To solve problems, make mayonnaise

Running down the hill on Old Pittsboro Road in Carrboro on a recent morning before work, I saw a big moving truck stuck half-way in to a steep driveway. The truck looked like a rental. Three people, frowning with arms crossed, stood on the road behind the truck. The tow-hitch …

The jelling reality of virtual reality

Trudging along deep in the murky jungle of your personal reality, it’s almost impossible to figure out what everyone else is thinking about a given topic. Do 100 people agree with me or 100,000? Do enough people agree that there’s a consensus or, even bigger than that, a consensus that’s …

Heels for Homes: Racery’s virtual race for Habitat for Humanity of Orange County

I’m excited to share a new virtual race that we’re launching soon for Habitat for Humanity of Orange County. Seven-person teams representing student groups at the University of North Carolina — clubs, sororities, teams, squads, fraternities, faith-based groups, classes, hallmates — will log miles to race on a 1190-mile virtual route …

Holy street views! Virtual reality is sooo close for our virtual races

We are working just a couple of heartbeats away from a new age… the age of virtual reality races for runners, swimmers, cyclists, walkers and rowers. We’re deeply involved in the day to day chores of building out our platform supporting communities of people who want to race on virtual routes …

Turn “weekend warriors” into loyal customers with a virtual challenge

Racery’s virtual challenges turn aspiring weekend warriors into avid athletes and loyal customers! Here are seven ways a store-sponsored virtual challenge excites a new runner about running and your store:  1) Sizzle. Racery has dozens of exciting one month virtual route options in locations like Paris, the Appalachian Trail, Rome, Bali and …

Help club members connect with each other in your virtual running community.

Research shows that social connections are incredibly important to an individual’s fitness habits. Racery helps your club’s individual runners become a community. Racery is ‘unique and highly effective,’ says Runners World. Contact us to learn how we turn a row of treadmills into a thriving digital community. With zero staff hours or extra …