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    This race ended 08/01/19 - check out the final activity below.

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    • LizInTheWoods Aug 1, 2019
      1.0 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 378 days at 2.91 miles/day.
      Thanks so much for being part of this virtual race! And you can keep the streak going with the next race that begins tomorrow. Hope to see you on the virtual course!
    • JillMarie63 Aug 1, 2019
      3.2 miles
      Evening walk
       6th Longest personal streak grows to 9 days at 5.89 miles/day.
      Thanks for being part of this virtual race - and see you in the next one!
      @AOMM I really enjoy these virtual races. Thanks for all you do to make them fun!
    • JohnT Aug 1, 2019
      23.4 miles
      Last day so I figured I would go big. Taconic Traverse. Start in New York go into MA then CT. Then NY and back into MA before finishing in NY. 6,000 feet of elevation gain
       10th Longest personal run.
      Wow! Trifecta! Hope to see you in the next virtual race:
    • LRM Aug 1, 2019
      5.2 miles
       8th Longest personal run.
      Thanks for being part of this virtual race - and see you in the next one!
    • TomZot Aug 1, 2019
      3.7 miles
      Run for Hope/Families in Transition 5K with w/u - Wolfeboro, NH, USA
      Great photo finish - reminds me a little of the famous Michelangelo painting.... See you on the next virtual race course!
    • Shellperry Aug 1, 2019
      4.0 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 689 days at 3.20 miles/day.
      Gotta keep that streak going! Hope to see you on the next virtual race course!
    • KDW Aug 1, 2019
      5.0 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 586 days at 5.11 miles/day.
      Thanks for being part of this vritual race, and see you in the next one! Gotta keep that streak going!
    • CaptDave Aug 1, 2019
      1.9 miles
      Last entry into this race and looking forward to the start of the new one tomorrow
       Longest personal streak grows to 294 days at 3.81 miles/day.
      See you on the next virtual race course - and what a streak you've got going!
    • MichelleS Aug 1, 2019
      0.8 miles
       Back after 105 days.
      See you on the new virtual race course beginning tomorrow!
    • Coastwalker Aug 1, 2019
      1.8 miles
      Light day, what can I say?
       7th Longest personal streak grows to 23 days at 6.05 miles/day.
      So you can rest up for the start of the new race tomorrow?
    • KPS Aug 1, 2019
      8.9 miles
      big Wednesday with speed work thrown in, all things being relative. :)
       Longest personal streak grows to 36 days at 5.88 miles/day.
      Save some big ones for the new race beginning tomorrow! Thanks for being part of this virtual race, and the new one!
      @AOMM My pleasure! Thanks for putting these races together!
    • LizInTheWoods July 31, 2019
      3.1 miles
    • AOMM July 31, 2019
      1.3 miles
      Walking in Boston
    • CaptDave July 31, 2019
      4.0 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 293 days at 3.82 miles/day.
    • JohnT July 31, 2019
      4.1 miles
      Ice cream trail run. I only ran the out to the ice cream place. Have a big run for tomorrow
    • bgizzi July 31, 2019
      6.2 miles
       4th Longest personal run of this race this month.
      Hope to see you on the new virtual race course, beginning tomorrow!
      @AOMM thanks for thinking of me. Need to get registered. Oregon summers bring the visitors from far and wide. Even my travel trailer is housing folks. Will get with the trek soon.
    • bbarr July 31, 2019
      2.0 miles
       3rd Longest personal streak grows to 4 days at 4.67 miles/day.
      Thanks for being part of this virtual race, and hope to see you in the next one!
    • KPS July 31, 2019
      3.7 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 35 days at 5.79 miles/day.
    • KDW July 31, 2019
      6.5 miles
       5th Longest personal run of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 585 days at 5.11 miles/day.
    • Shellperry July 31, 2019
      4.5 miles
       7th Longest personal run of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 688 days at 3.20 miles/day.
    • Bruczilla July 31, 2019
      5.8 miles
      - Eagle Lake, Bar Harbor, ME, USA
      Looking forward to seeing you in the next virtual race!
    • Christa July 31, 2019
      6.2 miles
      Eagle lake loop. So gross out, high humidity and bad air quality. :-(
       7th Longest personal run of this race this month.
      See you on the next virtual race course!
    • Coastwalker July 31, 2019
      5.0 miles
      Early, easy walk in 63° and muggy as the sun was coming up.
       7th Longest personal streak grows to 22 days at 6.24 miles/day.
    • JillMarie63 July 31, 2019
      4.2 miles
      Warm morning run
       8th Longest personal streak grows to 8 days at 6.23 miles/day.
    • TomZot July 31, 2019
      4.2 miles
      Burnt Timber Tavern Pub Run - Wolfeboro, NH, USA
    • CaptDave July 30, 2019
      5.2 miles
       6th Longest personal run of this race this month.
      Acadia Mountain?
      @AOMM. Yes!! Good eye
    • JohnT July 30, 2019
      2.5 miles
      Kids race with my son. He ran 18:59. Missed a PR by 3 seconds but first in his age group! He now has a 9 point lead with two races left
      You must be proud...of your son, and having summited Katahdin again!
      @AOMM Thanks! I am proud...of both
    • Shellperry July 30, 2019
      1.2 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 687 days at 3.20 miles/day.
    • KDW July 30, 2019
      4.5 miles
       9th Longest personal run of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 584 days at 5.11 miles/day.
    • bbarr July 30, 2019
      5.5 miles
      muggy and buggy
       4th Longest personal run.
    • KPS July 30, 2019
      7.7 miles
       7th Longest personal run of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 34 days at 5.85 miles/day.
    • JillMarie63 July 30, 2019
      5.3 miles
      Warm morning run
       10th Longest personal run of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 7 days at 6.53 miles/day.
    • Coastwalker July 30, 2019
      7.8 miles
      Early, hilly RW workout in sunny weather with rapidly burning-off fog and rising temps. Tough but nice start to the day.
       3rd Longest personal run of this race this month.  7th Longest personal streak grows to 21 days at 6.24 miles/day.
    • jjnodice July 30, 2019
      3.0 miles
       10th Longest personal run of this race this month.
      Thanks for being part of this virtual race, and hope to see you in the next one that begins tomorrow:
    • LizInTheWoods July 30, 2019
      2.8 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 376 days at 2.92 miles/day.
    • Coastwalker July 30, 2019
      1.3 miles
      Afternoon/evening walk. Nice.
       7th Longest personal streak grows to 21 days at 5.93 miles/day.
    • AOMM July 29, 2019
      3.5 miles
       6th Longest personal run of this race this month.  Extends streak to 4 days.
    • Coastwalker July 29, 2019
      1.0 miles
      Evening walk. Nice.
    • LRM July 29, 2019
      1.7 miles
       7th Longest personal run of this race this month.
    • 4000footer July 29, 2019
      3.5 miles
      Walk/jog. Nice evening.
       8th Longest personal run of this race this month.
    • KDW July 29, 2019
      4.0 miles
    • Shellperry July 29, 2019
      2.0 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 686 days at 3.20 miles/day.
    • KPS July 29, 2019
      3.1 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 33 days at 5.80 miles/day.
    • bbarr July 29, 2019
      1.2 miles
       8th Longest personal run of this race this month.
    • TomZot July 29, 2019
      3.3 miles
      - Wolfeboro, NH, USA
       Extends streak to 4 days.
    • bbarr July 29, 2019
      5.0 miles
      getting warm and muggy
    • Coastwalker July 29, 2019
      6.1 miles
      Early, foggy, hilly RW workout.
       7th Longest personal streak grows to 20 days at 6.11 miles/day.
    • JillMarie63 July 29, 2019
      5.2 miles
      Warm and foggy morning run
       Extends streak to 6 days.
    • CaptDave July 29, 2019
      1.8 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 291 days at 3.81 miles/day.
    • LizInTheWoods July 29, 2019
      2.8 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 375 days at 2.92 miles/day.
    • bgizzi July 29, 2019
      2.2 miles
       Extends streak to 4 days.
    • CaptDave July 28, 2019
      3.6 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 290 days at 3.82 miles/day.
    • AOMM July 28, 2019
      3.1 miles
      Lightning intervals - that is, see a flash of lightning, run fast. Didn't quite outrun the rain - plus I read somewhere once that it doesn't help to run, as you get just as drenched as if you walked the same distance.
    • LizInTheWoods July 28, 2019
      2.8 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 374 days at 2.92 miles/day.
    • LRM July 28, 2019
      2.0 miles
    • ZombieChop July 28, 2019
      2.3 miles
      Scorching noon time dog walk to make them sleep this afternoon through Patriots Point and the submarine memorial. - Cold War Submarine Memorial, Patriots Point Road, Mount Pleasant, SC, USA
       4th Longest personal run of this race this month.
      Thanks for being part of this virtual race, and see you in the next one!
    • JohnT July 28, 2019
      1.2 miles
      Some walking around
    • TomZot July 28, 2019
      1.2 miles
      Lunch walk...aka...mowing the lawn. Used the Garmin while mowing...never did that before.
    • KPS July 28, 2019
      8.5 miles
       5th Longest personal run of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 32 days at 5.88 miles/day.
    • JohnT July 28, 2019
      7.6 miles
      M&M Trail
       10th Longest personal run of this race this month.
    • TomZot July 28, 2019
      5.1 miles
      Woods and water. - Shapleigh, ME, USA
       9th Longest personal run of this race this month.
    • jjnodice July 28, 2019
      3.1 miles
       7th Longest personal run of this race this month.
    • JillMarie63 July 28, 2019
      6.3 miles
      Morning run
       8th Longest personal run of this race this month.  Extends streak to 5 days.
    • Bruczilla July 28, 2019
      10.9 miles
      Tri-Lakes - Jordan Pond, Mount Desert, ME, USA
       Longest personal run of this race this month.
    • Coastwalker July 28, 2019
      5.8 miles
      Early RW workout on lots 'o hills, but with great views of Penobscot Bay. Nice.
       8th Longest personal streak grows to 19 days at 6.05 miles/day.
      Castine side of the bay?
      @AOMM Exactly!
      @Coastwalker - Been reading up on the Penobscot Expedition, the biggest naval loss for Americans, before Pearl Harbor. Paul Revere was even court martialed over the loss to the British. Interesting to see the signs marking the British invasion when we visited the area recently.
    • bbarr July 28, 2019
      5.0 miles
      early morning run
    • 4000footer July 28, 2019
      3.1 miles
      Walk during some downpours, but done in time to avoid being drenched.
    • KDW July 28, 2019
      3.5 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 582 days at 5.11 miles/day.
    • Shellperry July 28, 2019
      1.2 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 685 days at 3.21 miles/day.
    • Coastwalker July 28, 2019
      1.3 miles
      Nice evening walk.
       8th Longest personal streak grows to 19 days at 5.81 miles/day.
    • bgizzi July 28, 2019
      4.2 miles
      Great summer days in Oregon!
    • 4000footer July 27, 2019
      3.1 miles
      Walking again in the White Mountains.
    • CaptDave July 27, 2019
      2.4 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 289 days at 3.82 miles/day.
    • AOMM July 27, 2019
      3.1 miles
      Looking forward to the next virtual race, as it's time to get serious with MDI and Millinocket Halfs on the calendar....
    • KDW July 27, 2019
      4.7 miles
       8th Longest personal run of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 581 days at 5.11 miles/day.
    • Christa July 27, 2019
      16.5 miles
      Warm up and then the Lobster Classic Road Race - Hancock, ME, USA
       Longest personal run of this race this month.
      Was it a good race? Knee injury so I didn’t participate but I was down the road setting up for a chicken Bbq!
      @FL2ME I think it was even smaller than last year. I underestimated my warm up miles and was 9 minutes late starting!! I was 3rd to last finisher.
    • Shellperry July 27, 2019
      3.5 miles
       9th Longest personal run of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 684 days at 3.21 miles/day.
    • TomZot July 27, 2019
      7.3 miles
      Guiding for Kyle at Eastern Greenbelt/SoPo to Bug Light. - South Portland, ME, USA
       3rd Longest personal run of this race this month.
    • AmZ July 27, 2019
      3.2 miles
       Longest personal run of this race this month.
      Can you make it to Katahdin by 11:59 PM EST on Aug. 1? Hope so, because this race ends then. Then a new one starts at midnight Aug. 2. Hope to see you then!
      Thanks for being part of this virtual race, and see you in the next one!
    • JohnT July 27, 2019
      9.1 miles
      Mt. Tom on a great cool morning
       4th Longest personal run of this race this month.
      So will you make Katahdin one more time before this race ends at 11:59 p.m. on Aug. 1, and the new one starts at 12:01 a.m. on Aug. 2? I would say...yes!
      @AOMM I think that is a pretty safe assumption. Maybe tomorrow morning. I think that completes the route 10 times!
      10x is amazing!
      @FL2ME Thanks
    • KPS July 27, 2019
      11.1 miles
       Longest personal run of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 31 days at 5.80 miles/day.
    • JillMarie63 July 27, 2019
      6.4 miles
      Morning run
       7th Longest personal run of this race this month.  Extends streak to 4 days.
    • Coastwalker July 27, 2019
      2.3 miles
      Early start - travel day.
       8th Longest personal streak grows to 18 days at 5.96 miles/day.
      Thanks for the tips on racewalking, and sorry didn't have a chance to reply earlier. A goal to aim for!
    • bgizzi July 27, 2019
      4.8 miles
    • bgizzi July 27, 2019
      2.6 miles
       8th Longest personal run of this race this month.
    • LizInTheWoods July 27, 2019
      3.5 miles
       9th Longest personal run of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 373 days at 2.92 miles/day.
    • Coastwalker July 27, 2019
      1.8 miles
      Good walk to top off a long day.
       8th Longest personal streak grows to 18 days at 5.93 miles/day.
    • FL2ME July 27, 2019
      2.2 miles
       4th Longest personal run of this race this month.
    • LRM July 26, 2019
      3.2 miles
       2nd Longest personal run of this race this month.
    • CaptDave July 26, 2019
      5.9 miles
      Better back day today
       3rd Longest personal run of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 288 days at 3.82 miles/day.
      Take it easy!
      @AOMM. Got to rest up for new race!
      That’s right!!!
    • KDW July 26, 2019
      3.0 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 580 days at 5.11 miles/day.
    • AOMM July 26, 2019
      3.1 miles
      Getting close to announcing the new race - be sure to log all your miles for this race before midnight Aug. 1, as the new one starts at 12:01 a.m. Aug. 2. Watch your emails, message board and Facebook group page for details. Putting the finishing touches on the new medal and new routes. This will be fun!
    • FL2ME July 26, 2019
      3.0 miles
    • 4000footer July 26, 2019
      3.1 miles
      Walk along West Branch and Tripoli roads in the Granite State.
    • Shellperry July 26, 2019
      5.0 miles
       6th Longest personal run of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 683 days at 3.21 miles/day.
      You continue to amaze me!
    • Coastwalker July 26, 2019
      7.4 miles
      Pre-dawn RW workout in 61° temps - nice.
       4th Longest personal run of this race this month.  9th Longest personal streak grows to 17 days at 6.18 miles/day.
      Look at that overpass on Brewer!
    • Bruczilla July 26, 2019
      7.6 miles
      Lovely, cool morning - Aunt Betty Pond, Bar Harbor, ME, USA
       3rd Longest personal run of this race this month.
    • TomZot July 26, 2019
      4.0 miles
      - Wolfeboro, NH, USA
    • KPS July 26, 2019
      7.4 miles
       6th Longest personal run of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 30 days at 5.62 miles/day.
    • JillMarie63 July 26, 2019
      4.1 miles
      Early run
    • see more...
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    This race ended 08/01/19 - check out the final activity here.

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    **Note, you need to be in the race to chat on the Messageboard! If you haven't already, join here!
    • AOMM Aug 8, 2020
      @AOMM still working?
    • AOMM July 27, 2019
      Alright everyone, the new virtual race is going to start Aug. 2, registration open now: And if you have any missing miles you need to enter for this race, do so by 11:59 p.m. EST on Thursday Aug. 1.
    • JohnT July 9, 2019
      Is this virtual race ending soon? Will there be another one?
      Hi @JohnT - sorry didn't see this earlier. Am fine-tuning the new race route, and will be announcing the new one soon (but won't end this one until the new one is ready to go). Target date is around Aug. 1 or 2.
    • bbarr July 4, 2019
      Thanks AOMM and Racery. At least I got the mileage dropdown straight!
      Of course!!! Also, a fix/tweak for the finished rankings will go live this am :) We updated some functionality this week and it had some unintentional consequences! Thanks for flagging it :)!!
      Thanks @RaceryKayla for fixing the glitch! Also, did check an activity from a few days ago, and the drop-down for delete is in there, so thanks for that. And thanks also for putting miles as the default first option, for those of us virtual racers in the US.
    • bbarr July 3, 2019
      Not sure if everything is right here. On the summary page indicting that I finished number 7--but really 57--and the ultramarthoner category had me at 27 or 25 but jumped me to 23. Also, mileage for today is 5 miles...saying it's 3.1 hmmmm
      Check your happened to me. The app was set to show kilometers instead of miles.
      Racery sometimes changes things around. Noticed the kilometers as being the default yesterday, rather than miles. I think they're adding more international races, and thus kilometers in dropdown, I think. I'll have to look at the number 7 / 57 and 27 / 25 / 23 issue. There's the drop-down menu in the upper-right hand corner of each day's entry (arrow pointing down next to the deat) where you can delete an entry, and then re-enter it correctly.
      Hmm, looks like the ability to delete may only be there for a short while - just checked today on yesterday's entry for myself, and the delete button was gone. @bbarr I would suggest you adjust your next entry for the missing mileage. Thanks! Maybe I'll mention to racery that it would be nice to have miles as the default, even if it's alphabetically after kilometers.... Hope that's not being too US-centric....
      And thanks for being so honest on the rankings - yes, some technical glitch appears to have pushed you up in the line-up, @bbarr . So hope you don't mind if racery ends up fixing things and puts the rankings back where they were!
      Hey all! Looking in to the placement update in the finished rankings. :) Re the other notes, no defaults should have changed for this race, but you do need to make sure miles are selected versus kilometers. Also, you should be able to delete a mileage log at any time!! I just checked the functionality in an active race that I'm in and I'm seeing it as expected -- can you recheck?
      Same thing happened to me
    • 4000footer June 15, 2019
      Thanks @AOMM
    • 4000footer June 14, 2019
      Racery will get an email on the technical glitch that is recording activities twice in a day.
      @bbarr @4000footer - will have racery address the duplicate entries, but it may not be until Monday. There's a way to delete in the drop-down menu in the first entry, but it deletes both entries. Tried it a couple of times, but still doing duplicates and double deletion. If you backdate the next day, apparently not a problem, according to @4000footer ?
      @AOMM @bbarr @4000footer hey all! I was unable to replicate the issue so far. Are you by chance looking at a new display that shows your logs and achievements in the same box as the Google Street View with the option to share to Facebook? You'll also see that log in the Activity Feed below the sharing box. However, the activity has only been uploaded once. You can double check by looking at your bio
      @AOMM @bbarr @RaceryKayla Thank you for the response, Kayla. We are seeing the option to share to Facebook. The activity does seem to upload only once so not the issue it seemed.
      @4000footer Wonderful!!! You can tag me here if you ever have any other issues!!
      Great to know @RaceryKayla Thank you.
    • bbarr June 13, 2019
      I'm thinking the activity for today may have recorded twice.
      I am having the same issue. Weird.
    • CaptDave Apr 16, 2019
      When does this race end?
      Actually, just got it extended (you're the first to know), and will be making formal announcement soon. Thanks for continuing to log your miles and being a great contributor, @CaptDave, both here and to the Acadia National Park Hiking group page on Facebook as well!
      @AOMM. Great news, thanks.
    • TomZot Apr 7, 2019
      Anyone headed for Boston next weekend?
      I'll be volunteering again (14th year) in the start corrals (don't know which one yet). Look for the guy with a grey beard in the bright orange cap. Wishing tailwinds and big grins to all the racers.
      @Coastwalker I'll be spectating...arrive Friday pm and we'll head home Tuesday morning. At my usual front of the Hines @ Hereford & Boylston.
      @Coastwalker Just checking to see if anyone needs some logistical support.
      @JohnT is running it, for charity. And @RosaPup is volunteering at the 40k mark, I think. And alas, I am on tax prep deadline, being in the business I'm in, so sorry can't be there to give real-life cheers.
      I’m in the 4th wave, 5th corral. I’ll be wearing a shirt my charity made for me with my first name printed across the front. White with blue font (long sleeve) or blue with white font (short sleeve). Also have a salt and pepper beard and blue North Face cap.
      @JohnT What's your bib number?
    • AOMM Mar 16, 2019
      Just shared the latest news about fellow virtual racer @Fossil on the Facebook group page: She's famous!
    • AOMM Mar 12, 2019
      Just put up some news about fellow virtual racer @JohnT on the Facebook group page, about his training for Boston and the charity he's fundraising for:
    • MoGo4Acadia Mar 5, 2019
      I forget. What is the finish line mileage??
      I’m wondering too!
      @RangerMo and @KDDID - to reach Katahdin the first time, it is 337.8 miles.
    • KDW Mar 3, 2019
      Anyone running the Downeast Sunrise relay this year? Anyone want to make a team or any teams in need of another runner? I would love to be part of this but do not have running friends who are interested.
      I'm in for the 5th time. Team Chowda Heads. Team's not filled yet...I'll keep you posted.
      Thanks! Would love to fill a spot if it is available. @TomZot
      PS: It's a blast!
    • MoGo4Acadia Feb 10, 2019
      Still having issues with attaching photos. I have an android and post directly from that. I click on camera icon, then files, choose a photo, then nothing. So I submit without the photo. One time it worked, so what am I not doing now?
      Hi @RangerMo sorry didn't see this earlier, about the photos. Let me try experimenting next time from my phone, a Samsung, and see if I can figure it out. Weird it worked that one time, but not since.
    • CaptDave Feb 6, 2019
      Don’t seem to be getting notified when I have a message. Was thinking it’s probably some kind of toggle somewhere , but can’t find it in settings. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks
      Hi @CaptDave - sorry didn't see this until just now. Am sure there's more than one way to see messages. If you're on the Web site, in the upper right hand corner, to the left of your profile picture, there's a bell shape with a drop down menu showing all likes or messages you've received. From an e-mail notification for a like or a message, there's a link at the bottom showing whether you want to continue receiving likes and messages, or to stop receiving. (Sometimes if the person messaging you didn't tag you specifically, it may not automatically show up in an e-mail. What you might want to do from time to time is go under "Runners" and click on your profile and scroll down to see if anyone's commented on one of your posts, without having tagged you specifically.)
      @AOMM ok Thanks You
    • JohnT Feb 3, 2019
      I’m running the 2019 Boston Marathon for a great cause. My charity is called the Newton, Weston, Wellesley Committee for Community Living. A very small nonprofit that provides services (including residential) for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Click the link for more information or to make a donation.
      Thanks for sharing, and for doing this, @JohnT . Will incorporate it in next social media share.
      @AOMM Thanks. I really appreciate it
      Just shared this link on the Facebook group page - good luck on the training and the fundraising, @JohnT !
    • mdijim Jan 22, 2019
      Does snow removal count? Had to use my pickmattock to break a path through the wall of ice left by the plow.
      It does if your walking back and forth clearing!
      @CaptDave Thanks. Next time I'll turn on the pedometer.
      I keep mine on clearing the driveway. Lots of back and forth means lots of distance
      Sorry didn't see this earlier, @mdijim , but we earlier told @RangerMo that half hour of shoveling equals 1 mile.
    • LizInTheWoods Jan 6, 2019
      Do the miles we’ve logged after December 31 count for this next extension or things in 2019 virtual race?
      Hi @LizInTheWoods - If I'm understanding your question correctly: All the miles from last year carry over to this extension, so this isn't currently a separate race. But for the new 2019 challenge of a 100-day streak, or 20-day streaks, for the optional 2019 medal with up to 5 stars (as mentioned on the Facebook page, more details to be shared here shortly), the streak counting would start as of Jan. 1, 2019. (But as virtual race co-director, I may extend this beyond April 10, the 100th day of 2019, for anyone who's trying to do a 100 day streak of at least 1 mile a day, but didn't start until say, today.)
    • JohnT Jan 5, 2019
      In case anyone was wondering, I am taking at least a week off from running to deal with some nagging injuries. I’m logging some bike time on the trainer to burn some energy!
      I hope you'll heal quickly!
      Get well soon
      Rest is sometimes the best mender; but probably the hardest thing for a runner to do.
      Start the new year off fully healthy!
    • LibertyPenguin Jan 1, 2019
      What's the new end date for the Virtual?
      April 10, blog post coming shortly with details.
    • AOMM Dec 29, 2018
      As 2018 winds down, looks like time is running out for #moose - see latest team spreadsheets uploaded to the Facebook group page: As of 4 p.m. today, #lobster ahead at 616.3 miles, with #moose lagging at 476.7 miles. Team members have until 11:59 p.m. Dec. 31 to log miles. A new challenge and optional medals for 2019 will be announced soon, as this race has been extended to April 10. Happy New Year everyone!
    • Run100 Dec 24, 2018
      I just found my medal today, and remembered that I forgot to sign up! Good thing for the memory of Strava!
      You can backdate as far back as July 20, or just go forward, at least 100 days into 2019, April 10!
    • AOMM Dec 23, 2018
      Just added latest #lobster vs. #moose team spreadsheets, and #lobster ahead by almost 100 miles in the tie-breaking Round #5. See Facebook group page:
      Are my fellow #moose hibernating???
      @mak321 - you are laying down the challenge!
    • AOMM Dec 23, 2018
      Announcing the winners of the gift giveaway drawing: @Turtlerunner5 won a an autographed copy of our Hiking Acadia National Park guide; @HeleneL @JABandMom @JohnT @Ghost @MattK @Beachbug and @MichelleS each won an LL Bean gift card; @HPLPrez won a Gift MDI gift card; @Shellperry won a gift certificate from SK Tours; and @SarahBG won a gift certificate from Moose Drop In. For every other virtual racer, here's our gift to you: This virtual race has been extended to April 10, 2019 - the 100th day of the New Year. More details to come about the 2019 challenge and optional medals. Happy virtual racing and happy holidays, from @AOMM and @4000footer !
      Thank you! Both for the gift certificate and extending the race! Have a Happy Holiday and thank you for making this so much fun to be a part of!!!
      That is fantastic! Thanks for organizing this virtual run. It has really motivated me to up my game.
      So excited to hear that it's fun and challenging for @Shellperry and @JohnT to be part of the virtual race! Happy Holidays to all!
      I am super excited about the gift card. Thank you so much.  Already know what I am going to get.  Merry Christmas.
      Glad to know you know what you're going to get @Beachbug ! The gift card should be arriving sometime this week - probably plenty of post-Christmas sales to make that dollar stretch further.
      Thanks for extending the race!!! I am able to finish now!
    • AOMM Dec 18, 2018
      Just put up the team spreadsheets for the tie-breaking Round #5, and #lobster is ahead of #moose, 263 miles to 245.3 miles. Not too late to join the virtual MDI vs. virtual Millinocket challenge, which runs through Dec. 31. See latest spreadsheets here:
      Go lobsters!
    • TomZot Dec 17, 2018
      Registration for Millinocket 2019 is open!
    • AOMM Dec 11, 2018
      Thanks to all participants in the #lobster vs. #moose challenge...and the winner of Round #4 is #lobster, with 584.4 miles to moose's 545.5 miles. Time for tiebreaker Round 5, with miles logged from Dec. 9 through Dec. 31 determining which team is King of the Acadia to Katahdin Virtual Race. Not too late for new folks to sign up for the virtual race, or one of the teams. While miles can be backdated to July 20, ohly the ones from Dec. 9 through Dec. 31 count toward the tiebreaker. Optional team medals can still be custom ordered, just tag me here or on Facebook, and I can e-mail invoice. #lobster won, with 584.4 miles, thanks to you and other fellow crustaceans. #moose not too far behind at 545.5 miles. Tiebreaker Round #5 goes from Dec. 9 to Dec. 31. See final spreadsheets here:
    • JohnT Dec 10, 2018
      Has the final tally for the last team challenge been posted?
      Here it is - #lobster won, with 584.4 miles, thanks to you and other fellow crustaceans. #moose not too far behind at 545.5 miles. Tiebreaker Round #5 goes from Dec. 9 to Dec. 31. See final spreadsheets here:
    • AOMM Dec 7, 2018
      Only one more day until the end of Round #4 of #lobster vs. #moose, virtual MDI vs. virtual Millinocket, and the running of the real-life Millinocket Marathon & Half, and out in front is ... #lobster! Will #lobster still rule at the end of the day Dec. 8, after the real-life running of Millinocket on #moose's home turf? As of 7 a.m. this morning, lobster at 407.8 miles, moose at 400.2 miles. See latest spreadsheet at the Facebook group page:
    • bgizzi Dec 7, 2018
      Best wishes to all the Millinocket racers this weekend! Wish I could be there to cheer and celebrate. Sounds like fun to connect with other virtuals. Good job as well to all who participated in this fall challenge.
      Thank you @bgizzi - can use all the best wishes to keep us warm! And thanks for being part of Team #lobster. About to tally up the semifinal results, #moose vs. #lobster. May be the best animal win!
      Pardon typo. Make that, "May the best animal win!"
    • TomZot Dec 4, 2018
      Half marathon bib # 118. Just got the email. BTW...a buddy has asked me to help him break 2:00 for the half. If anyone wants to come along please do. Weather predicted to be brutal so no guarantees.
      I will be looking for you! Don't think I will break 2 on this one, cold air is going to slow me down. But, hope to be in just over. My number is 389!
      @KDW ?. See you tomorrow! I'm a bit concerned about it as well...but we'll get it done. No frostbite though...if we have to stop to warm up I'm not gonna rule it out.
    • AOMM Dec 2, 2018
      Just featured latest virtual race map with all those in or near Millinocket, in the Facebook group page. Hope to see as many virtual racers as possible in Millinocket next Saturday! Will be uploading a virtual race bib to the Facebook group page for those who dare to wear it and reveal themselves in Millinocket. One version of the virtual race bib will have a #lobster, another a #moose and maybe there will be one with both a #lobster and #moose!
      It will be close but I might make it virtually to Millinocket by Saturday!
    • AOMM Dec 1, 2018
      Main virtual race medal ceremony in Millinocket next Saturday is at the Sawmill Bar and Grill, beginning at 5:30 p.m. and not ending until @Mamaof7Dogs finishes and comes get her medals! Plus medal presentation to @mak321 (and maybe also @KDW ) at the mini golf fundraiser for the Millinocket Memorial Library between 2:30 and 4 p.m., where we can also have a #moose vs. #lobster mini-golf competition if there are virtual racers in the area. Plus also we'll be stopping by honorary #moose coach Tricia Cyr's Moose Drop In to present her with honorary #MonsterMoose medal. Details of the moveable virtual awards presentation are in this Facebook events listing: Hope to see the following virtual racers at the Sawmill or elsewhere in town (pardon if we don't know who else among the virtual racers will be there - everyone is welcome!): @BigRed68 @TomZot @LibertyPenguin @Keefa @sstpierre @Fossil @Christa @JillMarie63
      Checking my list, checking it twice, and I see now these other virtual racers are signed up for the real-life Millinocket race. Hope to see you at the Sawmill on Saturday beginning at 5:30 for the main virtual race awards ceremony, or elsewhere in town as detailed in the Facebook events listing. Anyone who wants to pick up custom optional #moose #MonsterMoose #lobster or #lobstrosity team medal in Millinocket would need to order by tomorrow at noon. Just tag me and I can e-mail invoice. Here are others I see are signed up for Millinocket. If you've already received your virtual race medal in the US mail, still come by and meet fellow virtual racers at the Sawmill. Or if you haven't received it yet, you can come by and pick it up (otherwise it'll be sent via US mail). @Lishie @SarahBG @KDDID @Dear @KPS @wanderingmaine @GeoJill
      and don't forget the Sunday Fun Day Recovery Run Day 1k! https://sfdrrd1k.eventbrite...
      To benefit the Millinocket Historical Society!
      I don't think I'll be finishing this relay. I've been down with a cold for most of the last 3 weeks. My training for Millinocket took a massive nosedive. I'm still coming up to cheer and support but the likelihood of me running the race is low. (Yes I know I could run/walk or walk the event)
      @Lishie - actually, this race is extended through at least Dec. 31 (but will be sending medals out to everyone after Dec. 8). Hope you feel better - and if you want to join us at the virtual race meet-up at the Sawmill at 5:30 on Dec. 8, can even give you your medal then.
    • AOMM Dec 1, 2018
      Round #4 spreadsheet is up on the Facebook group page, and #lobster is ahead, 202.2 miles to #moose miles of 183.6. That's as of noon today. If anyone wants optional team gear to be picked up in Millinocket next Saturday, let me know by noon tomorrow, so that the custom medal can be delivered in time. I already have on order the optional team medals for @Mamaof7Dogs @JillMarie63 and @KDW See Facebook group page here for details: Will also be announcing meet-up times for next Saturday - it will be a traveling virtual race medal ceremony in various spots in Millinocket, so stay tuned!
      And if anyone wants to order custom medals to be sent via US mail, feel free to tag me anytime, doesn't have to be by tomorrow at noon. Already in the US mail are the #lobstrosity medals for @FL2ME and @JohnT
    • MamaofDogs Nov 27, 2018
      We are allowed to backdate? I don’t think I did...
      Hi @Mamaof7Dogs - you have all your miles back to July 20. Sorry didn't see this messsage earlier, but did also respond on Facebook.
    • MamaofDogs Nov 27, 2018
      So we are allowed to backdate? I don’t think I did....
    • FL2ME Nov 27, 2018
      @Keefa ..haven’t seen you in awhile. Hope all is well!
      Missing @Keefa too!
    • AOMM Nov 25, 2018
      Just put the results of Round #3 up, and #lobster won - congratulations to members of the team! Round #4 begins today, and lasts through Dec. 8. See latest spreadsheets on the Facebook group page:
    • AOMM Nov 22, 2018
      #lobster on a roll - 430.6 miles as of 10 a.m. Thanksgiving Day, to #moose miles of 349.6. Just put the updated team spreadsheets on the group Facebook page: Happy Thanksgiving all! Round #3 ends Saturday, Nov. 24, and let's see if #lobster can finally win one. Then Round 4 starts Sunday, Nov. 25, and concludes on the day of the real-life Millinocket race.
    • AOMM Nov 19, 2018
      There seems to be a temporary server issue tonight. Have e-mailed racery about it, but they may not get the e-mail until tomorrow. Multiple attempts to post might lead to duplicate entries once server catches up, but I can e-mail to get that fixed if that happens. Also, will be posting spreadsheet update for #lobster vs. #moose tomorrow.
    • AOMM Nov 13, 2018
      #lobster ahead of #moose this morning. See latest team spreadsheets uploaded to the Facebook group page:
    • AOMM Nov 12, 2018
      Just uploaded photos on the Facebook group page of the optional medals: #MonsterMoose #lobstrosity #moose #lobster lobstermoose and MonsterMoose-lobstrosity You can tag me in the messageboard or in your virtual race entry if you want to order optional medal, and I can e-mail add-on invoice. Postage included, same price of $18 for all versions, double the usual percentage going to charity. Medals ship after Dec. 8, or sooner if already completed 337.8-mile route. Medals can also be picked up during Millinocket Marathon & Half weekend, during virtual race meet-up that will be announced soon.
      I'd like a moose medal please.
      @JABandMom - #MonsterMoose (2 moose) as you've done 10 or more miles in 1 day, or just 1 moose? Will e-mail you add-on invoice, and can mail it with your official Acadia to Katahdin Finisher's Medallion. Thanks for being part of the virtual race!
      @AOMM I'd like one with 2 moose. I will be at Millinocket Marathon & Half and would like to pick it up then.
      @JillMarie63 - will e-mail you invoice and also let everyone know time and place of virtual race meet-up and medals pick-up. Thanks for being part of the virtual race!
      I’d like lobstrosity!
      @LizInTheWoods - you got it! Will e-mail the invoice and send the #lobstrosity medal along with the official Acadia to Katahdin Finisher's Medallion - now that you just finished. Congratulations! You can keep logging miles through Dec. 8, both for Team #lobster and for extra entries in the gift giveaway.
      I don't know how busy our Friends of the Library mini golf will be, but I hope as many virtual runners as possible will drop in to say "Hi"! I expect to be working there Friday and Saturday afternoons, probably noon 'til 4 or 5. It's a block from the race start. Most likely, it will be open before race time with hot chocolate and coffee available. I wlll be at the start line at that time, cheering on all you real runners! ~Margie
      @mak321 - hope to stop by and maybe play a round or two! Will you be volunteering at the real-life race registration as well? If so, can send you your medal early to wear, as I think you did last time, and that's how you might have met some of the virtual racers in 2017. Also, does the library take donations of gear (thinking running shoes) at its Katahdin Gear Hub? Or are there are other in-kind donations the library might need? Saw someone coordinating a canned food drive during bib pick-up. And thought maybe if there's a way to put lightly used running shoes to good use, being able to donate them through Katahdin Gear Hub or some other non-profit, that might be something worth chipping in on or, dare I say, helping to coordinate....
      I did meet people at registration last year! Someone else is handling registration this year and I won't be involved. The library is accepting gear for the Hub. I'll check with Matt and see if he could put the shoes to use. I'll get back to you. It seems like they could be used somewhere in town. Thank you for asking!
      Here's what our Library/Gear Hub Director Matt had to say: "the Katahdin Gear Hub could definitely definitely definitely use bicycle donations and bicycle parts donations!" Bikes are harder to pack than running shoes, lol! Maybe some people have parts to donate? I guess he doesn't have a use for running shoes. Thanks for reaching out!
      @mak321 - thanks for the update from Matt on the Gear Hub. Will put word out about bike donations, parts, etc. And maybe will look into likely nonprofits in the area who might be looking for running shoe and other similar donations. Open to ideas if you have any! Looking forward to meeting you in real life!
      #monstermoose Medal for me, please!
      @KDW - will email invoice and medal will be on its way!
      I would like #Lobsterosity
    • AOMM Nov 12, 2018
      Put up the Round #3 roster for #lobster vs. #moose on the Facebook group page. If there's a 2-week personal mileage goal you want to update, or if you want to switch teams, just tag me here or on the Facebook group page, and say what changes you'd like to make. Also, will be unveiling optional team gear, with special edition for #lobstrosity and MonsterMoose elite club members, later today.
      Fun! I’d like to drop my goal to 25 please!
      You got it @KDDID ! And thanks for being part of the fun!
    • AOMM Nov 11, 2018
      Congratulations to Team #moose who won Round #2, 609.4 miles to #lobster 543.1 miles. And congratulations to those who met their 2-week personal mileage goal or made the MonsterMoose or Lobstrosity elite clubs. There's enough time for 2 more rounds between now and Dec. 8, so if #lobster can win the next 2 rounds, it'll be a tie. Otherwise it's a moose stampede. Details in latest Facebook group page post: Round 3 begins today, Nov. 11, and lasts through Nov. 24. If you were in Round 2, you'll automatically carry over with the same team and personal mileage goal. And if you're not on a team yet, you can tag me here to say which team, and your 2-week mileage goal. Not too late to invite family, friends and running buddies to join the virtual race, as they can backdate miles to July 20, and count the Nov. 11-Nov. 24 toward Round 3.
    • AOMM Nov 11, 2018
      Just featured @ZombieChop as the first virtual racer to land on the Millinocket Memorial Library - congratulations!
    • AOMM Nov 10, 2018
      Just featured @KDW in "Where in Millinocket?" Facebook group post:
    • AOMM Nov 10, 2018
      Last call for #lobster and #moose miles for Round #2 of Virtual MDI vs. Virtual Millinocket. #moose is ahead as of 8 a.m. today, 575.8 miles to Lobster's 496.5. See latest spreadsheet at the Facebook group page: Today, Nov. 10, is end of Round 2, and Round 3 will start the Sunday after Thanksgiving (post-turkey trot) and include the real-life Millinocket Marathon & Half. Stay tuned for details, and optional team gear.
    • AOMM Nov 9, 2018
      As of 9:30 this morning, #moose ahead of #lobster by about 70 miles, mainly as a result of @Dear backdating her #moose miles. Any missing #lobster miles out there? Anyone want to join Lobster or Moose and count Oct. 28-Nov. 10 miles toward the team? See latest spreadsheet on the Facebook group page: Optional Lobster and Moose team gear, including special edition for elite Lobstrosity and MonsterMoose club members, to be unveiled soon. Stay tuned!
    • AOMM Nov 8, 2018
      As of 9 a.m. this morning, #moose ahead by 10.3 miles. Can #lobster catch up by the end of the day on Nov. 10? See latest spreadsheet on the Facebook group page:
    • AOMM Nov 5, 2018
      Just posted latest #lobster vs. #moose spreadsheets, and #lobster is ahead as of noontime, 334.2 miles to moose's 284.1 miles. Miles through Nov. 10 count toward team totals for Round #2.
    • AOMM Nov 3, 2018
      #lobster is ahead of this morning - 202.3 miles to 176.3. Just put the latest #lobster vs. #moose spreadsheet up on the Facebook group page: If any miles missing, or you want to add a missing 2-week personal mileage goal, or want to join one or the other of the teams, just tag me here or on Facebook.
      Make that "as of this morning..."
    • AOMM Nov 3, 2018
      Hello @GeoJill - welcome to the virtual race! Feel free to ask any questions you may have. And also just wanted to share a couple of sub-challenges we have going on, if any of these interest you: Join either team #lobster or #moose for Round #2, where you set a 2-week personal mileage goal, starting Oct. 28 - if you meet your goal, you get an extra entry in gift giveaways happening after Dec. 8, plus you add to the team total. Another sub-challenge if you're into long runs, hikes or walks and like Stephen King, courtesy of @Ghost - for each day's entry of 10 miles or more, dedicate it to an SK novel (or movie to stretch the rules a little bit). You can backdate miles as far back as July 20, and you can keep logging until Dec. 8. Thanks again for joining.
    • AOMM Oct 29, 2018
      First results of Round #2 has #lobster ahead of #moose by a claw! See spreadsheets on Facebook group page, standings as of 9:30 pm. Not too late to join a team, or invite family and friends.
    • AOMM Oct 27, 2018
      Ready for Round #2 of #lobster vs. #moose, running from Oct. 28-Nov. 10? I put the preliminary team roster on the Facebook group page and below is what I have so far, based on carryover from Round 1 and comments received so far. If you want to change teams or 2-week personal mileage goal, feel free to tag me here or on the Faceboook group page, @ZombieChop for lobster at 13.1 miles @Shellperry for lobster at 30 miles @JakeD at 24 for lobster and 24 for moose @CindyLouWho at 26.2 for lobster @LizInTheWoods at 40 for lobster @bgizzi at 36 for lobster @LibertyPenguin at 27.015 miles each for lobster and moose @BigRed68 at 13.1 miles each for lobster and moose @JohnT at 80 miles for lobster @TomZot at 65 miles for lobster @JillMarie63 at 50 for moose @JABandMom at 26.2 for moose @KDW at 50 for moose @Swollenknee at 26.2 for moose @mak321 at 26.2 for moose @Dear at 64 for moose @KPS at 50 for moose. And I'm missing 2-week personal goal miles for the following: @sarahJSG for lobster @FL2ME for lobster @KDDID for lobster @JillinTX for lobster @Mamaof7Dogs mileage to be split 50-50 for lobster and moose @wanderingmaine for moose @Joelle for moose and honorary moose coach Tricia, who needs a virtual race name. Anyone else who wants to join, just tag me here or on Facebook, and say which team and how many miles you aim to run, hike or walk between Oct. 28 and Nov. 10, to qualify for an extra entry in the gift giveaways. May the best team win, whether lobster or moose!
      @AOMM 30 mile goal for me! Thank you!
    • JohnT Oct 27, 2018
      For round 2 I would like my goal to be 80 miles
      You got it! Thanks for being part of Team #lobster - and if you log 10+ miles in one day anytime between Oct. 28 and Nov. 10, you make the elite #lobstrocity unit, an extension of @Ghost's challenge in honor of Halloween and Stephen King. Will post the updated spreadsheet in time for tomorrow's start, on the Facebook group page:
    • AOMM Oct 22, 2018
      Hello @lulee @Oz and @Aminer - welcome to the virtual race! Feel free to ask any questions you may have. And also just wanted to share a couple of sub-challenges we have going on, if any of these interest you: Join either team #lobster or #moose for Round #2, where you set a 2-week personal mileage goal, starting Oct. 28 - if you meet your goal, you get an extra entry in gift giveaways happening after Dec. 8, plus you add to the team total. Another sub-challenge if you're into long runs, hikes or walks and like Stephen King, courtesy of @Ghost - for each day's entry of 10 miles or more, dedicate it to an SK novel (or movie to stretch the rules a little bit). You can backdate miles as far back as July 20, and you can keep logging until Dec. 8. Thanks again for joining.
    • LizInTheWoods Oct 21, 2018
      For Round 2, I want to stay a #lobster but want to raise my 2-week mileage goal from 20 up to 40. Being bold...
      Nothing like aiming high and stretching!
    • AOMM Oct 21, 2018
      Just put up the final results of Round #1 #lobster vs. #moose on the Facebook group page:
    • AOMM Oct 20, 2018
      About to finalize the Round #1 #moose vs. #lobster spreadsheet for Oct. 1-14. If anyone recently joined and logged some miles for either team during that time period, and if I haven't seen your miles yet, tag me and let me know date and number of miles, and which team. Just saw @Joelle's moose miles, for example. Will be starting Round #2 soon, so new members can join in, and existing members can continue on, for the next 2-week period that begins Sunday, Oct. 28. Deadline for letting me know of Oct 1-14 miles is 11:59 pm tonight, Oct. 20. I have lobster and moose miles for the following virtual racers for Oct. 1-14, so if you don't see your name, tag me: @JillMarie63 @JABandMom @JakeD @kdw @Swollenknee @mak321 @LibertyPenguin @Dear @KPS @BigRed68 @wanderingmaine @ZombieChop @Shellperry @CindyLouWho @LizInTheWoods @bgizzi @sarahJSG @JohnT @FL2ME @KDDID @JillinTX
      @KDW - for some reason your name didn't highlight up above, but your miles are being counted for your team, final results being posted soon!
    • wanderingmaine Oct 16, 2018
      am i supposed to be putting #moose every time i log activity? i haven't been.....
      Hi, no need to, as I've got you on the #moose roster! Am in the process of finishing the final spreadsheets for Round #1 of #moose vs. #lobster, and will be announcing the winner shortly. Thanks for everyone's patience as I recover from MDI Half, and catch up on some work deadlines. Will be announcing Round 2 shortly!
    • AOMM Oct 14, 2018
      I'm here at Sidestreet Cafe at 6:18 pm if anyone wants to pick up medal early. By the bar