Susan McDonald
F | 60-69 | Richibouctou Village, CanadaBio: Antartica was absolutely amazing! I am looking at doing the Svalbard Express next spring. Catch a ship in Bergen, up the coast of Norway and around Svalbard. I figured if I did a Polar Dip in Antartica, then I should do one up in the closest I can get to the North Pole🥶
total miles
Susan's log
4.6 miles4.6 miles of running/Walking = 4.6 milesA beautiful day, but calling for freezing rain. The temperature says otherwise. This is Yogi, the Bear. Our only boy. He is an English Cream/black, longhair. English Cream is blond for Dachshund. You typically see blank and tan, more reddish. Yogi is the most affectionate dog we have ever owned. He kisses non stop, loves everybody, loves attention. Always in my lap . Not loyal, this one. He loves me when Dad is away, and completely ignores me when Dad is home. The little traitor. My Freddie was always loyal. Yogi is the biggest, but he has a very thick coat that is soft as silk. He is just on the cusp of 12 pounds. His paws are huge and he can give you “the look”. We think he is a handsome boy.🔥 Extends streak to 89 days. 3rd Longest personal streak grows to 89 days at 4.32 miles/day. Passed 1 athlete.He's a handsome pup. We had dachshunds when I was growing up. Love 'em. You've got some special ones.I agree, Yogi is very handsome. He sounds much loved too. All of his affection is returned even though he is a traitor.@LisaS9 @Duck-Rabbit @Cactus Thank you all, again, for your very kind words for Yogi. And Cactus, you had Dachshunds too! My husband spoiled him so much, and still spoils him. Yogi does not have a mean bone in his body. He is just a very happy, lovable, affectionate Bear. He gets so excited to see the Vet, he is climbing up her leg, and has been known to get a little over excited, and pee on her😝 🇨🇦🍁❤️Poor vet @Dachie
2.0 miles2.0 miles of running/Walking = 2.0 milesTurned into a rest day. Went to the Lions Spring Market and spent a little time and money. Now we are going to get the freezing rain, but not for 20 hours, like in Ontario. Thousands are without power. Here it is just Sunday into Monday. I do not have to go out until Wednesday. Our daytime temperatures will be well above zero. Very cold tonight, -18 in the morning. I have, seriously, had enough of this. This is Chloe. Her colour is called Isabella, very rare. She is the second youngest and the loudest. ❤️🇨🇦🍁🔥 Extends streak to 88 days. 3rd Longest personal streak grows to 88 days at 4.32 miles/day.Chloe is very pretty. Glad you got your errands done so you don't have to go out in the freezing rain. My brother is expecting freezing rain in Wisconsin too but he says it shouldn't interfere with the supreme court justice election. @Dachie@GreenThumbs @LisaS9 @GrandmaYogi @TNvic @fouine21 @Duck-Rabbit Thank you all for the compliments on Chloe. We agree, she is a pretty girl. Chloe is a miniature, long haired Dachshund, as are all my dogs. I have 3 longhairs, and two smooth coats. I had a wirehair, but we lost him almost three years ago now. I have had this breed over 40 years now. They all come from Alberta, my dear friend bred them for years. Yogi and Chloe were flown here, and the rest we had in Ontario. I drove out to Alberta to get Freddie and came home with 3!🤔 Freddie could not fly due to a heart issue. We obviously love our dogs💖 Just got another weather alert, the freezing rain is coming. I took the garbage up to the bins this morning, who knows what our laneway will be like tomorrow. I have a generator so I am okay if the power goes out. I will bring in more wood as soon as I finish my coffee, and fill a tub outside the door. Guess I will get some steps in today. 🇨🇦🍁❤️I'm glad you are prepared for the bad weather. Be careful. Falls are harmful. I'm glad too you were able to have all of your beloved dachshunds. Hopefully, they will stay safe during the bad weather too. @Dachie@dachie @LisaS9 @GrandmaYogi @TNvic @fouine21 @Duck-Rabbit You certainly are self-sufficient and resilient. My aunt had adorable wire-haired dachshunds for many years at her thatch-roofed, 600 yr old farmhouse in rural Denmark. She mostly had 2 at a time with some overlapping years. The dogs’ names were one through five in Finnish.@GreenThumbs Oh, what a small world. Dachshund’s are an addiction, I had 7 at one time. As they age, we will not get another as we do not want to leave any behind, and we are not getting younger. I love your Aunt lived in a 600 year old farmhouse. If only the walls could talk!@dachie agreed. The walls must have so many stories.
4.6 miles4.6 miles of running/Walking = 4.6 milesNot a bad day. Ontario is getting freezing rain for a 20 period, and out West, extreme cold and 30cm of snow. I hope none of it is heading our way. I really do want spring, first for my travels. Then summer, for the beach🩱⛱️🐚🕶️. ❤️🍁🇨🇦6th Longest personal exercise of this race this month. 🔥 Extends streak to 87 days. 3rd Longest personal streak grows to 87 days at 4.34 miles/day.It always does, doesn't it. Nature is fairly dependable. @Cactus
4.5 miles4.5 miles of running/Walking = 4.5 milesSnowing since I got up but no accumulation. Enough already!🩱🕶️⛱️ 🇨🇦🍁❤️6th Longest personal exercise of this race this month. 🔥 Extends streak to 86 days. 3rd Longest personal streak grows to 86 days at 4.34 miles/day. Passed 1 athlete.Way to keep moving in the snow. I heard again that Canadians are opting to cancel their trips to the USA. I would too. I wouldn't want the hassle of getting in and out.@Duck-Rabbit Yes, it is sad, but necessary. The travel and cruise industries will feel this. I actually closed my US$ account just last week. Honestly, I would be afraid of trying to get back to Canada and being detained by ICE. This is a very dangerous game the Orange Alien is playing, threatening to take our country away, and others. So many people out of work already and more coming. He has been so rude to so many. Here, in Canada, we say the trust is broken and we are never going back. It will never affect our friendship 💖 🇨🇦🍁❤️Thanks, when I was a kid growing up in Wisconsin, we would go back and forth across the Canadian border and appreciated the friendliness between our two countries. I even remember using Canadian pennies in Wisconsin. They were so common and the money was worth about the same, people would accept them without question. I am glad we can still be friends. The other night I had a dream that he was bringing in the tribulation (which I am not sure I believe in as the tribulation was written about the fall of the Roman Empire but maybe all empires fall in the same way). @Dachie@Duck-Rabbit Oh my! I actually remember when our money was on par with the US. Talk about dating myself🥹I think this empire will fall, but sadly, there will be an awful lot of collateral damage. I look at what I have gone through this past year with health issues. I have had numerous scans, and ultrasounds, X-rays, blood drawn, referred to a respirologist, and cardiologist. I have not paid a cent, except parking at the Hospital. Our shots are free for seniors, flu, RSV, etc. We are very fortunate here, yet folks can barely afford eggs south of the border, cannot fed their families and watching their retirement funds tank. I just hope most make it out the other side. It is quite a trend now, states want to become provinces. 🇨🇦🍁❤️Spring has sprung for you too. Yippee. Many Americans love Canada and Canadians and Greenland and Greenlanders just as they are. I’m sad that hasn’t been a united message.@GreenThumbs Thank you for your kind words. Let us all remember to be kind, to be polite, to be friends. The whole situation is sad, but we can continue with our own united message. ❤️🍁🇨🇦@GreenThumbs Yes, that is true. Thanks for pointing that out.
4.7 miles4.7 miles of running/Walking = 4.7 milesA beautiful day, sun 🌞 shining, blue skies, temperatures up, lots of melting. ❤️🇨🇦🍁
2.1 miles2.1 miles of running/Walking = 2.1 milesWoke up to 20cm of snow ❄️. Need I say more? ❤️🍁🇨🇦🔥 Extends streak to 84 days. 3rd Longest personal streak grows to 84 days at 4.33 miles/day. Passed 1 athlete.@ElisabethT @Duck-Rabbit @GreenThumbs It does not last. The secondary roads are dry and clear. We never clear this, call it heart attack snow. It is very wet and heavy. My thoughts are on spring🌹 🇨🇦🍁❤️Yes, spring has sprung down here so I am sure spring is on the way to you too. @Dachie
4.4 miles4.4 miles of running/Walking = 4.4 milesStarted off very cold, called for 25cm of snow. Temperature climbed 16-18 degrees, was sunny for a bit. I think we were just above the periphery of the snow. It was damp all day. 🇨🇦🍁❤️
1.7 miles1.7 miles of running/Walking = 1.7 milesBreakfast was good, a good turnout. Our weather turned crappy. List all motivation. ❤️🇨🇦🍁🔥 Extends streak to 82 days. 3rd Longest personal streak grows to 82 days at 4.36 miles/day.Understandable. I hope you have better weather tomorrow. @Dachie@Duck-Rabbit I was just reading the fires in NC have flared up again. Which way are they moving? Stay safeThanks @Dachie I believe they are far away from me. We were hoping the rain today would help put them out.
4.9 miles4.9 miles of running/Walking = 4.9 milesStarted out dreary, then the sun 🌞 came out and 10 above. Heading to a fundraiser breakfast in the morning, put on by the Lions Club. It is a “donate what you can” to help the local school rugby team. Many of the kids are from families who simply cannot afford “away” games. My Vet, who is very involved with the Lions, will match the donation. Eggs, sausage, beans, pancakes and toast. Yup, I can drive 10 minutes for that! 🇨🇦❤️🍁
3.2 miles3.2 miles of running/Walking = 3.2 milesNot bad. The rain/drizzle/dampness is playing havoc with my knees. 🇨🇦❤️🍁9th Longest personal exercise of this race this month. 🔥 Extends streak to 80 days. 3rd Longest personal streak grows to 80 days at 4.39 miles/day. Passed 1 athlete.@Cactus @Duck-Rabbit Getting old is seriously over rated!absolutely 77 -- wrinkles, 2 new hips and all. Onward & upward 🥰@Dachie@Cactus Well, damn girl! You are an inspiration. All I see is a beautiful smile on a beautiful face😘 I will not be complaining about my knees anymore! Keep up the impressive work. You are a rockstar! 🇨🇦🍁❤️xoxox @Dachiexoxox @Duck-Rabbit
2.3 miles2.3 miles of running/Walking = 2.3 milesNothing planned for tomorrow, yeah. Now you are all going to expect great things from me🤔 🇨🇦🍁❤️
🔥 Extends streak to 78 days. 3rd Longest personal streak grows to 78 days at 4.43 miles/day.@Duck-Rabbit Thank you for asking, I am fine, just a tad frustrated. My car appointment should have been an hour, I sat there 5 hours. The guy putting on my new tires damaged one rim, so I was fuming mad. 🤬 Now, they will get it fixed but I will need a loaner for 2-3 days. And if the repair does dot blend in perfectly, my husband will tell them to replace the rim. So that messed me up and I am trying to play catch up. I suspect my bathroom will not get done until I get back. Things to get done are starting to pile up fast. Finally off to Moncton this morning to the camera store and Bank, so I will be driving a lot. ❤️🇨🇦🍁
1.9 miles1.9 miles of running/Walking = 1.9 milesMy day was a disaster. Snowing when I got up, should have gone back to bed. ❤️🇨🇦🍁
4.9 miles4.9 miles of running/Walking = 4.9 milesWoke up to 14 degrees, but overcast and rain. Won’t get many steps in tomorrow, getting my winter tires off then off to the camera store. I will be sitting all day. 🇨🇦🍁❤️
5.1 miles5.1 miles of running/Walking = 5.1 milesBetter day today, but warm while exercising. 14C above and now rain until Wednesday. It was spitting off and on today. Getting my winter tires off Tuesday, then a few things to do in Moncton. ❤️🇨🇦🍁
4.2 miles4.2 miles of running/Walking = 4.2 milesManaged a couple of workouts. Also booked a couple of day excursions while in Bergen. I will do a 12 hour cruise, on a very swanky looking ferry, so hope there is food and drink on board! And booked a day to Fram, by train, so the scenery will be stunning. It will be strange with 24 hours of daylight. The 17th is a National Holiday so I will see the parade and all the beautiful Norwegian clothes. Beauty of a day here, sun 🌞,and blue skies. 🌌 ❤️🇨🇦🍁5th Longest personal exercise of this race this month. 4th Longest personal streak grows to 74 days at 4.48 miles/day. 🔥 Extends streak to 74 days.Thoughts and prayers to all who have been in the path of the very dangerous weather across parts of the US. Be safe❤️🇨🇦🍁@TNvic All of my travels are truly adventures off the beaten path. I do not do touristy places. ❤️🇨🇦🍁@TNvic @Kim43 @GreenThumbs I do not leave until May 14th. Hope I can log in from there. Weather should be nice in Bergen, but once we head up the coast across the Arctic Circle, I have warmer gear ready. Here in New Brunswick, rain until Wednesday. 🇨🇦🍁❤️@Cactus Oh no! I cannot take credit. Much like Antartica, this trip is somewhat convoluted. I had a travel agent arrange everything , then I just have one itinerary. Hurtigruten will pick me up, get me back to the airport, they are affiliated with certain hotels, and they organize all my excursions once on the ship. We have many stops going up the coast, but I could not do something at every stop, due to cost. Those places I will just wander around the towns, I love experiencing the local cultures. I am going dog sledding. Not sure what I booked for Svalvard. I have 5 days in Bergen before we depart, so I just booked 2 day trips. You just have to manage your expectations as weather, the farther north we travel, could impact plans. I just go with the flow. If we cannot get off the ship, I will be in the bar 🍹 . 🇨🇦🍁❤️My sister and I did the Hurtigruten a few years ago and had a WONDERFUL time! We went in the winter instead of May so did some snowmobiling and saw an ice hotel above the Arctic Circle. You've had enough winter, so going in May makes a lot of sense. ENJOY!@Cactus Wow, most do not know where Svalbard is! Hurtigruten is excellent, thinking of doing the Northwest Passage next. ❤️🍁🇨🇦We LOVED our trip.Sounds like a lovely trip ahead. A gorgeous part of the world, especially Flåm. I’m in Copenhagen (Denmark) and know it well. Enjoy! 🇩🇰🇳🇴@Viking2 I cannot wait, it looks so pretty. Picture postcard perfect. I will hit Flam twice so thank you for that. 🇨🇦🍁❤️
3.9 miles3.9 miles of running/Walking = 3.9 milesNot a great day but I was also out doing a few errands that were close. Our Apple TV thing that connects the TV to YouTube is not working most of the time. It is hard to watch my walking videos off my tablet. I like the walks with no commentary, just his hand signals. It is a very fast pace and I miss steps because I can’t see. It is easier on the rebounder because you basically bounce. I will take it to the Apple Store, I guess Tuesday, after my winter tires are off. Will swing by the camera store too. My yard is now MUD. It will take awhile to dryout but Warmer days ahead, but rain. ☔️ ☔️☔️☔️ 🇨🇦❤️🍁5th Longest personal exercise of this race this month. 4th Longest personal streak grows to 73 days at 4.48 miles/day. 🔥 Extends streak to 73 days. Passed 1 athlete.I enjoy your posts. We all have different life routines yet lots in common. Love of family, friends, nature and to keep ourselves moving!Well said @kim43@Kim43 @GreenThumbs Ahhh, thanks. I live rural and alone a lot with 5 dogs. I love my privacy, but not for everyone. Somehow, I just get things done. As for moving; if you don’t use it, you will lose it. ❤️🇨🇦🍁I agree, Kim. I enjoy connecting virtually on racery and getting glimpses of other lives @Kim43I agree with you too, Kim @Kim43My hubby and I have no social media. We both protect our privacy. I do use FB messenger to connect with friends around the world. Personally, I think FB is toxic. I will just read comments and they are harmful , hurtful, and simply, rude. I have never read a negative comment on this forum. I love meeting people virtually, and we should all be lifting each other up, not putting them down, bullying. So let’s keep up the positivity and kindness in a time when there is so much negativity and hate. We are better than that and have proven it on this forum💕💖💕💖 🇨🇦❤️🍁
4.4 miles4.4 miles of running/Walking = 4.4 milesMade sure my watch was charging last night. Managed to get some steps in, but busy with other stuff. ❤️🇨🇦🍁
0.1 miles0.1 miles of running/Walking = 0.1 milesMy watch did not charge so I have no miles today. My husband has to go back tomorrow because he forgot to get his “dose” testing done for radiation levels. No exceptions and he would be locked out of the plant and lose his weekend shifts, which are double time. Changed all the dog kennel pads and covers, bathed 3 of them. Sophie has diarrhea so I had to get a sample to the Vet and some meds. Hubby will hit the road after his truck is serviced. So on my 2nd load of laundry, one more to go. Just so you know, they get heated towels, and a blowout with the hairdryer. Yogi gets into the whole Spa thing, he moans, nods off, and starts sliding down my legs while hubby dries. He is just too funny. So he now looks twice his size, all fluffed up and Sophie looks like a bunny. All in clean beds, spoiled rotten. Then the tub gets a scrubbing 🧽. 🇨🇦❤️🍁4th Longest personal streak grows to 71 days at 4.49 miles/day. 🔥 Extends streak to 71 days.@GreenThumbs Yes, it will be fine or he cannot work at his job anymore. How are you “liking” each other on this forum? I do not see anything.You click on the heart next to where you click to leave a comment. @Dachie
9th Longest personal exercise of this race this month. 4th Longest personal streak grows to 70 days at 4.55 miles/day. 🔥 Extends streak to 70 days. Passed 1 athlete.@Duck-Rabbit Thank You! I am starting to get organized, charging my camera batteries, have new memory cards to be formatted. I don’t know how to do that, so back to the camera store. My hubby has to take his truck in Thursday for some filter change. They are to have some prices for tires for me. Always something to do. The puppies need baths, and that is quite a job. 🛁 ❤️🇨🇦🍁Yes, life is busy. But being busy is good I guess although I do enjoy watching the squirrels and birds and delivery trucks. @Dachie
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