Need more reasons to run in a virtual race?

This sounds almost like the punchline of a joke at the expense of tea totaling couch potatoes: runners have more neurons and can drink more beer. Two cool new studies suggest that the health benefits of running are more pronounced than many of us could have hoped for. Testing the …

What is the Sarick Effect?

One of the joys of reading a great new book is learning about various studies and rules and effects that the author has managed to unearth. Adam Grant’s awesome new book Originals: How Non Conformists Move the World mentions the Sarick Effect, in which initially arguing against your own idea or …

How eyes and touch turn I into we

Obviously hearing plays a crucial role in connecting people. But its easy to forget that contact — whether mediated through eyes or skin — plays a vital role in synchronizing people’s thoughts and actions. Researchers at Japan’s National Institute of Physiological Science found that eye contact allowed two individuals synchronize …

More motivational mantras

The Runner’s Blueprint blog posted 53 great mantras for motivation. Some of my personal favorites: “ZOMBIES!!” “This too shall pass” “It’s a hill. Get over it.” “Hills are my friend.” “Just stay calm.” “I feel good, I feel great!” “As it gets harder, I get stronger.” “Keep moving forward!” “Be …