What is the Sarick Effect?

One of the joys of reading a great new book is learning about various studies and rules and effects that the author has managed to unearth. Adam Grant’s awesome new book Originals: How Non Conformists Move the World mentions the Sarick Effect, in which initially arguing against your own idea or …

More motivational mantras

The Runner’s Blueprint blog posted 53 great mantras for motivation. Some of my personal favorites: “ZOMBIES!!” “This too shall pass” “It’s a hill. Get over it.” “Hills are my friend.” “Just stay calm.” “I feel good, I feel great!” “As it gets harder, I get stronger.” “Keep moving forward!” “Be …

More shades of motivation

In 2012, celebrating his 50th year running in the Manchester Turkey Trot, the legendary runner Amby Burfoot , wrote that a life full of running isn’t just about health and technique. It’s 90% motivation. He offers these tips for staying motivated: Read stories about courageous, life-changing runners in Runner’s World; …

Racery Virtual Racer Profile: Susan Brewer – Her true love is 50 miles.

Susan Brewer is a true native Californian!! She travels all over the world, but will always remain living in California with her husband of 26.5 years. She is a self-employed inside/outsides sales representative with an intense love her ultras – her true love is 50 miles!!! Susan has been using …

Racery Virtual Runner Profile: Aaron Dinin – ‘I just keep going.’

Aaron Dinin lives in Durham, North Carolina and is the CEO of Rocketbolt, a software company focused on a software company that provides lead nurturing intelligence for sales and marketing teams. He’s been participating in Racery races since March, 2014.    Q. How far do you run in a week? 20 …