Inclusive activity conversions multiply participation in virtual events

If your organization wants to reach beyond the pack of runners and walkers who pack the starting line at traditional races, Racery’s got you covered. Racery’s virtual race participants can convert many, many other activities into miles on our virtual routes. These inclusive activity conversions are perfect for companies and …

What’s the ideal lead time for announcing a virtual race?

We frequently get questions about best practices for virtual races. One question is particularly common: how much lead time is needed between announcing a virtual race and actually starting the race? That depends. At the one extreme, a group of tech-savvy athletes who know each other well and frequently communicate …

NEW! Virtual stair climbing challenge: Mount Everest or bust

Who hasn’t dreamed of climbing Mount Everest? If not for a few minor details — altitude sickness, -30 degree breezes, $45,000 fees, unstable ice, giant crevasses — most of us would have tried by now, right? Today you can challenge colleagues to use stairs climbed at home or work to …

How nudges help motivate virtual race participants

Life is busy, and we’ve all got too many things to remember to do. A tide of to-do lists washes over us daily. It’s hard enough remembering all the things we HAVE to do like… buying milk… or turning out the light… or emptying the dishwasher… or changing the oil. …

Relay teams will spice up your next charity or company virtual race

We launched Racery back in 2014 to help individuals motivate each other, even when they weren’t exercising in the same physical location. Each person’s daily mileage was logged on a virtual route, and her/his rank was marked on a leaderboard. Later, companies and charities hosting virtual races for their staffers …