Convert your company’s next step challenge into a race on a virtual route

Lots of companies boost employee fitness by encouraging staffers to log steps on a common spreadsheet for a month or two, then giving out a prize to the person with the most steps.

The goal is to get employees to take 10,000 or more steps a day, a fitness level which many researchers say confers health benefits.

With just a few clicks, that step challenge can teleport over to Racery’s virtual racing platform, adding a universe of new dimensions to motivate and amuse employees. These include:

  • watching racers or teams move on a virtual route with avatar positions updating each time new mileage is logged
  • cheering as leader boards update in real time
  • earning digital bibs and awards that can be shared on social media or printed for the office bulletin board
  • seeing Google Street Views of updated personal or team locations on the route
  • making it possible for other athletes — swimmers, rowers, wheelchair spinners — to join the fun

Digital bib for a virtual race

Lots of other features make a virtual race exciting and effective. For  ideas, check out some of our sample virtual races, create your own virtual race on a custom route, or get our help creating a race that’s based on your company or group’s unique mission.