Caldwell: ‘I stop thinking, I stop worrying, and I just run.’

Alex hails from Durham, NC and works in sales for Blogads. She has 4 marathons and 5 half-marathons under her belt and is currently training for the Bay of Fundy Marathon and the Chicago Marathon. Her next goal? A Half Ironman. Unlike most runners her audio of choice while running …

Rahija: ‘A good reminder to be grateful..’

Bryan Rahija runs primarily in Chicago, but occasionally in Durham and on treadmills in New York. He works in the consulting practice for Rosetta, an engagement agency, and maintains an astrology website in his spare time.    Q. How far do you normally run in an average week? Usually 6-8 miles, …

Huisman: ‘Running makes me feel connected..’

John Huisman lives in Raleigh, North Carolina and works on environmental issues affecting the state’s rivers and lakes. During his free time he enjoys running with local run clubs and running a local blog, The Triangle Explorer, that features local culture and events going on in the Triangle. He’s been …

Sperduti: ‘accomplishing each goal that I set for myself…”

Carolina Sperduti lives in Delray Beach, Florida and manages office for Nike Golf Sales Rep in South Florida. She’s also a pivotal role in a dedicated group of runners, The WeBes. She’s been participating in RunWithMe races since January 7, 2015.  Q. How far do you run in a week? …