3.1 miles
      3.1 miles of running/Walking = 3.1 miles
       10th Longest personal run of this race this month.
    • sarahJSG Dec 30, 2020
      2.0 miles
      2.0 miles of running/Walking = 2.0 miles
       8th Longest personal streak grows to 11 days at 2.84 miles/day.
    • Grin Dec 30, 2020
      2.2 miles
      2.2 miles of running/Walking = 2.2 miles
      No wind today so back to my regular walking and listening.
       Longest personal streak grows to 104 days at 2.18 miles/day.
      Congratulations on your 104-day streak - so far! - @Grin! Hope to see you carry it over into 2021!
    • BetteBoop Dec 30, 2020
      6.1 miles
      6.1 miles of running/Walking = 6.1 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 184 days at 8.94 miles/day.
    • SockMonkey Dec 30, 2020
      4.0 miles
      4.0 miles of running/Walking = 4.0 miles
    • MHB Dec 30, 2020
      3.0 miles
      3.0 miles of running/Walking = 3.0 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 129 days at 3.52 miles/day.
    • Shellperry Dec 30, 2020
      3.3 miles
      39.0 minutes of swimming, freestyle = 3.3 miles
    • Shellperry Dec 30, 2020
      13.1 miles
      13.1 miles of running/Walking = 13.1 miles
      BAA Virtual Half Marathon! Completed all 3 races for the Finish Strong Challenge!!
       2nd Longest personal run of this race.  Longest personal streak grows to 1206 days at 3.55 miles/day.
      Congratulations @Shellperry - Maine Strong and Finish Strong!!
      @AOMM thank you!!!
      @Shellperry Congratulations!
      @DrI thank you!!!
      Kudos! @Shellperry
      @4000footer thank you!!!
    • JohnT Dec 30, 2020
      12.1 miles
      12.05 miles of running/Walking = 12.05 miles
      Short walk with dogs and then a nice long run to complete some more streets I haven’t run in my town.
       6th Longest personal run of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 501 days at 9.58 miles/day.
      Congratulations on the 501-day streak @JohnT - you can even buy a new couch where you landed here, to celebrate!
      Now, that's a comfortable place to land @JohnT
    • DrI Dec 30, 2020
      6.2 miles
      6.2 miles of running/Walking = 6.2 miles
      Last treadmill 10K for 2020..grateful to wrap up this year without the stress fracture that started 2020. Hope, peace and joy to you😊
       4th Longest personal run of this race this month.
      Happy New Year @DrI
      @4000footer Happy New Year! Thanks for this race @AOMM ! Will be signing up for the new year🥳
    • MA.ME.MD.Walker Dec 30, 2020
      2.0 miles
      2.01 miles of running/Walking = 2.01 miles
    • Alycia Dec 30, 2020
      1.9 miles
      1.9 miles of running/Walking = 1.9 miles
      Small lunch walk today
       Longest personal streak grows to 10 days at 3.40 miles/day.  Finished in 78th place.
      Congratulations on the finish @Alycia !
      Thanks! @AOMM
    • BarHarborBirdie Dec 30, 2020
      2.5 miles
      2.5 miles of running/Walking = 2.5 miles
       Extends streak to 5 days.
    • muddz Dec 30, 2020
      1.2 miles
      1.2 miles of running/Walking = 1.2 miles
      took the afternoon off, put some banana bread in the oven, and went for a quick walk.
       Longest personal streak grows to 142 days at 2.47 miles/day.
      That’s going to be a great post run treat!
    • QueenMarsha Dec 30, 2020
      1.1 miles
      1.1 miles of running/Walking = 1.1 miles
      Afternoon dog walk
    • QueenMarsha Dec 30, 2020
      2.1 miles
      2.1 miles of running/Walking = 2.1 miles
      Morning little loop
       8th Longest personal run of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 365 days at 5.09 miles/day.
    • TomZot Dec 30, 2020
      7.5 miles
      73.0 Minutes of trail Running = 7.5 miles
      Great conditions. Microspikes. - Wolfeboro, NH, USA
       5th Longest personal run of this race this month.
    • sueluv Dec 30, 2020
      5.2 miles
      5.2 miles of running/Walking = 5.2 miles
       5th Longest personal run of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 154 days at 5.12 miles/day.
    • rockabye26 Dec 30, 2020
      0.6 miles
      30.0 minutes of yoga = 0.6 miles
    • CountyRunner Dec 30, 2020
      5.7 miles
      5.7 miles of running/Walking = 5.7 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 53 days at 6.39 miles/day.
    • MA.ME.MD.Walker Dec 30, 2020
      3.3 miles
      3.3 miles of running/Walking = 3.3 miles
      Some chill to the air but still pleasant.
       Longest personal streak grows to 259 days at 6.54 miles/day.
    • BryanD Dec 30, 2020
      3.7 miles
      3.7 miles of running/Walking = 3.7 miles
      Blustery cold 5 am run
       3rd Longest personal streak grows to 22 days at 4.71 miles/day.
    • Livylou Dec 30, 2020
      1.5 miles
      1.5 miles of running/Walking = 1.5 miles
      Nothing like a brisk morning walk to wake you up for the day!
       Longest personal streak grows to 143 days at 2.33 miles/day.
    • Coastwalker Dec 30, 2020
      6.9 miles
      6.9 miles of running/Walking = 6.9 miles
      Early walk under a gauzy moon, in 23° temps with swirling winds. A good, brisk start to the day.
       7th Longest personal run of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 240 days at 7.04 miles/day.
    • Xanthippe Dec 30, 2020
      0.7 miles
      0.66 miles of running/Walking = 0.66 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 1596 days at 5.26 miles/day.
    • rocnaddie Dec 30, 2020
      3.5 miles
      3.5 miles of running/Walking = 3.5 miles
      Back Cove with Scott
    • MojoChris Dec 30, 2020
      1.1 miles
      1.1 miles of running/Walking = 1.1 miles
      afternoon walk
    • see more...
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    • TeresaM Dec 30, 2020
      Thanks for organizing and helping me get out the door and running a bit more these past few months!! Much appreciated!!
      Glad you could join us @TeresaM - hope to see you virtually in 2021! Am inspired by everyone in this virtual race, those who've got long streaks, those who run long miles, and those who share photos of what they're doing and what they see on their real-life course. Stay safe everyone!
    • AOMM Dec 30, 2020
      Here's the link to the new race, which begins Jan. 1 shortly after midnight: Be sure to log your miles in this race before 11:59 pm EST on Dec. 31 (you can still backdate to Aug. 9), especially if you have a streak going and want it to carry over to the next race! I also emailed details about the race to everyone, and will be sharing more info on the Facebook group page as well, Almost time to say goodbye to 2020, and hello to 2021!
    • Bettymh Dec 27, 2020
      How do I find information about the next virtual race? Thank you. Betty
      I will be emailing everyone and posting link her and on Facebook. Thanks for your interest @Bettymh
      Oops, *here, that is
    • AOMM Dec 27, 2020
      Congratulations to the following winners of the gift giveaways (details on the Facebook group page at @Bruczilla @BlueberryRocker @bbarr @GburgStina @DrewInMelrose @SouleMarks @Grin @NancyinNC @rocnaddie @MoodyPiehl @forgetmenot @VicKnox @JillD @Alycia @Laurel @Jenn-Trimble @Clipboard @RunRaeRaeRun @kathrun @KidC and @Themis All gifts are being sent, and the final medals are awaiting the back-ordered lobster patch and final customization. Stay tuned for announcement of next virtual race to begin Jan. 1, so you can keep your streak alive, and have a chance to win in the next gift giveaway!
      Thank you friends of Acadia!
      Thank you for the unexpected prize, and especially, thank you for keeping us all moving!
      So cool! Thank you so much!! :-)
    • BryanD Dec 25, 2020
      Will the new course challenge be linked here? I'm just now seeing this about the special teams...but I don't use the FB, anything I should know?
      Hi @BryanD - I will be emailing everyone links re: new race, and also put link on this messageboard, so no need to be member of Facebook for that. Look forward to seeing you virtually in 2021! You made the 2-star club, according to preliminary tally. Will include a photo of the preliminary special teams in my racery log today, and tag you. When the final special team results are tallied after Dec. 31, can email everyone the results. If you want to add special team patches (iron-on) to the medal that's been sent in mail to you already, you can email me at and I can email you PayPal invoice (each small star is $1, so 2-star club would be $2). Merry Christmas!
      Oops, I see you also completed at least 2 laps of the 240.1 mile course, making you also eligible for one of the following large special team patches @BryanD - moose, lobster, large sequinned star or felt bat. Also iron-on patches, and $5 each. Will enter my puny 0.5 miles as two entries today, so can upload both preliminary special team photos.
    • AOMM Dec 20, 2020
      Just put up photos of the personalized medals with special team patches going out in the mail. If you made special teams but don't see your medal on the Facebook group page at, you have until tomorrow, Dec. 21, to let @AOMM know your order. Otherwise, if you receive the medal and later want to order the special team patches, they'll be sent for you to iron onto the medal yourself. Congratulations all! All medals will be shipping in the coming days, whether or not you want to add special team patches, and whether or not you completed the 240.1-mile course. Congratulations to all, as everyone is a winner by helping to raise funds for charity. Stay tuned for other news, about next virtual race starting Jan. 1, winners of gift giveaways and a new Acadia to Katahdin Virtual Racing Hall of Fame. Thanks everyone!
      I thought I missed the deadline. I would like two lobsters and a crow.
      @MA.ME.MD.Walker - as virtual race director, I get to extend deadlines! Two lobsters and a crow being added to your Maine STRONG medal, and will email you PayPal invoice. Congratulations on making special teams!
      @MA.ME.MD.Walker - we're back-ordered on the lobster patches right now, although should be coming in right after Christmas. We have 1 lobster in stock right now - did you want to wait until the second lobster comes in, or did you want to substitute a moose or a large sequinned star? Sorry didn't check inventory before emailing you. Thanks!
      @AOMM I will wait on the second lobster. I think the two red and one black will look awesome on the Maine Strong ribbon.
      @MA.ME.MD.Walker - you got it! You have an artistic eye, not only for how special team patches will look, but also in choosing your racery log photos to share with fellow virtual racers!
      @AOMM I somehow missed this message. Is it safe to assume it is too late to order special patches?
      @RoughNess - not too late. As we've already shipped your medal with multiple moose ribbon, we could send you whichever special team patches you want to order and you can iron them onto the medal yourself; or you can order another medal and have us apply the patches on this end. Will email you your options, and you can let us know which way you want to go.
    • jackrabbit67 Dec 18, 2020
      I would like the lobster medal for $10.
      You got it, @jackrabbit67 - will email you PayPal invoice.
    • BetteBoop Dec 16, 2020
      We need a snowshoeing option in the drop down menu!!
      There is one @BetteBoop - looks like your neck of the woods is going to get a good amount of snow! Cross-country skiing is in the drop-down as well.
    • AOMM Dec 15, 2020
      Congratulations to the below virtual racers who've made special teams, details at the Facebook group page: Let me know by this Saturday, Dec. 19 if you want to order the special team patch for the optional medal. And you have until Dec. 31 to backdate miles to qualify for special teams. @Angelion @Shellperry @KDW @LizInTheWoods @CaptDave @mak321 @JohnT @QueenMarsha @MA.ME.MD.Walker @MojoChris @JalaSue @Coastwalker @MissB @BetteBoop @sueluv @Doodle @Livylou @muddz @RoughNess @MHB @Czaplickian @ZombieChop @GburgStina @CountyRunner @Tode @BryanD @DSea @bbarr @TomZot @Laurel @rocnaddie @Kit415 @earthmuffin @BlueberryRocker @RunRaeRaeRun @Run100 @MirandaWV @jackrabbit67 @forgetmenot @Lizzys79 @JillD @ActonRunsMaine @bgizzi @sarahJSG @BryanFrost2021 @MoodyPiehl @Thegarcia @MoGo4Acadia @jerrmich @Bettymh @DoubleA23 @Grin @4000footer @RhodyKate @OGKatie And if you didn't make special teams this time, there's always the next race that begins Jan. 1! Streaks from this race carry over to the next race, so be sure to log miles before 11:59 PM EST on Dec. 31, before the race ends.
      I'd like a patch...the lobster.
      I would like the County Moose and a lobster and 2 small stars. Was not aware of 100 day streak for the crow patch. Am a crow member. Will shoot for that 100 days streak next year. Really enjoyed being part of this group. Wish all members a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
      @jackrabbit67 - I'll email you
      I’d like a Moose for my second lap, and a small star for my 25+ mile day please! Thank you :)
      You got it @rocnaddie - a moose for your second lap and a small star for your 25+ mile day, on the optional medal with lobster ribbon that you've ordered - I'll email you invoice via PayPal for the patches
      @rocnaddie - as you also ordered the Maine STRONG medal, did you want your special team patches on that medal, rather than the medal with lobster ribbon? I think the patches would look nicer on the sparkly white ribbon of the Maine STRONG medal.
      I would love a small star for each lap completed and a crow for my running streak
      You got it @JohnT - six small stars and a Crow, on the optional Maine STRONG medal you've ordered - will email you invoice via PayPal for the patches
      Oops I see I posted under Jackrabbit67
      A County Moose for @CountyRunner - as well as a (County?) lobster and 2 small stars on the optional Maine STRONG medal you've ordered - will email you invoice via PayPal for the patches
      Send me a Maine Strong Medal with patches on them.
      @CountyRunner - you got it, and will email PayPal invoice
    • AOMM Dec 15, 2020
      Just put up preliminary special team qualifications on the Facebook group page, - will tag people later today.
    • jackrabbit67 Dec 12, 2020
      Thanks AOMM for letting me know about my check ins. I looked back at my Fitbit on Oct. 18 and remembered I didn't bother to record that day because it was only .8 of a mile up the road for a quick visit. I guess it was a walk though short. I'll add it. Thanks,
      In my email to you @jackrabbit67 this morning (Dec 17) I hadn't taken into consideration the fact that it looks like you will be backdating 0.8 mile for Oct. 18, to give you that long streak - so you can disregard my comment about the 1-star club!
      I think I understand? I plan to walk at least 3 miles everyday as part of my Advent discipline and I can easily continue through the end of the month so will have no problem reaching the miles required. I deleted the info about ordering a medal. can you resend that info? thanks @AOMM
      @jackrabbit67 - which medal would you like? The Maine STRONG medal ($18); I LOVE Friends of Acadia or I LOVE Millinocket Memorial Library medal ($12 each); or a medal with a lobster, multiple moose or neon moose ribbon ($10 each)? See this link for photos of the medal options: Once I know which medal you want, I'll email you a PayPal invoice.
    • BetteBoop Dec 6, 2020
      Yes! Don’t know why those entries (Nov 23 and Dec 4) didn’t post (maybe because I tried to post with little reception!) but my streak actually goes back to January 1 2020–at least a mile everyday—more since joining Acadia to Katahdin! Thanks for the motivation to keep going all year!
      Amazing streak @BetteBoop - glad this virtual race is playing a small role! And looking forward to putting up the special team qualifications for everyone shortly.
    • AOMM Dec 5, 2020
      Welcome to the two most recent virtual racers to join - @bbarr who has run every Millinocket race since the start, and @Thegarcia who knows @Fossil and is running the virtual Millinocket and MDI races. Welcome to all! in honor of the real-life Millinocket and Half, which was scheduled for today, Dec. 5, and real-life MDI Marathon and Half, which was to have been run Oct. 18, if you type #millinocketstrong and-or #mdistrong in your entry for Dec. 5, you'll be entered into a special gift giveaway to help support the following local businesses: Side Street Cafe (where the post-MDI party is usually held), Atlantic Oceanside (where the MDI race expo is usually held), New England Outdoor Center (where the post-Millinocket Ugly Sweater party is usually held), and Sawmill Bar and Grill (where the post-Millinocket virtual race meet-up is usually held). If you've already entered your miles for Dec. 5 or Oct. 18 before you saw this message up, you can go back to your entry and type it as a comment on your own post. #mainestrong
    • ljp20j Nov 22, 2020
      I'm new. How do I change my route? Thank you!
      Hi @ljp20j - sorry didn't see your message until now - welcome! The route is hard-coded, but if you are looking to land on a special spot, there's a "cheat sheet" of sorts that shows special mileage markers for special views. Here's the link to the Facebook post with that "cheat sheet" (which will be updated shortly): You can also backdate mileage to Aug. 9, one day at a time, chronologically, and you will see your avatar move along the 26 peaks of Acadia, then over to the MDI Marathon route, then over to 8 more segments all across Maine, plus a special detour to the Boston Marathon route. Feel free to tag @AOMM if you have any questions.
    • AOMM Nov 8, 2020
      Final Facebook group post for today tallies up who's entered into the special gift giveaways as a result of logging miles on Oct. 18 and entering #mdistrong and-or #millinocketstrong - go to @GburgStina @MojoChris @QueenMarsha @NancyinNC @KDW @Grin @MA.ME.MD.Walker @JalaSue @Coastwalker @JillMarie63 @BetteBoop @earthmuffin @Bettymh @Gumball @MoodyPiehl @muddz @BryanD
      This challenge has been a lot of fun. This is just icing on the cake!
      So glad it's been fun @Coastwalker !
    • AOMM Nov 8, 2020
      Just featured more of the first 51 finishers of the virtual race - those who ordered medals other than the Maine STRONG one - in the Facebook group page, Here is who's featured: @Angelion @BryanD @Shellperry @RoughNess @Kit415 @Laurel @rocnaddie @Cha @forgetmenot @MHB @JakeD @Drl - 247 miles Let me know "SHIP NOW" or 'SHIP LATER"!
      @DrI - for some reason the tag didn't work the first time
      @AOMM Ship Later please! I have a half coming up and how should I hashtag that? I saw FB page and sent request to join. A little late to the party!
      @DrI - I approved your request to join FB group, so you can respond there, or here. The special hashtag #mdistrong and #millinocketstrong for special gift giveaways is only for miles logged on Oct. 18 or Dec. 5 (the dates of what would have been the real-life MDI and Millinocket Marathon and Half). If your real-life half is on a different day, you can hashtag whatever you want, but only miles on Oct. 18 or Dec. 5 qualify for the special giveaways. But there are other giveaways that everyone in the virtual race is eligible for, whether or not they hashtag.
      @AOMM Thanks for clarifying!
    • AOMM Nov 8, 2020
      Just featured some of the first 50 finishers of the virtual race - those who ordered the Maine STRONG medal - in the Facebook group page: Here is who's featured: @JohnT @BetteBoop @MissB @GburgStina @sueluv @MA.ME.MD.Walker @KDW @QueenMarsha @Run100 @CountyRunner @CaptDave @DSea @TomZot @earthmuffin @Bettymh @BlueberryRocker @MojoChris @Gumball @Lizzys79 @Trvlngrl @JillD @JoyceR @RunRaeRaeRun @Doodle @MoGo4Acadia Let me know "SHIP NOW" or 'SHIP LATER"!
      Ship whenever. So Happy to be part of this group and the Entire Experiance!!!
      @AOMM I do not believe that I ordered a MaineStrong medal but would like to do so.
      Can ship now if I did order the metal.
      @Grin - will email you an invoice - thanks for being part of the virtual race!
      Will do @CountyRunner - yes, you did order the Maine STRONG medal, so will ship now.
      Well @CountyRunner as I already shipped your Maine STRONG medal, and the special team patches are iron-on patches, did you want me to send you the County Moose, lobster and 2 small star patches to be ironed on by you? Or did you want to order one of the other optional medals, and have me apply the patches to that medal? See the medal options here: - $12 for I LOVE Friends of Acadia or I LOVE Millinocket Memorial Library medal; $10 each for medal with lobster ribbon, multiple moose ribbon, or neon moose ribbon. And if you want to order a second Maine STRONG medal with the patches applied on this end, special price for you of $25, including shipping. Let me know how you would like to get your special team patches, and I can email you the right invoice via PayPal.
      Please ship now. Thank you.
      Will do @JoyceR
      Ship later is fine by me.
      Will do @Doodle
    • BryanD Nov 3, 2020
      What exactly is going on at mile 452.3? I wish I could post a picture with this question.
      I will take a look and see if I can figure it out @BryanD
      It was the description that caught my eye. Calling out the BSP Director🤣@AOMM
    • Gumball Oct 19, 2020
      Hello, how do I discontinue getting multiple email messages from Racery—I need to turn this off. Thanks.
      Hi @Gumball there is an option at the bottom of each type of Racery email to unsubscribe. Also, I think after a while of not opening the daily reminders, I think they go away. Some emails are interesting to get, however. Like when someone tags you in a comment. Or when you get an emailed postcard for completing a segment, like the MDI Marathon. Feel free to tag @AOMM, the virtual race director. If you have any other questions. Thanks for joining the virtual race!
    • AOMM Oct 18, 2020
      Hey everyone, in honor of the real-life Mount Desert Island Marathon and Half, which was scheduled for today, Oct. 18, as well as the Millinocket Marathon and Half, originally scheduled for Dec. 5, if you type #mdistrong and-or #millinocketstrong in your entry for Oct. 18 and-or Dec. 5, you'll be entered into a special gift giveaway to help support the following local businesses: Side Street Cafe (where the post-MDI party is usually held), Atlantic Oceanside (where the MDI race expo is usually held), New England Outdoor Center (where the post-Millinocket Ugly Sweater party is usually held), and Sawmill Bar and Grill (where the post-Millinocket virtual race meet-up is usually held). If you've already entered your miles for today before I had a chance to put this message up, you can go back to your etnry and type it as a comment on your own post. #mainestrong
    • AOMM Oct 5, 2020
      Just mentioned @MHB @DoubleA23 and @MoGo4Acadia on the Facebook group page, in the context of a special "Where in Acadia?" image -
    • JohnT Sept 30, 2020
      It did it again. Yesterday’s run said I was averaging 9.59 miles per run during my current streak. I ran 12.74 miles today and it says I am averaging 9.40 miles per run. That definitely does not add up.
      The preliminary answer I've gotten so far from Racery @JohnT is that the average is based on the last 7 days of activities, so older dates get lopped off. They're still checking with the programmers on the final answer, however. In the meanwhile, just learned today that they have added 2 new activities in the activity dropdown that might get at the elevation issue: trail running and hiking, listed alphabetically. It's an inexact science. For example, 1 hour of trail running converts to 6.20377 miles, and 1 hour of hiking converts to 4.1694 miles. At your pace, bet you probably run 12 miles an hour!
    • AOMM Sept 29, 2020
      Hey everyone, Racery was able to make "Running/Walking" the default activity at the top of the activity conversion list, so you no longer have to scroll down alphabetically to find it. Also, Racery added some missing miles from the previous race for @mak321 and @LizInTheWoods so your streaks should be restored. And @JohnT - Racery is still looking into the average miles issue you'd noticed, and the elevation gain possibility. Will let you know once I find out more.
      Elevation would be awesome. Any chance of a weights/strength training conversion?
      @TomZot - no strength training, but for weight lifting, they convert 1 hour into 1.903 miles - vs. calisthenics, 1 hour equals 3.011 miles. Just looked up what might count as calisthenics, and it could range from jumping jacks to push ups, and all manner of bodyweight exercises. Guess that equates to more calories burned than lifting weights?
      Actually on the Ap running/walking is even further down the list now!
    • AOMM Sept 26, 2020
      Just posted this on the Facebook group page: Congratulations to the following Acadia to Katahdin Virtual racers who've recently completed the 240.1-mile virtual race course atop Katahdin: @GburgStina, logging her miles in the Gettysburg area @Angelion of WA, who just completed a 1,500-day streak yesterday @BryanD - who may have introduced you to Fireball if you've ever run Millinocket in real life @Shellperry of NJ, who just completed a 1,100-day streak yesterday @sueluv of NH, who has more than 55 days in a row under her belt @MA.ME.MD.Walker, who has a 163-day streak as of yesterday @KDW, who scaled Katahdin in real-life on the 1,001th day of her streak, and is up to Day 1,007 as of yesterday @RoughNess, who's got 43 days in a row as of yesterday @QueenMarsha, who's got 270 days in a row as of this morning @Kit415 of NH, who just virtually summited Katahdin yesterday