Sometimes, it’s our smaller virtual races that are the most gratifying.
Take, for example, the virtual run/walk we hosted this year for the FCS Foundation. Because FCS (familial chylomicronemia syndrome) affects just 1-2 people per million, mounting a conventional 5k in one location is impossible—affected individuals and their families are spread across the globe.
[Here’s another example of how a virtual race for a rare disease charity.‘]
But for groups focused on orphan diseases, a virtual race is simple and effective tool for raising money and boosting community. This year’s FCS virtual run/walk had 83 participants, and entry fees and P2P donations totaled $3580.
The 3.1 mile route traversed (virtually!) landmarks Washington DC, but participants exercised anywhere in the world, logging activities ranging from aerobics to cycling to housework to earn miles on the route. Over the course of the one week event, some participants covered just 3.1 miles, while others went as far as 55 miles, competing with each other on the event’s “ultra” leaderboard. All participants received a personalized digital bib, plus finish awards for both their miles and fundraising.

Along the way, participants posted photos of themselves exercising.

Depending on your charity’s needs, we have a number of potential race models. Try a short free demo run using our Virtual 5k Anywhere and then build your own charity virtual 5k. Or try one of our inclusive virtual races with a quick dash around London and then build your own inclusive activity conversion virtual race.