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    This race ended 07/19/18 - check out the final activity below.

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    • MainegirlinAZ July 19, 2018
      1.5 miles
      sunset stroll
       Finished in 126th place.
    • 4000footer July 19, 2018
      1.5 miles
      Walk from work along Fort Point channel in Beantown. Glorious early eve.
       8th Longest personal run of this race this month.
    • AOMM July 19, 2018
      1.5 miles
      So sad, this is the last mileage being posted for Cadillac to Katahdin.... Photo from Boston HarborWalk this evening. Thanks to everyone for being along for the virtual race. Tomorrow is another day, and another virtual race! Sign up here:
    • Grin July 19, 2018
      5.1 miles
      Last day on Daytona Beach....Love walking on the beach!!
       Extends streak to 6 days.  3rd Longest personal run.  Ran 26.2 miles (+0.5 miles) in 16 days a PR.
      Way to conclude the Cadillac to Katahdin Virtual Run - with a marathon-length decal! Congratulations!
    • KDW July 19, 2018
      4.0 miles
      Last logged miles for this race! It has been a great run! Thank you everyone. Looking forward to starting again tomorrow😎🏃
       10th Longest personal run of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 208 days at 5.24 miles/day.
      Kind of like Groundhog Day - here we go again! Thanks for being part of this - and the next! - virtual race!
      @AOMM Thank you so match for organizing these, so much fun!
    • JohnT July 19, 2018
      6.0 miles
      Last day to log miles. Can’t wait to start over tomorrow! Lunch run on a beautiful day
       10th Longest personal run of this race this month.
      New streak begins tomorrow! And time for me to get serious about training for MDI and Millinocket....
      @AOMM Good luck! I love the MDI race. One day I will be back but I’m more interested in trail races over road marathons right now
    • LibertyPenguin July 19, 2018
      2.1 miles
      NYC Marathon training
    • Keefa July 19, 2018
      9.0 miles
      Great brook farm state park, Carlisle , MA. Congratulations on everyone doing this race. It was fun and hope to see everyone on the next adventure!
       9th Longest personal run.
      That is an excellent state park, used to x-ski there a lot in winter. @Keefa
      @4000footer It is a good park. I even saw a deer there.
      Looking forward to seeing you on the next virtual race! Did you stop by the ice cream place at the farm? Like the idea that @JohnT has, of running for ice cream.
      @AOMM I did not get an ice cream from there :(. They do have some great ice cream though.
    • Shellperry July 19, 2018
      4.2 miles
      MDI YMCA to Shore Path to Bar Island then around town and back to the Y run!
       Longest personal streak grows to 311 days at 3.31 miles/day.
      Love low-tide walk/run to Bar Island!
    • Christa July 19, 2018
      7.0 miles
      Eagle Lake Loop with Connectors
       6th Longest personal run of this race this month.  2nd Longest personal streak grows to 10 days at 7.68 miles/day.
    • MainegirlinAZ July 19, 2018
      4.8 miles
      surprise cereus this morning - this one is called Epic :)
       5th Longest personal streak grows to 5 days at 3.53 miles/day.  3rd Longest personal run.
      If you log at least another 1.4 miles before midnight, you will have "climbed" Katahdin!
      @AOMM Planning on a sunset stroll with my other half ;)
      @MainegirlinAZ - remember to log the final miles with your other half by 11:59 p.m. EST!
      Super photo!
    • Coastwalker July 19, 2018
      4.4 miles
      Nice RW workout in dry, 54° predawn weather. I scared a deer that was munching roadside and not paying enough attention to its surroundings. It's been great traveling the roads with you all for all these months. Maybe we'll meet up again on the next adventure.
       Extends streak to 7 days.
      There's no way I'll be getting up early enough to ever be ahead of you on this, or the next virtual race. Only way I would be ahead on the map is after you've lapped me and are looping again from the start.
    • KPS July 19, 2018
      8.0 miles
       2nd Longest personal run of this race this month.
    • Xanthippe July 19, 2018
      3.1 miles
      Good to see you catch up with your mileage entries - just in the nick of time too! Hope to see you in the next virtual race that starts tomorrow!
    • Grin July 18, 2018
      2.7 miles
      Convention walking still in Daytona and not even on the Beach today....
       4th Longest personal run of this race this month.  Extends streak to 5 days.
    • bgizzi July 18, 2018
      2.6 miles
      Plus installed the insulation in the sub-floor of my house addition. Whoop whoop! Sophie supervised and dropped in the occasional tennis ball to be retrieved.
    • Keefa July 18, 2018
      3.1 miles
      Tiki Run 5k, Nashoba Valley Ski area, Westford, MA
    • JohnT July 18, 2018
      8.5 miles
      Ice cream trail run over Provin Mountain and back
       4th Longest personal run of this race this month.
    • KDDID July 18, 2018
      5.5 miles
      Speedwork intervals + warmup and cool down. And this is my last post on this race! It has been wonderful to share so many miles and milestones with this awesome community!
       3rd Longest personal run of this race this month.
      Hope to see you on the next one - and you can post until tomorrow night at 11:59 p.m. on this one.
    • LibertyPenguin July 18, 2018
      4.1 miles
      NYC Marathon training
       7th Longest personal run of this race this month.
    • Shellperry July 18, 2018
      7.6 miles
      Birthday hikes! Beehive and Gorham in the morning then Parkman and Bald Peak in the afternoon!
       2nd Longest personal run of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 310 days at 3.31 miles/day.
      Happy birthday! What a perfect way to spend it ❤️
      @FL2ME thank you! Looking forward to when we can move up here full time!!!
      Wouldn't it be neat if we could all be in Acadia full time NOW! Happy Birthday!
      It is pretty much perfect ?
      @AOMM It would be great! Thank you!!
      Happy birthday!
      @Keefa Thank you!
      Great birthday gift to yourself!
      @bgizzi Made for an awesome birthday! Beautiful weather made it even better!
    • KDW July 18, 2018
      6.0 miles
       8th Longest personal run of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 207 days at 5.24 miles/day.
    • FL2ME July 18, 2018
      0.1 miles
      Before we leave this race and start the new one, @jennsjourney will be in ellsworth, traveling to Gouldsboro on the sunrise trail from 7/30-8/1. I'm going to join her. For at least part of her walk. If anyone else wants to walk along, it would be fun to meet you in real life! has her schedule.
       7th Longest personal run of this race this month.
      How wonderful! I will share this, and perhaps also get to "see" some of you on the new virtual race, which will include some of the East Coast Greenway and Down East Sunrise Trail. About to put the finishing touches on the new virtual race, and will be announcing the new registration shortly.
      @AOMM I'll be there! It's a great motivator and I really enjoy seeing where everyone runs and walks. Lots of races I want to try next year!
    • FL2ME July 18, 2018
      6.5 miles
      Running with friends is sometimes so much easier than running alone!
       Longest personal run of this race this month.
    • Christa July 18, 2018
      6.2 miles
      Duck Brook & Paradise Hill
       2nd Longest personal streak grows to 9 days at 7.75 miles/day.
    • Dear July 18, 2018
      6.0 miles
      Last miles to log in this race...
      And if you happen to do any miles between now and 11:59 p.m. tomorrow, 7/19, feel free to log them!
    • MainegirlinAZ July 18, 2018
      4.5 miles
       6th Longest personal streak grows to 4 days at 3.21 miles/day.  3rd Longest personal run.
    • TomZot July 18, 2018
      7.9 miles
      Tough one.
       3rd Longest personal run of this race this month.
    • Coastwalker July 18, 2018
      5.4 miles
      EZ early RW workout in 68° and very humid air. Not my favorite weather at all, but it was good to get it done.
       10th Longest personal run of this race this month.  Extends streak to 6 days.
    • bgizzi July 18, 2018
      3.5 miles
       4th Longest personal run of this race this month.
    • Bruczilla July 18, 2018
      8.6 miles
      - Jordan Pond, Mount Desert, ME, USA
       2nd Longest personal run of this race this month.
    • Pecatonicagirl July 18, 2018
      1.2 miles
      Walking the dog.
       Extends streak to 24 days.
    • Grin July 17, 2018
      4.1 miles
      Daytona Beach, Boardwalk, and Boulevards...
       Extends streak to 4 days.  10th Longest personal run.
      How come you're there in summer, not winter?
      @AOMM I know, right?! Convention city...
    • Keefa July 17, 2018
      3.1 miles
      Goodtimes 5k, Lowell, MA
    • LibertyPenguin July 17, 2018
      4.4 miles
      NYC Marathon Training (3 part run: run to run club, run club run, run home)
       6th Longest personal run of this race this month.
    • Shellperry July 17, 2018
      3.0 miles
      Cadillac Mountain Summit path then to BH for Compass Harbor Trail!
       Longest personal streak grows to 309 days at 3.29 miles/day.
      Hey, did you happen to download the iPhone app to take the virtual tour of Compas Harbor?
      @AOMM I had read the article about it and looked for it but I have an Android - hopefully they make the app for that as well soon - would have loved to have it as I wandered around the remains of the estate!
    • FL2ME July 17, 2018
      4.0 miles
    • KDW July 17, 2018
      5.0 miles
       8th Longest personal run of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 206 days at 5.24 miles/day.
      You can keep logging miles until 11:59 p.m. tomorrow, 7/19. Then new race begins 7/20 - hope to see you virtually!
    • Dear July 17, 2018
      7.0 miles
    • jennsjourney July 17, 2018
      11.0 miles
      South Freeport to Brunswick - early start, early finish to beat the storms predicted!
       7th Longest personal run of this race this month.
      It is so foggy down here..not as much rain as we had hoped but the night is young. Glad you missed the storm!
    • KDawg July 17, 2018
      4.3 miles
       Back after 14 days.
    • Bradcrazy July 17, 2018
      10.4 miles
    • JillMarie63 July 17, 2018
      3.5 miles
      Had to cut it short Thunderstorm!
       5th Longest personal run of this race this month.  Extends streak to 9 days.
    • MainegirlinAZ July 17, 2018
      2.4 miles
      Neighborhood high-rise apartments :)
       4th Longest personal run of this race this month.
    • Christa July 17, 2018
      6.2 miles
      Eagle Lake Loop
       6th Longest personal run of this race this month.  3rd Longest personal streak grows to 8 days at 7.94 miles/day.
    • Pecatonicagirl July 17, 2018
      3.5 miles
      Walk with Chantal
       Extends streak to 23 days.
    • KPS July 17, 2018
      5.0 miles
    • JohnT July 17, 2018
      7.0 miles
      The humidity was just purely gross this morning. Had to dig a little deeper to get this done
      Agree! The humidity was killing me today!
      Gross sums it up. The window screens were streaming water.
    • Coastwalker July 17, 2018
      6.5 miles
      Early RW tempo workout in 66° and humid. I had decent pacing today, and my last .5 was at 10:49, which isn't bad on a Tuesday for this old fart...
       6th Longest personal run of this race this month.  Extends streak to 5 days.
      That's a great racewalking pace for anyone! My shins hurt to think about it..
      @FL2ME Shins only hurt when beginning racewalking because they are under-used muscles. It passes.
      @coastwalker, intellectually I know that and when I was trying to racewalk with a very powerful friend, I had beautiful cuts in my shins from using those muscles. I think because I never learned the proper form, I just gave it up as being much harder than running. Or, let's be honest..jogging!
    • Xanthippe July 17, 2018
      6.3 miles
       3rd Longest personal run of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 699 days at 5.71 miles/day.
    • MainegirlinAZ July 16, 2018
      1.5 miles
       10th Longest personal run of this race this month.
    • Grin July 16, 2018
      4.8 miles
      On Daytona Beach ...
       4th Longest personal run.  Ran 100.0 miles (+1 mile) in 117 days a PR.
      I hope you aren't baking! Breeze on the beach helps but it's still Florida hot!
      Ahh, yes I certainly am but love everything about this experience...never been to Florida in the summer!!@FL2ME
    • AOMM July 16, 2018
      2.5 miles
       7th Longest personal run of this race this month.  Extends streak to 14 days.
    • bgizzi July 16, 2018
      6.3 miles
      Hot in the valley so we went over the mountain to the coast where it was foggy and windy and required a heavy fleece! Early morning long walk on the beach. Life is good.
       Longest personal run of this race this month.  Extends streak to 4 days.
    • sndgls July 16, 2018
      3.1 miles
       2nd Longest personal run of this race this month.
    • Shellperry July 16, 2018
      3.6 miles
      More hiking/walking around Acadia!
       6th Longest personal run of this race this month.
    • Shellperry July 16, 2018
      4.0 miles
      Shore Path and around Bar Harbor!
       Longest personal streak grows to 308 days at 3.28 miles/day.
    • TomZot July 16, 2018
      5.3 miles
       8th Longest personal run of this race this month.
    • MainegirlinAZ July 16, 2018
      2.4 miles
      Scrambling around down in the big wash behind our neighborhood. No big floods yet from all the rain.
       4th Longest personal run of this race this month.
      Saw some footage of flash floods in Utah last night, washing out roads. Be safe!
      @AOMM yes, I wouldn't have gone down in the wash if it had rained recently. It stopped midmorning yesterday so... but yeah that wash is pretty big! We drive the Jeep in there sometimes.
    • Christa July 16, 2018
      4.1 miles
      Flat Four along Eagle Lake
       4th Longest personal streak grows to 7 days at 8.19 miles/day.  Ran 100.0 miles (+0.7 miles) in 13 days a PR.
      Congratulations on the 100-mile distance!
      @AOMM Thanks!!!
    • Coastwalker July 16, 2018
      6.1 miles
      Quick early RW workout - except for when I had to stop and wait for 2 adult wild turkeys and about 12 young 'uns to cross the road. 64° and lots 'o fog this morning - refreshing.
       8th Longest personal run of this race this month.  Extends streak to 4 days.
      I love when turkeys get in the way. I once did a 10 miler that went around the Crane Mansion in Ipswich and there were turkeys in the course.
      Oregon has Dusky Canadian Geese that move for no one, and the occasional nutria (like giant rats) that will chase you, which does improve your time.
    • Bradcrazy July 16, 2018
      12.0 miles
      Morning run
       3rd Longest personal run of this race this month.
    • JillMarie63 July 16, 2018
      3.2 miles
      Early morning run
       6th Longest personal run of this race this month.  Extends streak to 8 days.
    • Xanthippe July 16, 2018
      3.6 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 698 days at 5.71 miles/day.
    • scottgif July 16, 2018
      7.9 miles
      Final day!
       2nd Longest personal run of this race this month.  Extends streak to 68 days.
      Actually, extended until 11:59 p.m. tomorrow, 7/19. New race begins 7/20. Hope to see you virtually!
    • KDW July 16, 2018
      2.0 miles
       Longest personal streak grows to 205 days at 5.24 miles/day.
    • Pecatonicagirl July 16, 2018
      2.6 miles
       9th Longest personal run of this race this month.  Extends streak to 22 days.
    • 4000footer July 15, 2018
      4.4 miles
      Greeley Ponds Trail in NH with view just before the trail head.
       3rd Longest personal run of this race this month.  Extends streak to 5 days.
      Love your picture! I miss the lush green!
      @MainegirlinAZ Thanks! I do like the greenery. The desert, of course, has its own beauty. Can't wait to go back to Death Valley, for example.
    • Grin July 15, 2018
      5.3 miles
      Shriners Walk for Love at Daytona International Speedway to begin a sweltering FL day....many special Shriners “kids” joined us! Amazing experience!! Rest of mileage walking around this convention city to get here and there. Photo is @grin for the win!! Wow is that start/ finish line steep!? Looks flat on TV...
       2nd Longest personal run.
      Great report @Grin Lot of miles for super cause and you got the main man back in the picture!
      Sounds amazing!
      Good work!
    • jennsjourney July 15, 2018
      26.0 miles
      Does biking count? Did Pleasant Hill near Scarborough to Freeport.
       Longest personal streak grows to 5 days at 13.91 miles/day.  Longest personal run.  Ran 26.2 miles (+11.2 miles) in 2 days a PR.  Ran 100.0 miles (+1.6 miles) in 9 days a PR.
      Anything goes in the virtual race!
      @AOMM that's not really in line with the answer you gave me back in the beginning.
      @lishie - if you'd like to add your biking miles, you have time to backdate to Aug. 15, 2017, and you have until 11:59 p.m. this Thursday to do so. Remember to enter one day's miles at a time, if you want to see a different Google photo pop up each time. It's an ever-evolving virtual race, and rules are flexible, all in the name of fun. Thanks for being part of the race!
      @Lishie - not sure if above answer went through, so here it is again: if you'd like to add your biking miles, you have time to backdate to Aug. 15, 2017, and you have until 11:59 p.m. this Thursday to do so. Remember to enter one day's miles at a time, if you want to see a different Google photo pop up each time. It's an ever-evolving virtual race, and rules are flexible, all in the name of fun. Thanks for being part of the race!
      Yes, it counts @RangerMo used to count biking and she's a ranger!
    • bgizzi July 15, 2018
      2.6 miles
      For the record, I am so envious reading about you trekkers putting in miles at the Park! Wish I were there.
      So a few people have guessed on your photos. Do any of these ring a bell? The more colorful photo has a few guesses: The Bowl (but you would have had to have hiked from Sand Beach parking, past the Beehive to get to the Bowl); Jordan Pond; Beaver Dam Pool along Park Loop Road; or Upper Hadlock Pond along ME 198. Only one guess so far on the other: Northeast Creek, perhaps along ME 3? Check out the guesses on either
    • KDDID July 15, 2018
      1.0 miles
      Hiked Beech Mtn trail with a friend. Love the view from the Fire Tower!
       5th Longest personal run of this race this month.
      Yes, that is great view!
    • Shellperry July 15, 2018
      3.3 miles
      Hike around Little Long Pond!
       6th Longest personal run of this race this month.  Longest personal streak grows to 307 days at 3.28 miles/day.
    • KDW July 15, 2018
      1.0 miles
      walking dog
       Longest personal streak grows to 204 days at 5.26 miles/day.
    • LibertyPenguin July 15, 2018
      12.0 miles
      Yasso 800's followed ladder speed training
       9th Longest personal run.
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    This race ended 07/19/18 - check out the final activity here.

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