Christina Mäki Linville
F | 40-49 | Lawrence, KS (United States)Groups: #hufflepuff, #phrc, #2021phrchufflepuff, #2021frc, #wewilllapyou, #bigdamnheroes, #battleunicorns, #frcbattleofthefandoms, #teamshiny, #mileflayers
Christina's log
#prettycunning×83, #runtomisbehave×83, #bigdamnheroes×52, #justiceforque…×42, #xmiles×41, #imgonnarun×36, #tohellwiththis×36, #doitdarling×32, #givethemhelga×32, #wewilllapyou×32, #whatthepuff×32, #teamshiny×31, #nopowerinthev…×30, #trustnorun×28, #phrcingfierce×26, #ididitallfort…×24, #battleunicorns×23, #bigwitchenergy×23, #hornsup×23, #hornybeasts×23, #2x2feetofblue×20, #canttakethesk…×20, #amunrun×16, #ardethbae×16, #iruntobelieve×15, #iwanttobelieve×15, #runlikeanegyp…×13, #doitforhopper×10, #mileflayers×10, #scoopstroop×10, #turnonthefrea…×6, #forgianna×4, #nightcrew×2, #runwithmaud×2, #youcanttaketh…×2 … >>

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