Eight ways Racery boosts employee fitness

It’s no secret that physicians are committed to patient wellness, but what about their employee’s wellness? According to the Center for Disease Control, 11.6% of individuals in health-diagnosing occupations are obese. One cause: a shortage of effective workplace fitness programs.  Here are eight ways a Racery virtual race can help …

How to organize a workplace wellness program in 3 minutes?

Are you an HR professional looking for a way to lower absenteeism, boost job satisfaction, improve productivity, increase employee retention and lower healthcare costs? Or are you an employee who is tired of your company’s stale wellness program and looking for a better way to motivate yourself to stick to …

Challenge colleagues to a virtual race around Rome, Italy!

Wish you could do an epic wellness challenge with colleagues? Here are four reasons your colleagues will thank you (mille grazie!) for inviting everyone to Italy… on Racery’s virtual Rome wellness challenge that is. So share this article with your company’s wellness point-person pronto! 1) Cool sights. Each participant’s goal is to log each …

Netsertive wins Triangle Tech Challenge virtual race

After just 50 days, Netsertive crossed the finish line on our 1,077 mile relay race around North Carolina. When we laid out the race course, we thought it would take approximately 10 to 12 weeks for one of the 43 teams of four to cross the line. Having traded the …

Virtual racer participants report better fitness and connectedness

We recently surveyed racers in the Triangle Tech Challenge, a multi-week virtual race between 43 teams from tech companies in North Carolina. Survey respondents said the race had significant positive effects on both individual habits and people’s social networks. Individual results Racers reported broad positive effects of the virtual race …