How a virtual race teaches history and geography

We take distances for granted. They’re marked on highway signs that whiz by at 70 miles an hour — 205 miles to Asheville, 83 miles to Kansas City.  And, as adults, we run shorter distances and know what that feels like — 5k, 10k, 13.1 miles. Some people even know …

How to use a virtual race to motivate a team of runners

A virtual race is an awesome way to motivate a high school or college cross country or track team, whether in season or out of season! Just add up all the miles you think a strong runner will accumulate during a season of training. Add 30% to that tally to …

Using a virtual race to train for a 5k… or a marathon

We’ve had a bunch of different types of runners use Racery to train for races of various lengths.  Go to this page of virtual race routes gauged to different skill levels to see what training races we’ve currently got lined up. Entering one of these races means you’ll be able to …

Startups are from Mars

Is The Martian, the hit movie about an astronaut stranded on Mars, actually an allegory of life in a tech startup? There is not much biographical narrative online about Andy Weir, who wrote the book the movie is based on, but we do know Weir has worked as an Android developer at a number …

Another way to slice a virtual race

Just as DVR busts TV out of its scheduling shackles — “hey, now you can watch any show at any time!” —  Racery liberates races from a specific time or location. In practical terms, our virtual races incorporate miles run (or swum, walked, cycled, rowed) anywhere at any time of …