Solo runner Latria Graham battles self-doubt in an alternate reality with help of community-based virtual running races

Having thousands of people simultaneously participating in photorealistic 3D simulations is no longer a far-fetched theory dreamt up by the producers of the 1999 Sci-Fi classic The Matrix. The world of virtual running leaps ahead of VR technology by offering themed online races that tap into an individual’s creativity and …

Employees ‘get together’ in a virtual fitness challenge, turning a wellness program into a community

Racery recently helped Fitness & Wellness Professional Services successfully launch a number of fitness-focused communities for its clients. In each case, the community grew from a Racery-hosted online challenge that was tracked on a virtual route. “The community Racery creates is infectious,” says Jay Groves, the Executive Director of Population …

A unique peer-to-peer marketing tool to boost memberships

Boost your club memberships by hosting an online running contest where your members are able to invite friends and family to participate. A personal recommendation or trial invite from a friend is the best way to forge a connection with a future member. Here’s how an online challenge benefits your …

Convert your club’s runners into online evangelists

Contact us to learn how we can turbocharge your marketing, turning a row of treadmills into a social media marketing engine. With zero staff hours or extra technology, Racery empowers your fitness club’s runners to: run together on an exciting virtual route — Paris, Yellowstone, you name it! socialize even …

Treadmill competitions are key to building a lasting community for your fitness center.

A supportive community around your chosen fitness activity is key for staying motivated and committed to your fitness goals. Hence the rise of “group” exercise classes at fitness centers: members now have a pick from cycling classes, strength training groups and more. However, no matter gender or generation, running continues to be …