Hey runners, Racery introduces an Android app for virtual racing!

“But Racery,  what about an Android app?!”Racery Android App Icon

Ah, yes…the age old question. When we launched our iPhone app in mid 2016 we quickly realized we weren’t off the hook with app building yet.

Well, GUESS WHAT!!!?!?! For all of you loyal Android users, we can now say YES!!! We DO have an Android virtual racing app.  

Head on over to your Android app store — download it, love it, and give us feedback.

Don’t forget to throw in a good rating if you like our first steps toward smartphone equality (yea, didn’t think we were gonna miss out on the opportunity for a good ol’ shameless plug did ya?)

And for all you iPhone fanatics out there that haven’t downloaded the app, here’s the link. Go. Download. Now.