Kimberly Heron
F | 30-39 | Indianapolis, IN (United States)Groups: #hogwartsrunningclub, #hrc, #phrcslytherin2020, #fandomrunningclub
Bio: I'm an Indiana based foster and adoptive mother. My goals are to be active and healthy for my current and future children. I am competitive and a Slytherin through and through.
Kimberly's log
#booyah×4, #ismellchildren×4, #slowandsteady×4, #surgeryrecove…×4, #amessagefromt…×2, #awesomewow×2, #backonyourfeet×2, #donttakeabreak×2, #getthejobdone×2, #giveitatry×2, #hamilmill×2, #hamilton×2, #milesincoming×2, #milesmore×2, #moveasone×2, #nonstop×2, #notdoneyet×2, #notthrowingaw…×2, #outrunoutlast×2, #phenomenalcos…×2, #reckoningtobe…×2, #riseup×2, #savetheyabbos×2, #slowbutsteady×2, #smartestinthe…×2, #stealtheircan…×2, #theother51×2, #thisteamisnon…×2, #watchparty×2, #whotheeffisth…×2 … >>

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