What’s Racery

We surveyed some of you, and 140 of you responded! We asked you how you  would describe RunWithMe and we loved your responses so much, we made a word cloud out of them!!! Top words? Virtual, Fun, Motivating (motivation, motivator!)



Racery looking for a Virtual Race Manager

Do you love helping people accomplish great things? We’re hiring a customer service people to help racers in Racery, a website where runners use real miles to compete in virtual long-distance races. To succeed, you’ll need: great communication skills a huge desire to see our racers and sponsors succeed a …

Murakami writes about running (and vice versa)

Japanese novelist Haruki Murakami started running because he hoped to become healthy and write novels long term.Murakami managed a jazz club in Tokyo and smoked sixty cigarettes a day. “If I wanted to have a long life as a novelist, I needed to find a way to keep fit and …

Caldwell: ‘I stop thinking, I stop worrying, and I just run.’

Alex hails from Durham, NC and works in sales for Blogads. She has 4 marathons and 5 half-marathons under her belt and is currently training for the Bay of Fundy Marathon and the Chicago Marathon. Her next goal? A Half Ironman. Unlike most runners her audio of choice while running …

Carrboro Coffee Roasters use Racery to introduce customers to their coffee farm!

Carrboro Coffee Roasters located in Chapel Hill, Durham and Carrboro NC, wanted create a custom Racery route that coincided with owner, Scott Conary’s, visit to Honduras and their coffee farm in Finca San Jose. Using Twitter, Facebook and email to invite customers to participate, Carrboro Coffee Roasters succeeded in reaching over …