Let’s borrow some fun Apple Watch conversions!

We thought Racery had mastered the science of converting activities into miles on a virtual route, with some race sponsors enabling conversions for everything from housework to reading to kids to volunteering. Then we saw “Lesser Known Apple Watch Workouts,” which includes exercises like: So… if you’re hosting a Racery …

For orphan disease charities, virtual races are a great fit

Sometimes, it’s our smaller virtual races that are the most gratifying. Take, for example, the virtual run/walk we hosted this year for the FCS Foundation. Because FCS (familial chylomicronemia syndrome) affects just 1-2 people per million, mounting a conventional 5k in one location is impossible—affected individuals and their families are …

ChargeRunning out of business?

It seems that ChargeRunning, an innovative virtual running platform that specialized in remote coaching, has closed. Their former website now returns a 403 error. Anyone with intel about their closure, please get in touch. Unfortunately, Racery doesn’t offer virtual coaching, but we definitely provide lots of hosting options for virtual …

Put wings on your Thanksgiving virtual turkey trot!

Planning to organize a virtual turkey trot for Thanksgiving 2022? Good news! Your virtual race can be bigger and better than last year’s road race. More creative: racers can compete to create cool shapes on the map, tracing them with their running or walking routes. Bigger: People can participate in a …