Our first virtual horse race!

Fielding an inquiry from a group of horseback riders in Australia, we modified Racery’s race platform to include horse riding as an exercise mode. We asked organizer Bek Williamson about the race, and she sent this fascinating response: The Victorian Endurance Riders’ Association were looking for a way to motivate …

How to start a social distancing virtual race?

With group gatherings suddenly curtailed, many nonprofits, companies, and race directors are having to cancel their physical races. They’re increasingly looking to virtual races to create vibrant experiences that serve their communities. We’ve already seen a bunch of organizations turn to virtual races to fill-in for a previously planned physical …

Work-from-home tips to share with colleagues

To some, working from home sounds like a dream. For others, it’s a nightmare. Sure, there’s no commute and business-casual suddenly feels like dressing up. But these luxuries come at the very real expense of no in-person brainstorming and socializing, which are half the fun of a healthy workplace. Our …

Welcoming a new (sister!) service for single person experiments

We’re pleased to welcome to Racery’s newest sister service, WhichWorksBest! WhichWorkBest is an online toolkit for single person experiments, also called “n-of-1” trials. The goal is to help people suffering from chronic illnesses decide which treatment works best. (Treatments can range from sunlight to CBD oil to aspirin to caffeine… …

What’s the right amount of exercise?

Many people think of themselves as “active” if they manage to exercise for 30 minutes daily, three or four times each week. That’s certainly more than the average person exercises! But it takes at least 80 minutes of activity per day to approach an optimal resting heart rate, which correlates …