Amazin' Maine Virtual Race
Runners (106)
All groups:
1.JohnT Finished
2.MillinocketMatt Finished
3.BetteBoop Finished
4.MA.ME.MD.Walker Finished
5.Andeloper Finished
6.KDW Finished
7.ZombieChop Finished
8.Steuart Finished
9.Fossil Finished
10.CorvidRunner Finished
11.MissB Finished
12.bbarr Finished
13.CaptDave Finished
14.Coastwalker Finished
15.QueenMarsha Finished
16.KPS Finished
17.XoEm Finished
18.Jennay24 Finished
19.LisaMI Finished
20.Run100 Finished
21.TomZot Finished
22.DSea Finished
23.sueluv Finished
24.JalaSue Finished
25.Kit415 Finished
26.MojoChris Finished
27.Jennyjenn Finished
28.Trvlngrl Finished
29.4000footer Finished
30.MirandaWV Finished
31.JillMarie63 Finished
32.MoGo4Acadia Finished
33.Shellperry Finished
34.Steb Finished
35.Whoopie Finished
36.mdijim Finished
37.jackrabbit67 Finished
38.Doodle Finished
39.bgizzi Finished
40.JKSwimming Finished
41.AOMM Finished
42.Bruczilla Finished
43.aaf05200 Finished
44.LaurieH94 Finished
45.RoughNess Finished
46.Dalang Finished
47.sarahJSG Finished
48.EvelynSH Finished
49.KirstenJH Finished
50.NancyinNC Finished
51.earthmuffin Finished
52.OptimusGrimes Finished
53.mak321 Finished
54.Katie3Burnham Finished
55.MHB Finished
56.sbuzzellRN Finished
57.Mystik Finished
58.GlycerinGirl Finished
59.SarahNN Finished
60.CobraJet Finished
61.Maggie17 Finished
62.Veggiepattiruns Finished
63.Livylou Finished
64.muddz Finished
65.BarHarborBirdie Finished
66.LeahD Finished
67.Grin Finished
68.LizInTheWoods Finished
69.Slogger Finished
70.forgetmenot Finished
71.AnnaKluvzWhales Finished
72.ChooChoo Finished
73.Kiley Finished
74.GMonkey Finished
75.RogueWave Finished
76.jlock333 Finished
77.Meep Finished
78.MoWatson Finished
79.SeaUrchin Finished
80.FL2ME 164.9 miles
81.LuckyMimi 150.2 miles
82.DrewInMelrose 140.4 miles
83.kathrun 128.7 miles
84.SpookyDog 123.3 miles
85.MsAnn 105.9 miles
86.jennsjourney 99.1 miles
87.OGKatie 83.8 miles
88.Luluphi 80.1 miles
89.Aj3377 79.4 miles
90.DrJudy 74.6 miles
91.Laurels 70.8 miles
92.LRM 65.7 miles
93.Averill228 62.5 miles
94.Umlette 60.5 miles
95.MichelleS 58.0 miles
96.JannaN 56.0 miles
97.gmoneygproblems 51.9 miles
98.AMruns4icecream 48.8 miles
99.Kbeyerl 38.4 miles
100.joyfuljourney 18.7 miles
see more...
Second Lap
1.JohnT 1205.2 miles
2.ZombieChop 1130.7 miles
3.BetteBoop 1061.9 miles
4.MA.ME.MD.Walker 968.4 miles
5.KDW 836.6 miles
6.MissB 815.2 miles
7.Coastwalker 763.8 miles
8.XoEm 700.9 miles
9.Andeloper 700.0 miles
10.Run100 661.2 miles
11.KPS 636.0 miles
12.Jennyjenn 622.6 miles
13.sueluv 592.7 miles
14.CaptDave 587.0 miles
15.bbarr 575.7 miles
16.DSea 567.6 miles
17.QueenMarsha 559.1 miles
18.TomZot 510.1 miles
19.CorvidRunner 496.7 miles
20.LisaMI 492.3 miles
21.Kit415 463.3 miles
22.JalaSue 463.0 miles
23.Jennay24 459.9 miles
24.SarahNN 451.7 miles
25.MojoChris 450.4 miles
26.Trvlngrl 438.7 miles
27.Fossil 421.0 miles
28.Shellperry 356.8 miles
29.4000footer 353.3 miles
30.RoughNess 350.1 miles
31.jackrabbit67 343.1 miles
32.aaf05200 341.0 miles
33.Bruczilla 329.7 miles
34.MoGo4Acadia 327.3 miles
35.Doodle 319.4 miles
36.Steb 316.3 miles
37.AOMM 314.9 miles
38.NancyinNC 300.0 miles
39.mdijim 297.3 miles
40.bgizzi 291.3 miles
41.Katie3Burnham 285.0 miles
42.sarahJSG 277.7 miles
43.mak321 276.9 miles
44.CobraJet 274.7 miles
45.Whoopie 268.3 miles
46.JillMarie63 267.6 miles
47.Mystik 254.8 miles
48.earthmuffin 252.4 miles
49.Dalang 242.1 miles
50.MirandaWV 239.7 miles
51.Maggie17 237.9 miles
52.MHB 237.3 miles
53.LeahD 235.4 miles
54.KirstenJH 224.5 miles
55.EvelynSH 224.5 miles
56.LaurieH94 221.9 miles
57.forgetmenot 218.9 miles
58.LizInTheWoods 218.0 miles
59.MillinocketMatt 213.9 miles
60.JKSwimming 213.3 miles
61.AnnaKluvzWhales 212.7 miles
62.Grin 212.2 miles
63.muddz 208.8 miles
64.ChooChoo 208.8 miles
65.SeaUrchin 207.8 miles
Recent Activity
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Log Activity
About + Join
- From: Acadia
- To: Katahdin
- Start date: April 16, 2020
- End date: August 8, 2020
- 0:00 EST
- 23:59 EST
- Route distance: 206.8 miles
- Total logged: 32,495.2 miles
Help raise funds for Friends of Acadia and Millinocket Memorial Library! Support a new Robin Emery Prize (named after Maine Running Hall of Famer and virtual racer who goes by the name of @Fossil) to be awarded to a 5th to 12th-grade girl who runs in the Main Street Memorial Mile in Ellsworth!
Virtually run such real-life race routes as Bridge the Gap in Bucksport, hike Cadillac and Katahdin, and get pop-up photos of some of Maine's iconic lighthouses, sandy beaches, ocean cliffs, or maybe even of the giant L.L. Bean boot in Freeport!
Start by virtually climbing all 26 peaks of Acadia, and move on to run near some or all of such real-life race routes as Labor Day 5 Miler in Bangor, Bay of Fundy International Marathon in Lubec, Shipyard Maine Coast Marathon in Kennebunk, L.L. Bean 4th of July 10K, TD Beach to Beacon 10K in Cape Elizabeth and Millinocket Marathon. (This virtual race is not officially affiliated with any of the real-life races, but we're including links embedded in red pindrops in the virtual race map to news about any real-life race cancellations or postponements, as a public service during this time of coronavirus.)
Finish off the 206.8-mile virtual race atop Katahdin, the tallest mountain in Maine and northern terminus of the Appalachian Trail.
Wherever you are in the world, you can participate virtually by running or walking and logging your miles. Watch your avatar move along on a map from Acadia to Katahdin, jumping from segment to segment.
You have 115 days, until August 8, to complete the segments. To ensure you cross the finish line and to take into account any mileage rounding issues, be sure to log a few extra tenths of a mile. And if you opted in for special finisher's medal(s), they will be mailed, upon completion of the race. Everyone is a winner, whether you complete all 206.8 miles by the race's end or not.
Mileage from this race and future races will count toward cumulative totals, allowing you to reach special milestones and recognition. Details to be announced at
At least 5% of gross proceeds from the race go to help support Acadia National Park via the nonprofit Friends of Acadia, Millinocket via the nonprofit Millinocket Memorial Library and the Robin Emery Prize.
We've got racers all over the globe! To keep everyone on the same page, we've come up with some handy guidelines:
© 2025 Pressflex LLC
Virtually run such real-life race routes as Bridge the Gap in Bucksport, hike Cadillac and Katahdin, and get pop-up photos of some of Maine's iconic lighthouses, sandy beaches, ocean cliffs, or maybe even of the giant L.L. Bean boot in Freeport!
Start by virtually climbing all 26 peaks of Acadia, and move on to run near some or all of such real-life race routes as Labor Day 5 Miler in Bangor, Bay of Fundy International Marathon in Lubec, Shipyard Maine Coast Marathon in Kennebunk, L.L. Bean 4th of July 10K, TD Beach to Beacon 10K in Cape Elizabeth and Millinocket Marathon. (This virtual race is not officially affiliated with any of the real-life races, but we're including links embedded in red pindrops in the virtual race map to news about any real-life race cancellations or postponements, as a public service during this time of coronavirus.)
Finish off the 206.8-mile virtual race atop Katahdin, the tallest mountain in Maine and northern terminus of the Appalachian Trail.
Wherever you are in the world, you can participate virtually by running or walking and logging your miles. Watch your avatar move along on a map from Acadia to Katahdin, jumping from segment to segment.
You have 115 days, until August 8, to complete the segments. To ensure you cross the finish line and to take into account any mileage rounding issues, be sure to log a few extra tenths of a mile. And if you opted in for special finisher's medal(s), they will be mailed, upon completion of the race. Everyone is a winner, whether you complete all 206.8 miles by the race's end or not.
Mileage from this race and future races will count toward cumulative totals, allowing you to reach special milestones and recognition. Details to be announced at
At least 5% of gross proceeds from the race go to help support Acadia National Park via the nonprofit Friends of Acadia, Millinocket via the nonprofit Millinocket Memorial Library and the Robin Emery Prize.
We've got racers all over the globe! To keep everyone on the same page, we've come up with some handy guidelines:
- We rely on the honor system... you don't have to use a device to prove your miles -- a good map suffices.
- Please only backdate mileage to the start of this race.
- No step counting, please use intentional miles.
- Only walking or running miles please! (NOTE: miles on a racer’s personal log are for all races they are in, over all sports)
- Please attribute your mileage to the appropriate day -- don’t combine mileage from multiple days.
- Miles submitted after the race ends will not count toward race leaderboards.
© 2025 Pressflex LLC
No mileage submitted yet.