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Lorna's log

#lbsyr2run2×131, #hhmf×93, #biteback×89, #fansrunthewor…×88, #frtw2022×88, #setphaserstor…×85, #slytherninsly…×66, #ganggreen×63, #boldlygo×57, #makeitso×57, #healthhappine…×56, #lbrunsagain×56, #bitehard×55, #bitemark×55, #darksmarts×55, #definitelynot…×55, #forsusie×55, #leaveamark×55, #masteroftheda…×55, #willrunforpiz…×55, #phrc19slyther…×54, #slytherinpride×49, #sauronsneighb…×47, #secondbreakfa…×47, #darksmarties×46, #slytheringslo…×46, #lbtries2runag…×44, #becauseyoucare×43, #fanthropyrumb…×43, #gizabound×43, #looking4furev…×43, #andkeggy×38, #dragmethrurac…×38, #dragracery×38, #misspandoragl…×38, #rupaulsdragra…×38, #willrun4beer×38, #yasssmiles×38, #youshallnotpa…×38, #aha×37, #illsayitanyway×37, #pithonpower×37, #takemeon×37, #takeonme×37, #fellowshipoft…×36, #movespastbadg…×36, #phrcslytherin…×36, #willrun4pi×36, #irrationalbut…×35, #keggyismybff×35, #palofsal×34, #salspals×34, #cactiikitties×33, #cutthroatdrun…×33, #down4dfl×33, #gettinsluggyw…×33, #goslugsgo×33, #hobbitsrun4be…×33, #oneteamtorule…×33, #rumrunner×33, #runtherum×33, #slytherin×33, #willrunforsec…×33, #keepontrekkin×32, #resistanceisf…×32, #runwhereno1ha…×32, #weslytherasone×32, #wherenoonehas…×32, #constantvigil…×31, #madeye×31, #madmiles×31, #runlikemad×31, #starfeet×31, #starfeetcadet×31, #thoughtusaidr…×31, #weareallmoody…×31, #wereallmadhere×31, #austentatious×30, #greenmeansgo×30, #mostseriously…×30, #obstinatehead…×30, #runlikemrcoll…×30, #anotherturnab…×29, #battlebonnets×29, #forbonnetsand…×29, #lbrunsaz×29, #paceandpacabi…×29, #potterheadrun…×29, #runlikemrcoll…×29, #slytherinhouse×29, #stillaustenta…×29, #stridewithpri…×29, #thedistanceis…×29, #lbsyr2run×27, #phrc×27, #runasaurus×27, #runningmates×27, #debatemate×26, #somuchgood×26, #beammeup×25, #finalfrontier×25, #finalfruntier×25, #laststarfeetm…×25, #llap×25, #redalert×25, #cupofambition×24, #doasdollydoes×24, #dollyiseveryt…×24, #dontbethrowno…×24, #enolaholmes×24, #enolareven×24, #mamdinos×24, #midatlanticma…×24, #midatlanticma…×24, #rawrasone×24, #rawrrawrmd×24, #rawrthisway×24, #rundermifflin×24, #stompystampede×24, #tyrumosaurusr…×24, #walking9to5×24, #working9to5×24, #wwdd×24, #aslansarmy×23, #fornarnia×23, #kissmyaslan×23, #stillsearchin…×23, #thegameisafoot×23, #bazingo×22, #letsdothemons…×22, #mashinganddas…×22, #monsterdash×22, #slythernin×22, #somethingwick…×22, #chasingbono×21, #forbono×21, #rundaysunnyru…×21, #thischickluvz…×21, #sluglifechose…×20, #straightoutta…×20, #strideandprej…×20, #goonies×19, #nerdsareaweso…×19, #neversaydie×19, #willsailwithi…×19, #letsdoitforbi…×18, #racersaurus2×18, #bilboslastadv…×17, #dragonourfeet×17, #dragonsarethi…×17, #thatsmyspot×17, #monstersinc×16, #reservemiles×16, #scaringiscari…×16, #scaryfeet×16, #whatru2doing×16, #corpsebride×15, #deadgirlwalki…×15, #deadrun×15, #leftturnatabq×15, #letsgetlooney×15, #meepmeep×15, #therunningdead×15, #hellosweeties×14, #idgah×14, #idontgiveahoot×14, #owlbob×14, #poweredbypota…×14, #smaugslayers×14, #weateyourcook…×14, #wizardsnotliz…×14, #xovillains×14, #aleagueofthei…×13, #baseball4life×13, #dinosruntheor…×13, #kickingastero…×13, #meatcute×13, #meatcuties×13, #nocryinnracery×13, #notaweirdstra…×13, #raisingtheste…×13, #slytherninisa…×13, #dinomiles×12, #dinomite×12, #dinomiterawra…×12, #alwaysl84all×11, #ghostbusters×11, #onlyzuul×11, #whoyagonnacall×11, #mam×10, #slugliiiiife×10, #thatswhatshes…×10, #caffeinatedco…×9, #fulfillyouroa…×9, #gondorcallsfo…×9, #mustertherohi…×9, #waterboutrunn…×9, #gunghoiguanas×7, #imcomingback×7, #jackbauerdino…×7, #jurassicchall…×7, #thelaststarfi…×7, #caffeinatedco…×6, #disinclinedto…×5, #engage×5, #hoistthecolors×5, #milesformarga…×5, #onceapirateal…×5, #spacepirate×5, #therumisntgone×5, #thisbeamutiny×5, #forgianna×4, #racersaurus×4, #sluglife×3, #sundayfinishs…×3, #thisisamutiny×3, #caminarporlaa…×2, #edithwenttobed×2, #forantonia×2, #gotowork×2, #hisskiss×2, #mfer×2, #milesformaggie×2, #postedduringt…×2, #savethechili×2, #waitingonadoc…×2 … >>

  • SlytherNIN Runasaure 42 9h ago
    2.0 miles
    2.0 miles of running/Walking = 2.0 miles
    post concert walk back to the hotel
     3rd Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  🔥 Extends streak to 5 days.
  • SlytherNIN Runasaure 42 9h ago
    0.5 miles
    0.5 miles of running/Walking = 0.5 miles
    another lil walk in Dallas
     🔥 Extends streak to 5 days.  Passed 1 athlete.
  • SlytherNIN Dinomite! 9h ago
    2.0 miles
    4️⃣ 🦕🦕💥 #dinomite #dinomiterawratyou #dinomiles
     #71 fundraiser.  #1 team fundraisers.  2nd Longest personal run of this race.  2nd Longest personal run of this race this month.  🔥 Extends streak to 4 days.  Passed 9 runners.
  • SlytherNIN Dinomite! 10h ago
    0.5 miles
     #71 fundraiser.  #1 team fundraisers.  10th Longest personal run of this race.  10th Longest personal run of this race this month.  🔥 Extends streak to 3 days.  Passed 5 runners.
  • SlytherNIN Runasaure 42 14h ago
    1.7 miles
    1.66 miles of running/Walking = 1.66 miles
    briefly walked around Dallas. - Dallas, TX, USA
     4th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  🔥 Extends streak to 4 days.
    Safe travels to you
    @Duck-Rabbit thank you
  • SlytherNIN Runasaure 42 14h ago
    4.2 miles
    4.18 miles of running/Walking = 4.18 miles
    walked around downtown Fort Worth this morning & saw this... - Fort Worth, TX, USA
     7th Longest personal exercise of this race.  Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  🔥 Extends streak to 4 days.  Passed 2 athletes.
    what a nice mural. thanks for sharing
    you're welcome
    very Texas
  • SlytherNIN Dinomite! 14h ago
     #71 fundraiser.  #1 team fundraisers.  3rd Longest personal run of this race.  3rd Longest personal run of this race this month.  🔥 Extends streak to 3 days.  Passed 6 runners.
  • SlytherNIN Dinomite! 14h ago
     #71 fundraiser.  #1 team fundraisers.  Longest personal run of this race.  Longest personal run of this race this month.  🔥 Extends streak to 3 days.  Passed 48 runners.
  • SlytherNIN Runasaure 42 Mar 16
    1.8 miles
    1.8 miles of running/Walking = 1.8 miles
    walking around the Stockyards with my nephew. - Fort Worth Stockyards, Fort Worth, TX, USA
     🔥 Extends streak to 3 days.
    I looked up the stockyards. Looks like a fun place, did you see any longhorn cattle?
    @Kim43 yes! we missed the herd that parades on the street twice per day. but we saw one lone one at the end of the street.
  • SlytherNIN Runasaure 42 Mar 16
    0.7 miles
    0.67 miles of running/Walking = 0.67 miles
    from the train station in FW
     🔥 Extends streak to 3 days.
  • SlytherNIN Runasaure 42 Mar 16
    0.9 miles
    0.91 miles of running/Walking = 0.91 miles
    airport walking at DFW
     6th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  🔥 Extends streak to 3 days.
  • SlytherNIN Dinomite! Mar 16
    1.8 miles
    4️⃣ 🦖🦖 #dinomite #dinomiterawratyou #dinomiles
     #71 fundraiser.  #1 team fundraisers.  Longest personal run of this race.  Longest personal run of this race this month.  Passed 29 runners.
  • SlytherNIN Dinomite! Mar 16
    0.9 miles
     #71 fundraiser.  #1 team fundraisers.  3rd Longest personal run of this race.  3rd Longest personal run of this race this month.  Passed 14 runners.
  • SlytherNIN Dinomite! Mar 16
    0.7 miles
     #71 fundraiser.  #1 team fundraisers.  Passed 11 runners.
  • SlytherNIN Runasaure 42 Mar 16
    0.9 miles
    0.9 miles of running/Walking = 0.9 miles
    walking around the airport ✈️
     6th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  🔥 Extends streak to 3 days.  Passed 1 athlete.
  • SlytherNIN Dinomite! Mar 16
     #71 fundraiser.  #1 team fundraisers.  3rd Longest personal run of this race.  3rd Longest personal run of this race this month.  Passed 21 runners.
  • SlytherNIN Runasaure 42 Mar 16
    1.1 miles
    1.12 miles of running/Walking = 1.12 miles
    went for a walk to get tea and saw this on the wall... 🐉🐲 - Dragon Tea, South Mill Avenue, Tempe, AZ, USA
     5th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  🔥 Extends streak to 3 days.
    That is perfect!
    I agree @SlytherNIN
  • SlytherNIN Dinomite! Mar 16
    1.1 miles
     #71 fundraiser.  #1 team fundraisers.  2nd Longest personal run of this race.  2nd Longest personal run of this race this month.  Passed 26 runners.
  • SlytherNIN Runasaure 42 Mar 16
    1.3 miles
    1.33 miles of running/Walking = 1.33 miles
    a mural I saw while out walking today - Tempe, AZ, USA
     4th Longest personal exercise of this race this month.  🔥 Extends streak to 3 days.
    Like the mural, thanks for sharing.🌵🌻
    You're welcome @Kim43 . I'll try to remember to include more pics of murals from wherever I'm at.
    Thanks @SlytherNIN
    A good one! 😀
    that's a fun mural! Very AZ!
    Fun mural
    Cool !
  • SlytherNIN Dinomite! Mar 16
    1.3 miles
     #71 fundraiser.  #1 team fundraisers.  Longest personal run of this race.  Longest personal run of this race this month.  Passed 32 runners.
  • see more...

Active races

Start: 3/14/25 | End: 3/24/25
Running 623 miles in 10 days!
Start: 1/1/25 | End: 12/31/25
Exercise 1532 miles in 365 days!

Lorna's personal tracking

3413.9 mi since 10/23/18

Awards and current bibs