New Google street views for Racery’s virtual races in Pamplona and Venice

After launching street views for our virtual races last month, we’ve made a bunch of tweaks to the functionality.

Our new community races, launching today, are designed to highlight some of Google’s better street views.

Racers see their own views after each mileage upload. And you can see a clickable thumbnail of other racers’ views in the feed of recent mileage updates.  Here’s the feed for our Bayonne to Pamplona Running of the Bulls virtual race.

Here’s what you may see if you log miles in our July virtual rowing race through Venice.

Street View from Racery's Virtual Rowing Race in Venice

And here, courtesy of Google Street View, is the final view (terminal if you’re a bull, I guess) for our virtual race from Bayonne, France to Pamplona, Spain.

Inside Stadium

In our latest update, these views are now saved with each new mileage log, so you can go back and remember particularly striking scenes from your race.