Hey runners, Racery introduces an Android app for virtual racing!

“But Racery,  what about an Android app?!” Ah, yes…the age old question. When we launched our iPhone app in mid 2016 we quickly realized we weren’t off the hook with app building yet. Well, GUESS WHAT!!!?!?! For all of you loyal Android users, we can now say YES!!! We DO …

#NewYearNewHashtags — Racery introduces #hashtags

Why do we use hashtags? Well, if we’re being honest with ourselves there are a BUNCH of reasons — from hinting sarcasm (#sorrynotsorry), to keeping up with the news (#Brexit), to making the best out of a situation (#wokeuplikethis).  Hashtags help us filter through an endless stream of digital information …

How good is the Fitbit Charge 2 heart rate monitor?

I’ve been playing with the Fitbit Charge 2 for the last couple of weeks. As I was reminded when I posted on Reddit about the experience, there’s a lawsuit against Fitbit that claims its heart rate monitor is egregiously inaccurate. But from what I’m seeing, the tracker output squares up well …

Fitbit Charge charts a wild heart and calm mind

A few days ago I bought a Fitbit Charge. A colleague had praised its heart rate monitor’s accuracy and I wondered about my own heart rate when running up hills. According to the Charge, my heart rate goes up and down more than I’d previously realized. A lot more. I’d always pictured …