Fitbit’s new sleep tracker is pretty darn cool (and foreshadows the coming health revolution)

Fitbit just upgraded its sleep tracker. Using data from your heart rate, breathing and movements, it calculates when you’re in light, deep and REM sleep. Given the massive impact that sleep stages and quality have on learning, mood, weight, memory, Alzheimer’s and sanity, the implications of Fitbit’s new feature are huge. Here’s …

Use hashtags to track your runs, swims, rides (and whatever else!)

I’ve been enjoying watching the hashtags that runners are using in our March virtual race across Ireland, things like #sidewalk and #carolinanorth. Now, our newest code update means each of us will be able use hashtags to track our own habits. For example, the hashtags I use in any virtual challenge …

Fitbit Charge charts a wild heart and calm mind

A few days ago I bought a Fitbit Charge. A colleague had praised its heart rate monitor’s accuracy and I wondered about my own heart rate when running up hills. According to the Charge, my heart rate goes up and down more than I’d previously realized. A lot more. I’d always pictured …